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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. cuddle gun!

    Anyways I have a prize list sorted. So ooogle over what you can win!

    Thanks to avaliabilities the prizes have had to change a little

    1st place : Lucius crew box with an Austringer and Nino Ortega + certificate

    2nd place : The dead rider! (No help to put it together though) + certificate

    3rd place : Von Shill + certificate

    Best for each faction : Certificate

    Best sports : Certificate and Jelly Babies

    Best Painted : Pack of Bayou Bases and Coffins and certificate

    There are several booby prizes so be careful.

    Spot prizes as well too!

    Jo has donated a ticket for the GT as a prize as well. It's not going to first place or anyone who already has a ticket. Criteria to win this ticket is a good 'war story' for the day. So if something amazing happens tell me

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