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Posts posted by Issalbotproto


    I am like 99% sure I'm correct in assuming this but I wanted to make absolutely sure,

    Mcmournings 1manifest says: "mcmouring gains five body parts from enemy models."

    if an enemy model drops a corpse counter and he picks it up and turns it into body parts would those count??

    I don't think so but I figured I'd ask really quick, if it does SWEET if it doesn't no real difference is made

  2. I actually agree with Dolomyte, There is a fine line between Asking for clarity and trolling, He has asked sensible questions and they have cleared up problems I've had, but those are few and far between.

    He sounds more like he's tryng to bring down a whole system that everyone uses just because he interprets rules on a word level rather than an understanding level

    Also, in the world of business, there is a lot more to success than asking questions it is interpretting understanding and working with not combating, fighting and attempting to reword. (also shut up stupd and dumb are words used most often by the succesful in the business world)

  3. It has to be the opponent that flips for damage as the damage may be cheated. Because if it was the models controler, he would always cheat down to weak damage (if possible). It would be totally unfair if the opponent didn't get to flip as he wouldn't be allowed to cheat it.

    That's how we've been playing it, never cheated though >.>

  4. Usually I have at least one D.M. is usually auto included in a game just because they're all around good fighters,

    But sadly... the model I auto include the most... Is the convict gunslinger, he is hands down in my opinion the best bang for buck model in the guilds arsenal... he has some major damage output, trigger happy, and suppressive fire can burn out hands really fast

  5. could not put it better myself, she's better than sliced bread (try playing around with her and guild guards sometime you'll be very impressed)


    Perdita (2ss)

    2x guards 8

    fran 5

    2x hounds 6

    captain 7

    so you get 7 SS (guild kennels is an awesome ability)

    and I basically use all the SS to keep her attacks at crazy high numbers and keep a few for when her 8 df somehow isn't saving her

  6. So I'm getting ready to buy Mcmournings box (I might not be but because my friend might sell me a nurse for dirt cheap but I'll still get the other box models) so I know I need 4 dogs and the chihauhau... and maybe another flesh construct??

    I have my convict gunslinger who I'm gonna play with him a lot probably but is there anything else I should pick up?? Because I was kinda thinking about maybe getting some Necropunks

    any other imput would be awesome (I've seen Bete in play and i've been pretty underwelmed by her cost to output...)

  7. she's totally bamf, she runs awesome with guild guards too she's easily one of the more powerful masters in the game she just kinda wrecks anything in her sights and never seems to get hit (she's only died in one of my games with her)

  8. My take on it has always been that each splinter of the Guild is slowly becoming the thing that they hate or hunt. Sonnia is becomig a rouge magic user with her own agendas for Malifaux, Lady Justice (well, more shown through the judge, but she DID just have a house dropped on her....) is becoming a Rezzer (or undead) and the Ortegas are becoming like the Neverborn (at least to the gremlins, as shown by Ophelia).

    Hoffman is slowly becoming a machine.

    I don't seen Lady J or Ortega becoming like rezzers or neverborn, the gremlins copied perdita that has nothing to do with her intentions and Judge really really hates necromancers

  9. I respect the brash evil of the guild because it really is a state of profit over moral (aka it's business) if it was cost effective to have every citizen be happy they'd do it, but it isn't so they wont.

    But lady J seems the best to bring moral (however cost ineffective) to the guild, Peridta is just kinda in it for the pay check and the glory to me...

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