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Posts posted by Issalbotproto

  1. how does everyone feel about the Gupps? I'm gonna be doing a Spawn Mother game Tuesday I think I'm gonna try sending them ahead to scout and draw the slurids forward.

    Also, wanted to make sure, they are in fact suppose to be 40mm right it's not a typo?

  2. Hey I had a quick question on when the ability ends.

    So as it reads "Target friendly Beast within 12" may not attack another model while this model's prey is in play. While target Beast is within 4" of this modles prey, it recives Fast and :+fate to it's attack and damage flips."

    I was wondering if the second part of his ability (the bold part) expires at the end of the turn or if it expires when the prey is no longer in play (basically will it act exactly like the second half of Single Minded works or not)

  3. That's......a damn good point. :)

    I never even thought of it as having a one turn duration. That actually makes it more applicable as an ability, because at least then if you don't kill the target you're not stuck having to attack it again next turn.

    I can live with that. ;) Makes me a little less spooked to use the ability overall, especially on Marcus.

    I think I may have to bring this to the Rules discussion at this point just to get a definitive answer >.> because as worded the first part of the ability really does not end because it says While still in play, however the second part has nothing specific so the bonus may go away >.> wish i had the book in front of me now x.x...

  4. There's no kill like overkill. :P

    You do have a fair point though; the extra flips are slightly redundant in this case, and the Duet already has Fast, so you miss out on that from Single Minded as well.

    @Issalbotproto: Shikome's are a powerful asset to a Marcus crew, especially because Hunting Partner gives you a powerful, flexible way to ramp up damage (which Marcus' crew relies on for success.)

    However, Single Minded and Hunting Partner are abilities that needs to be applied carefully, so I definitely understand not wanting to mess with it right away. Though Shikomes are ultra mobile, you don't want to pick something that your opponent doesn't have to commit, because then your Shikome might spend half the game chasing it down.

    You want to make sure you can pick a prey target that is important enough to your opponent that they "have" to commit them to the fight, but you also want a target that the Shikome can deal with quickly if possible. If the Shikome can swoop in, eat it's prey in one activation, and then be sitting in your opponent's grill, able to attack anything, that's a really bad position for them.

    Likewise, Hunting Partner should be used with care. You don't want to lock your models out of being able to attack whatever they want willy-nilly, or you may end up not being able to react appropriately to your opponent's crew.

    However, when you can combine it with some of the crazy threat ranges Marcus' beasts can pull off, it gets scary. As mentioned by Wormstrum, a Cerberus with Single Minded can cause a helluva lot of damage, and it has a staggering threat range thanks to Leap.

    I actually want to try a "Prey Factory" at some point with a Shikome and something cheap like Guild Hounds. Have the Shikome pick a Single Minded target that is moderately tough, then Hunting Partner both Guild Hounds over it's first two activations. On the second turn, you can send in two juiced up Guild Hounds, which could cause a lot of damage relative to their SS cost. If they kill the target, it also frees up the Shikome to run around punching other targets. You could do something similar with Silurids, which could get crazy with Blood Frenzy, though I'd be more likely to do that as a "one at a time" deal, since Silurids need to stay flexible.

    That was actually some really god advice, Maybe if my LGS has one in stock I'll get one of those friday.

  5. So I decided I really want to play Marcus, I'm just gonna take the dive because I really like his fluff, and what I think his play style is.

    So I was thinking I would get:

    Jackalope (totems are pretty essential specially when they basically don't stay dead right?)

    Malifaux Raptors

    and a silurid pack

    I noticed some people were talking about Waldgeists But I don't think they compare to silurids am I wrong in that??

  6. All: Summon 4 M&SU miners who eat all the cake counters in play?

    Manifest1: Ramos must (1) interact with a stove to make a cake

    Manifest2: Ramos must (1)interact with at least 2 enemy models to invite them to have cake

    If you chose Ramos Avatar of cakes you may hire Guild austringers and they may (1)interact with enemy models instead of ramos to complete Manifest2 using their ranged weapon

  7. I think the general rule is that so long as you are sticking to one special force(you can't have 2 different special forces at the same time) you can summon additional ones(the rule about having only 2 without a henchman is for hiring).

    See here:


    Yeah That's why I'm wondering if This would be a legal move, I'm gonna play it as though I can't for now until there's a ruling because it does seem like they meant it to be only 2 in a crew not just hire

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