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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. Gonna throw my thoughts in here as well.

    The list I've been running the Hoff with at the moment has been.

    35 SS

    Hoff - 4 Cache

    Spider swarm - 10ss

    Guardian - 7ss

    Hunter - 6ss

    Ryle - 8ss

    Watcher (till attendant is out) - 3ss

    Total 34 stones 1 for pool

    So far I've found that keeping them within 4" of the Hoff (using the Watcher to go after objectives like destroy the evidence) has worked well. Keep Hoff in base contact with the guardian and use the spider swarm and hunter as your main melee power with Ryle infront of the Hoff as a damage sink/LOS blocker. Coupled with machine puppet on Ryle with his gun has helped (15 wounds on Lady J in one game for 1ap)

    I've found that I only really make a construct slow once a game. And thats only been to give the Hoff fast for more machine puppet madness, usually when the spider swarm is in melee with something scary.

    My overall thoughts on the Hoff so far is best used as support to bolster a construct at a key time (More shooting/more melee etc) and so far have only used open circuit in one game. Overide edict has been used the most out of his spells but usually only to remove the slow on the guardian (Cheeky shield bash too)

  2. In response to a point made earlier with the steamborg and soft cover. Hoffman would cancel that out if he was in base contact with the steamborg.

    This is due to Dampening : No blasts, pulses or aura's can be placed or originate within 3" of Hoffman unless it is the Hoff's activation, so the steamborg would not get to use the cloud cover (Though the hoff still could, though that would defeat an ability of the steamborgs as the hoff would need to use a 0 and a 1 action to make the cloud)

  3. Going to try and answer your questions here.


    Flamewall is a definate counter to make (50mm X 2)

    Blast is a handy one to have though you will need three (50mm again)

    Snare useful as well though found I hardly use it myself


    witchlings DO leave corpse counters when they explode (Only if there is a model with graverobber in the game though)


    You can place the first template anywhere within 2" of the target model then the others in a line away from the first template

  4. One I would advocate for ANY Guild player is an Austringer, not two but just one. Having the one forces your opponent to work to take him out, sit him behind LOS blocking terrain and you almost have free reign to peck the eyes out of anyone who comes into range. Also distract is a VERY good situational tool, especially if you have just discarded some high cards that you need. Sonnia also works well with Death Marshals as when they get down to 1 wound popping Violation of magic at them gives you a fully healed Witchling and the Death Marshal gets his slow to die action.

  5. Greetings from the UK! Long time lurker and first time poster here. Loving the game though only recently got my own crew together.

    Chosen possibly the most underlooked guild master and sticking with it.

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