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Iron Skies

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Posts posted by Iron Skies

  1. Something to consider

    Enslaved Nephlim. Not terrible in melee combat. Can act as a pseudo melee bodyguard for models like Nino.

    Scale of Justice. Can leave it with a group of Austringer behind cover and have it cast LJs see the unseen aura, which means they birds can get around of a lot of WP based targeting protection

    Looking into getting Lady J at some point soon after I have had a few games with Perdita, so thanks for the sneaky tip! :)

  2. Hopefully the last big post for now :)

    Faction strengths and weaknesses.


    First thing anyone will notice about the Guild, we got guns. We got lots of guns. With access to some of the longest ranged shooting in the game the Guild have an advantage in being able to reach out and touch models up to 18" away reliably.

    Fairly straightforwards to get to grips with, the Guild seem to be the most newbie friendly to get into as individually each model is fairly simple though at more advanced levels the interactions get better and better.

    Strong 4 point minions. The Guild has access to possibly the best 4 point minions in the game, while not overly amazing on their own with in built critical strike they do alot of damage.

    Barring Hoffman all of the Guild masters are easy to get to grips with quickly, though reward repeated playing to find out just what they can do.

    Able to take an all construct crew.

    We have Batman (Lucius)

    Weaknesses(Shh, don't tell anyone)

    Low walk for most minions - The Guild models normally only have a walk of 4 so for objective based games they have to start moving straight away.

    Low DF - Again, mostly 4 for the majority of models.

    With high shooting and low melee ranges Guild models normally cannot block other models into Melee (there are exceptions however they are between 7-9 SS for a model that can do that effectively)

    As soon as Guild crews start taking casualties their effectiveness drops significantly

  3. Onto the totems now.

    I only actually own the mechanical attendant and drill sergeant so the rest is all theory.

    Enslaved NephilimT

    Pros : High movement, mask built in for obey, black blood if you want to get rid of it.

    Cons : Low wounds as with all the other totems, only one real use - obey train

    Govenors ProxyT

    Pros : Boosts willpower to friendly Guild models, high WP

    Cons : Kills your own models if they fail a morale duel. Low walk.

    Purifying FlameT

    Pros : boosted defence against ranged attacks, High charge

    Cons : Kills itself when doing any ranged damage, no real use other than to die.

    Scales of JusticeT

    Pros : Can boost the next flips of friendly models. Can swap cards in hand

    Cons : Low walk, low DF, low cast, has to discard a card before drawing one

    Drill Sergeant

    Pros : Boosts nearby guardsmen, high WP, can end paralysed and slow on models.

    Cons : Low DF, low casting value, fairly static model for it's purpose.

    So far only been used once, stayed with some austringers to boost their attack flips.

    Mechanical Attendant

    Pros : Only significant Guild totem, armour 1 and 5 wounds, expands the maintain machines bubble, ranged weapon that can be machine puppeted, can gain scrap counters from sacrificed constructs.

    Cons : Takes wounds when gaining scrap from sacrificed models, target for those that know it's usefulness.

    Used in nearly every game with the Hoff, can't say I have actually got any real complaints with it. IMHO the best totem of the lot

    Luna T

    Pros : Doesn't have insignificant on it's printing. Counts as a guild hound for the purposes of talents and spells (Think Guild kennels does fall under this) Crit on the bite.

    Cons : Not elusive/evasive. Still a guild hound at the end of the day. Few spells to cast

    ---------- Post added 03-03-2012 at 01:06 AM ---------- Previous post was 03-02-2012 at 11:37 PM ----------

    On to the avatars, have proxied all of them apart from lady J's. Not that many games with them still though so take this with a pinch of salt.


    Pros : Both weapons paired, can alter his purpose when he activates. Heals when he kills a construct in melee, can make living models constructs, gains actions when killing constructs, gains immune to influence, cheeky paralyse trigger. Ability to make a whirlwind of death for an all action.

    Cons : low DF, loses synergy with crew. High walk but no charge, only one spell will be used and then only when low on wounds.

    When to manifest : late game turn 5/6, especially if your main damage dealer has been killed

    Manifest requirements :Easy, Hoffman players will generally do one if not both requirements during a game.


    Pros: can boost allies attacks or defence, keeps alot of her melee skill but loses an active charge. Can draw back up to full control hand, spells for each suit

    Cons : needs a certain crew build to be used effectively, zero action charge though may be fighting with other zero actions depending on the situation.

    When to manifest : Early middle game turn 2/3 if possible to get the most out of crew boosts.

    Manifest requirements : No comment here, not sure if they are easy or not.


    Pros : paired pistols, gains flight and 3 wounds, can discard and redraw cards, terrifying. Can gain soulstones from kills.

    Cons : loses gunfighter and only gains it back from charging attack trigger. Turns into a support model (not particularly bad)

    When to manifest : Mid game, turn 3/4.

    Manifest requirements : If the cards are with you fairly easy to get at least one requirement by turn 2 otherwise hero's gamble.


    Pros : Flight, magical area damage, can move pyre markers around, high cast value, strong melee attack but low cb, keeps counter spell but damage will only happen once against a good opponent if that.

    Cons : Still only walk 4, low DF against ranged attacks, opponents that know what she can do will avoid/kill ASAP

    When to manifest : Mid game turn 3/4.

    Manifest requirements : One of the easiest though easy to focus on too much and forget objectives.

    One to add in, left the effigy till last deliberately.

    Brutal EffigyT

    Pros : Object, melee expert, adds a healing spell as a zero action, height 1.

    Cons : Needs a 9 of any suit to cast the spell, low wounds for a 4 stone model

    Not got that much of an impression on the Brutal yet apart from adds healing to a guild crew and a model to replace a totem if manifesting.

  4. And onto the constructs. At the moment my main Guild master is Hoffman so this is going to be a bit more in depth than the others. Also going to stick to the pros and cons but with a little summary. So in order of cheapest first.


    Pros : Amazingly fast for a guild model, 16" range gun for machine puppet that removes terrifying and harmless, removes cover when within 4" of an enemy model, ignores harmless and pitiful itself. Can manipulate the next card drawn, significant 3SS model.

    Cons : Low wounds, easily killed. Very easy to overextend with.

    Great objective grabber and long range gun, not much damage though able to ping wounds off if machine puppeted.


    Pros : High mobility thanks to relentless, two for the price of one peacekeeper, positive flips against models that have already activated. Guardsman so can be ordered by lucius,

    Cons : Cb4 on both weapons, 6 wounds for a large target.

    Proxy game so far. Used instead of a peacekeeper and found great to hover up the hoff while moving about.


    Pros : Cheapest way for the Guild to get 3 scrap counters, positive flips on models that are yet to activate, high movement thanks to shadow. Can slow models with it's chain spear.

    Cons : Very fragile for a 6SS model, Movement tricks can easily overextend it.

    I own two of these. Found them too fragile to be main line units which their 6SS cost would suggest, excellent objective grabber if they are working in pairs.


    Pros : Can boost armour of nearby models, protects other friendly models, has a melee attack that always hits and damage can be cheekily boosted with machine puppet, self healing ability, can push into base contact with a nearby friendly model in the end phase.

    Cons : Very low defence, without the push it has a rather slow movement speed, needs a 10 of any suit in order to protect a model.

    Excellent model for the Hoffman death star, able to protect other models and boost the armour of those around them. Good backup taxi for the Hoff especially if he is in melee. Good machine puppet target for guaranteed damage.


    Pros : Cannot be stopped from disengaging by most models and if confronted with nekima can just push away from her, ranged expert with a gun that can potentially do 16 damage in one shot, all his bad points go away when paired with Hoffman, range 12 gun that's a good machine puppet target

    Cons : Huge target on his head, only armour 1 for a high value model. Gatling gun ram intensive to do the most damage, not friendly and low WP when not taken with Hoffman.

    Normally the 'Gun' of the death star Ryle adds a great ranged model that when paired with lucius and Hoffman can potentially get 13 shots off a turn

    Pale RiderT

    Pros : Same ranged gun as Ryle, self heals when it kills something, highly mobile, excellent machine puppet target, bulletproof 1 (situational) run and gun action. Can gain fast on a very bloody turn, above average DF for a 50mm base.

    Cons : Big target, needs at least one model to die before activating to really be able to dish out any serious damage.

    After Ryle and the Peacekeeper this is possible the best taxi for Hoffman adds a good ranged weapon to a rather mobile model. Mounted fusillade allows the rider to act as a bit of a guerilla fighter.


    Pros : Scary! Paired claws that can flurry and has relentless for extra mobility. High damage track and Cb on main weapons, arachnid means no terrain penalties either. Rams built into both weapons.

    Cons : Without the Hoff it's penalties for flipping low cards can cause it to seize up and not do anything on a key turn, large target and normally the first thing your opponent wants to kill.

    Hoffs primary taxi if he wants to get close or run those pesky rats away, prime machine puppet target as the peacekeeper can get into position then Hoff activate and control it's weapons. Excellent at clawing big things to death or picking on groups of smaller minions.

    Ok constructs done. Will move onto totems and Avatars tomorrow then faction strengths and behaviours in regards to objectives

  5. Do you find Lady J is actually that fragile? I find that focusing her is very dangerous, because if the Lady J player is holding masks and/or flips masks on stoned Df flips, you can pretty much give her the game as she batters all of your stuff for free.

    My experience with Lady J has been playing against her and each time I focus on her she has fallen rather quickly, while yes I have had everything bounced back at me before it's normally been on something that I don't mind losing and then gone in with something else to finish her off

  6. Ok onto the minions. Only going to do a quick summary of each.

    Guild Guard, Death Marshals and Witchling Stalkers

    All good four point models, Guild guard and Stalkers have fairly similar CB stats whereas the Death Marshals have CB5 on both their guns and blades.

    Pros : Armour 1 on Guild guard, pistol that can stop charges, high CB on sword and cheeky movement inhibitor. Magical resistance on witchlings and if they get their trigger can bounce the spell back. Easily nuked when low on wounds to explode. Death Marshals are good all rounders with hard to wound so will stick around a little and slow to die.

    Cons : ALL walk 4, low DF all around, Will only get one or two shots off. Fold easily in melee.


    Crazy bird man! BAKAAW!

    Pros : High WP, high CB and no LOS needed to make an attack. Can have 18" range and activate models after themselves.

    Cons : low walk and normally priority target. Need to remain stationary to get the most out of them.

    The Ortega's - Nino, Francesco, Santiago, Papa and Granny(T)

    Out of all the Ortega's I do not have granny, apart from Papa they all fulfil similar roles with some variation on how they go about it IE As much damage as possible on one target to kill it ASAP.

    Universal cons : fairly low walk and normal defence of only 4. Apart from Santiago they are all rather squishy.

    Universal Pros : Alpha strike, high damage output via shooting and melee for Francesco.

    (Faily sparse as I have only had a few games with them so far. Will add more)

    The Judge

    One of my favourite pieces, above average walk for a Guild minion and capable of dishing out a serious amount of hurt if the cards are right.

    Pros : See above + good for second wave objective grabber

    Cons : Very suit dependant to get the most amount of damage out of him.


    Pros : High ranged damage output, especially against casters

    Cons : Low DF, will be targeted early. Bit of a glass cannon and like most Guild minions rather slow.


    Pros : Paired claws, terrifying. Heals when he attacks

    Cons : Low DF, again a big target. Slow.

    Not played at all with and only played one game against where I made him kill himself so not much experience here yet

    The Lawyer

    Found he's only really good in a brawl, anything else and he's too card hungry to really warrent taking. Situational.

    Guild Guard Captain

    Guild Guard + good for supporting them, shines when obeyed and ordered by other models.

    (Only played 3 games with him so pinch of salt there)


    Against Ressers and Hamelin or anything with non-living models he's a godsend. Slow though magical crossbow with critical strike and good range on it. Can take a wound for an extra walk and if protected by a guardian can be cheekily pinged onto the guardian.

    Guild Hounds

    Not played with these yet only proxied once where Lucius ate them. Will post more when I have had a chance to experiment. Impressions are good pairs for capturing objectives

    Latigo Pistolero's

    No experience at all, first impressions after reading the rules is cheap models to snackrifice and hold up bigger things while getting into position to destroy them.

    Witchling Handler

    Proxied for one game so far, very good at moving witchlings around and lethal in melee. Good when hiding behind cover near witchlings.


    Feel this needs a caveat. As there is no book 4 stuff out yet all of this is theory

    Guild Rifleman

    Pros : 11" range rifle that can go up to 14". 4 stones! They're a guardsman so +2cb from Lucius. Can ignore hard to wound and effective get ricochet. Can defend other Guardsmen close to them and if companioned with another rifleman can take 3 ranged strikes.

    Cons : Low DF, 5 wounds. NO ARMOUR.

    Typical ranged unit. Will crumple if engaged in Melee but possibly the best minion in the book.

    Clockwork Trap

    Pros : Cheap construct that can be summoned for free by certain models. Hard to lose harmless and have tiny as well. High DF

    Cons : Low wd's and needs a spell for armour ending harmless. Sacrifices itself if it paralyses something

    Can see these been used alot in Hoffman crews for a bit of movement control and general clamping shenanigans. Also cheap way to boost Hoffmans cast.

    Guild Pathfinder

    Pros : Another Guardsman for Lucius to play with. Summons traps for free. Can start out close to objectives but not get them till turn 3. Musket can ignore armour

    Cons : Short ranged weapons, low WP during morale duels

    Not sure what I make of him. Will need to have a few games to find out

    Sirdar Alchibal

    Pros : Keeps masters alive and if Lucas is the master he can be sacrificed to cancel the wounds. Can help the Wastrels sneak around with his obscuring spell. Boost DF as well. Nasty gun on par with Ryles and can shoot targets hiding behind big constructs etc

    Cons : No extra actions. Slow for a model that needs to keep up with masters. Low DF for a model that wants to get close but a + healing flip action.

    I can see his uses however the lack of any ranged or melee expert actions will really hamper him. However will need to play with him a few times to see.


    Pros : 4 stones. Both weapons paired. Very fast if hidden. Can also be customised slightly against different factions

    Cons : low WP, can only take one special item per crew, short range on guns. Rare 3

    To me these look just like what the Latigo Pistolero's wanted to be. Alot of use and would make you think before passing them over to take something else.

  7. Ok, since everyone else seems to be doing this I'm going to try and start a bit of a Guild project here. I'm going to try and share my experiences playing friendly and competative games with everyones favourite police state.

    Obviously input is welcome and if anyone has anything constructive to share feel free to pitch in

    Ok, best place to start would be a short rundown on the minions that I own at the moment and my thoughts on ones that I do not have (Highlighted with a T at the start)



    My first master when I started playing while holding the position as one of my favourites she has been overtaken by the Hoff.

    Strengths - Lots of magical blast damage. Hates spellcasters and strong magical resistance. Good as a 'timebomb' with inferno. Cheeky disassemble trigger.

    Weaknesses - Low DF, bit of a soulstone appetite. Very low walk with no movement tricks.


    Only had a few games with Perdita but enjoying her so far.

    Strengths - DF8, See the unseen. High movement speed and fast. Quick Draw. While needing the right suit anticipation for stacking your opponents deck a little.

    Weanesses - 8 wounds, cache of 2 soulstones. Perdita wants to be shooting at something and killing it with the same shot - Card hungry.

    Lady J

    Strengths - boosts the rest of her crew with inspiring sword play, hits like a ton of bricks in melee. Paired pistols for the odd cheeky shot. High wounds count. No LOS to charge etc

    Weaknesses - low DF, average walk. If focussed upon she will crumble easily. Very weak to shooting


    My current favourite Master

    Strengths - Makes constructs amazing, can machine puppet himself or other constructs. Lots of movement tricks. Spells suited for close-in combat (Just where his constructs will be)

    Ability grabbing from constructs. Can activate a key construct after himself or reactivate one.

    Weaknesses - Very low DF, low walk. Crew dependant, cannot harm constructs with his spells. Folds easily if targeted, has to have constructs near him.

    Lucas MccabeT

    Ahhh Lucas, the jury is still out on if his horse tastes just like raisins. All of this is theory so take with a HUGE pinch of salt. Not had a proxy game with him yet.

    Strengths - Fast. Very fast if mounted especially. And if he can remain mounted he has 13 wounds!. Comes with bearskin armour and a ranged expert action when mounted melee when dismounted. With a walk of 8 when mounted he has a potential threat range of 24". Customisable against most situations and strategies. Gives out lots of slow and paralyze.

    Weaknesses - Low DF for a master that want's to get close and in there. Looks very easy to get separated from the rest of his crew. Not many tricks so will need to plan out each turn.



    Aka Captain dogmuncher, not actually had that many games with him so take this with a pinch of salt.

    Strengths - Negative flip to attack him, terrifying, excellent when supporting other masters. Especially hoffman or lady J.

    Weaknesses - low DF if not with guardsmen, needs high cards to cast his spells. Big target, expensive if hired. Not that good at direct damage.

    Going to summarise minions in another post as this one is getting huge. Won't be going into that much detail straight away unless pressed.

  8. Ok, got some time to give a run-down on the Hoff. I'll try and answer this how you have set out your questions however as I do not play Ramos and my only experience with him comes from playing against Mythicfox and his Ramos crew alot of my views come from playing against him.

    1. How do they both compare.

    Both of them on their own have very low mobility however Hoffman can hitch a ride on any construct that is height 2 so long as they start in base contact. This does give Hoffman a mobility advantage but it is very easy to overextend with a Hoffman crew and end up with no master.

    Ramos himself has a ranged offensive spell that will be his primary damage output and does mean that if he is on his own he won't be all that helpless (Armour 2 does help as well!)

    Hoffman does not have any ranged offensive spells and his primary damage output comes from machine puppeting friendly constructs to attack. Without a construct near him to pick him up/machine puppet Hoffman is very easy to kill.

    2. Pros/Cons.


    Pros : Very good at supporting their constructs either by healing/defence buffing (in the case of Ramos) or removing any bad abilities that they may have (Hoffman with maintain machines)

    Cons : Slow, Wk3 and both having low defence


    Pros : Can hitch a ride with any Ht2 construct and then use machine puppet to make them engage.

    Can assimilate any LISTED ability on a friendly construct.

    The more friendly constructs that are close to him the higher his cast becomes.

    Gets rid of bad abilities with maintain machines.

    Machine puppet! CB6:rams with critical strike on melee or ranged attack from a construct

    Depending on the constructs taken can either make good ones better or steal their abilities and make himself incredably powerful.

    Dampening, no blasts, aura's or pulses within 3" of him unless it's his activation

    Can gain fast but makes a construct slow.

    Cons : VERY crew dependant. If he is ever cought on his own he's dead.

    Protected by machines - you can have assimilated armour 6 bazillion that you have just made however if he gets hit you HAVE to take the basic armour of a friendly construct within 3" (Which will usually be 1 or 2)

    Close in spell power, longest range spell being combat mechanic (Heal)

    No ability to make new constructs


    Pros : Armour 2!

    One of the highest casts in the game

    Counterspell, can stop a spell by ditching cards.

    Casting expert. Extra cast action

    Can gain scrap as a 2 action.

    Able to make spiders and electical creations on the same turn.

    Offensive spell that ignores armour

    Pneumatic grip

    Cons : VERY low DF and walk.

    Despite having a high cast his summoning spells need at least a 7tomes to work.

    No movement tricks without SnowStorm

    Again, crew dependant but can hold his own a little

    3. Preferred

    While I have the Ramos box he's still unassembled. Prefer Hoffman

  9. I mostly agree with the competitive feeling on avatars though I really feel that's because they have not been played enough to formulate them to the strategies and schemes. There are those that are along the lines of 'Ok avatar and lose/fluff the game (ie the dreamer)' While several (Particularly the Hoffs) are great as a late game manifest when you have hopefully completed your schemes/strategy etc and who's manifest requirements are something you would accomplish with them during the course of a normal game.

  10. Will have a full reply in the next couple of days regarding Hoffman but in summary.

    Situational booster to the constructs is the way I have been playing him. Getting picked up by different constructs as they move into position for him to machine puppet.

    Spells good for objective grabbing (overide edict) or if surrounded/near spirits (open circuit) find I don't use combat mechanic that much and just blow up scrap counters instead.

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