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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. Hi Guys,

    Just a reminder that payments need to be in by the 3rd. Strats have been decided and will be as follows.

    Round 1

    Shared A Line in the Sand (Gaining Ground Variant)

    You’re tired of your opponent invading your turf, so you’re going to draw a line in the

    sand….. with dynamite


    Place five 30mm Dynamite Markers along the centerline of the table at least 6” apart.


    The Dynamite Markers begin the Encounter disarmed. A model may perform a (1)

    Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to arm it. Each

    player should mark which Dynamite Markers his or her Crew has armed. A model may

    perform a (1) Interact Action while in base contact with a disarmed Dynamite Marker to

    disarm it. Insignificant models or models engaged with an enemy model cannot perform

    the arm or disarm Interact Actions.


    At the end of each Turn after the first a player scores 1 VP if he or she has more

    Dynamite Markers armed by his or her Crew than his or her opponent does, up to a

    maximum of 4 VP.

    Round 2

    Shared Master of the Hill

    Getting pushed down just means there’s someone above that you can grab ahold of and

    yank down yourself.


    Place a 50mm marker in the centre of the board


    At the end of each Turn after the first, you score 1 VP if the number of your models with

    bases completely within 8" of the marker is greater than the number of your opponent’s

    models with bases completely within 8" of the marker, up to a maximum of 4 VP. . A model

    counts as two models for determining how many models are on the marker if it is

    alone on it (IE not engaged in Melee).

    Round 3

    Shared Land Grab

    This place isn’t big enough for the both of us.


    Divide the table into equal quarters.


    Insignificant models do not count toward the Victory condition. A player controls a table

    quarter when the majority of models completely within that quarter are theirs.


    At the end of each Turn after the first, a player scores 1 VP if he or she controls more

    table quarters than his or her opponent, up to a maximum of 4 VP.

  2. And there we have the benefit of the rule. Was trying to figure out why it was there and needed someone to point out the wording :P Damage and effects not just being immune. Under my nose the whole time, so yes while they would not take any damage or be effected by the 50mm marker they could be a target and drop the net on others.

  3. If you just want to use McCabe and his box the best way to think of it all is as one big tar pit.

    Firstly McCabe himself will go around handing out slow to most things with his net gun and if he gets stuck in combat using rundown to push out will net a few DF duels and being a push means no disengaging strikes too. Other than that he's an opportunistic piece that can last a long time. Most people say not to dismount him though I find if you need to tie your opponents crew up and they're close together dismounting with everyone in 3" boosts his defence and will cause disengaging strikes.

    Luna, most often used to move up and then use braying of the hounds to lower your foes DF and WP by 2 in time for McCabe to go net-gun crazy. Higher damage arc but slightly slower than the normal guild hound.

    Sidir, I've tried to make him work with the rest of the crew but honestly he either spends his whole time running after them to keep up or slowing everyone else down. Much better with Lady J or Sonnia. Saying that it's best to use him to lock an area down. High powered gun and ripost will allow him to scare most minions away. McCabe can use Keep up to help him move or if you take blinding flash he can use that too.

    Wastrels, Awesomeness. You have to take the cast off artifacts with them but they can be used to move around quickly and the cast offs can be customised to the scenario. Other than that don't expect them to be your main damage dealers.

    Guild hounds with McCabe, as mentioned they become immune to the effects of the net gun if taken with Luna. This also means if you randomise onto a dog the shot will fizzle and the AP will be wasted (Just to bear in mind) It does mean though you can lock down something big with them to hold it in place then netgun it (Being height 1 has it's advantage vs a height 3 model)

    Hope this helps give you some idea's :)

  4. Entrants updated, reminder to get your entry fee's in there by the 3rd of March

    ---------- Post added at 01:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:44 PM ----------

    Another update! (Sorry for the SPAM!) We will have Littlestar Miniatures down on the day as well with a stall set up - They will be taking pre-orders if you want them to bring something down to the event

  5. Another update with some thoughts on the strats posted up in the York tournament and a game I played on Thursday last week.

    Bear in mind this is all from my Local Meta

    First up the strats! Going to discuss the shared versions as that is what is mostly played over here.

    Contain power. No Real change here. Just kill your opponents leader for 2VP extra 2VP if you killed them with your leader.

    For us Guild this has favoured two masters in particular Perdita and Hoffman. Of the two I would argue it is easier for Hoffman to kill the opposing leader due to his crazy damage output (Either Open Circuit or Machine Puppet himself). Both of them are also very resilient so would be hard to take down.

    Treasure Hunt. Having already played this version it favours a crew that can hang around near the objective and tank before landing on it turn two and slowly moving back.

    Again the Hoffball is a good example for this strat as they have the speed to get there and stay together with the resiliance to tank and move back steadily. Plus a peacekeeper with the treasure is just beastly.

    Land Grab.

    Recon with a different name. New version favours key positioning and activation control.

    Going for objectives early on will hinder Hoffman is almost an autolose due to the cost of his core though if anyone has a load of watchers they can be shifted around to claim other quarters.


    Kill more models than your opponent a turn. Odd that if my opponent kills a peacekeeper and I kill two Gremlins I get the VP for that turn.

    Will favour resiliance for the Guild so again looking at Hoff and 'Dita with Lucius and Guardians all the way! Can see my crew for this being Hoff, Peacekeeper, Guardian, Guardian and Lucius. 33 stones in total for a 6 stone Cache. Resiliant and if anyone gets close Hoff can open circuit

    A Line in the sand.

    Easier to do and replaces Destroy the Evidence, just got to flip one more marker than your opponent to score a turn with a (1) interact from turn 2 onwards to score 1 VP.

    Tempting to go hell of leather and get the strat VP's as soon as possible though this will spread your crew out. Can see these games going to schemes with low Strat scores.

    Useful masters for this Strat would be 'Dita, Lady J (For that Melee output) and Lucas McCabe.

    Master of the Hill.

    Just take Hoffman, need to get to the top of a hill or within 6" of a 50mm marker. Person with the most models there gets 1vp a turn up to 4. Take the Hoff, park the ball and whittle down your opponents crew as they come close.

    Game! Shared Line in the Sand

    Onto the game I played against Steve Scurry on here.

    Was 35 stone Outcast Vs Guild.

    My Crew consisted of:

    McCabe (Black Flash and Paired Saber), Luna, Austringer, Warden, 2 X Dogs, 2 X Guild Pathfinders (31 stones). This gave me 6 stones for my cache (4 from crew, 1 from relics and 1 from dogs)

    Steve's Crew was:

    The Vics, Baby Misaki, Sue, Oiran, 2 X Ronin, 10T Brother

    Schemes : I Chose McCabes own and Kill Protege on Misaki. Steve had First Blood and Exterminate Guardsmen.

    I Lost deployment and elected to have the Pathfinders deploy from the shadows. Thanks to their special rules I deployed them on my side of the table but close enough to 2 markers each that I could then place a trap on each marker (For four markers)

    Turn 1 saw the crews moving into position and a cheeky Austringer and Pathfinder kill on a Ronin denying First Blood.

    Turn 2 saw Steve flipping one Marker and me flipping two for 1VP and one of the Pathfinders being killed. Several of Steve's models wounded.

    Turn 3 saw no extra markers being flipped though I piled in on Misaki (Mistake!) I killed Misaki but was consequently Viccy-raped.

    Turn 4 Thanks to the Viccy nightmare I had a few traps and an Austringer left. Given only the Austringer could count for flipping the markers it ended a 5-3 to Steve.

    Simple thoughts : I was incredably aggressive in that game! Not a good thing when facing the Vic's

  6. Hi Guys,

    Harrogate are once again going to be hosting a tournament on the 10th of March (it's a sunday)

    Venue details and payment details in the rulespack but in short.

    £10 a head, pay by 3rd of March at the latest.

    35 stone fixed faction.

    3 rounds with 2 hours each.

    Strats will be declared closer to the time.

    The tournament will be ranked (Rankings HQ is now an opt in system so just inform me if you do not want to be)

    Venue can comfortably hold 20 players but can stretch up to 26.

    Please reply here if interested or PM myself.

    We will also be having a stall from Little star miniatures down. They have asked if you have any pre-orders that you'd like to pick up on the day to get in touch with them. http://littlestarminiatures.com/

    Hope to see you there.

    10th MARCH.pdf


    Guild Monkee -Andy

    MythicFox - James

    Ninjahamster - Paid

    Underdog6570 - Paid

    Snowycragrat - Paid

    Jamie - Paid

    Stryder - Paid

    Scurry - Paid

    Station - Paid

    Normski - Paid

    Mike3838 - Paid

    Boyzie - Paid

    UkRocky - Paid

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