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Posts posted by Mach_5

  1. Seriously, though...what were these raffle tickets for?


    Assuming it was the same as last year, you got raffle tickets for buying stuff at the Wyrd Booth, and then you'd have to write your name on them and enter them into the raffle box at the Wyrd Booth.  You had to be at the Wyrd Booth on Sunday at noon for the raffle, so sounds like you have missed out.  

  2. I'd say core stuff to have in stock would be:


    - The books (A few of the M2e and Crossroads "big books" (1-2 copies of each), plus a bunch of the Mini-rulebooks (4-10 copies)) 

    - Fate Decks (4-10, there's a few different types but they're all functionally the same)

    - Schemes and Strategies decks (2-4)

    - Arsenal decks (1 of each deck, or 2 of each if possible, there's currently 2 different decks/faction for 14 total arsenal decks)


    Then as far as models go, it's good to have a selection of Crew Boxes, preferably some from each faction and the more variety the better.  


    Beyond that, try to get one of everything new that comes out (they are things that new and veteran players may want/need), and try to let players know what is coming so that if they want something in particular you make sure you have enough stock coming in.  



  3. I'm going to be starting an online campaign via Skype or Hangouts and wondering what people are doing about twist decks for online games?  Ideally was hoping there would be a Vassal module at some point, perhaps an add-on to the Malifaux module, not sure if there has been any talk of one being made?

  4. Conditions still resolve on buried models, but the Distracted and Cursed Object conditions don't actually do anything that resolve at the end of the turn.  It's the rule for scoring on those schemes that happens at the end of turn, and requires one or more models to have said condition.  If every rule by default references in-play models, then you can't score on these buried models.  But then why is it necessary to spell out that buried models are never in LoS or Range of effects if the only effects that could ever affect them would have to specify they can target buried/not-in-play models?   


    My head hurts.  I need a caesar. 

  5. This question came up in A Wyrd Place facebook group and I wanted to post it here to ensure it gets reviewed by the powers-that-be. 



    Can a player score a VP for the Cursed Object or Distract schemes if the models with the requisite condition is Buried



    The only mention I can find in the rules of how rules interact with models that aren't "in-play" are in the Bury rules. Among other things it says "...These models do not count as "in play" for the purposes of other rules that reference whether or not a model is in play." (emphasis mine). So by my understanding for the purposes of rules which do *not* reference whether or not a model is in-play, buried models *do* count as in-play. Not that it matters to said rules anyway (they don't reference it one way or another).

    Based on this, I would assume that you can score either scheme even if the model with the requisite scheme is buried.  



    However, someone linked a comment by Justin here in the rules forum that suggests a different interpretation http://wyrd-games.net/community/topic/101932-tara-bomb-doesnt-work/?p=739405.  It could be argued based on this comment that all rules by default reference models in play, and if so then perhaps these schemes cannot score if the model in question is buried.  



    Personally I'm happy to go on playing it the way it reads to me, or however my opponent thinks it should work (doesn't matter to me either way really), but I think this one is deserving of an FAQ, since it seems to me based on Justin's comment that the intent could be different from the rule as written.

  6. Come to the Wet Coast GT and play some Malifaux!

    We've got 3 events over the course of the weekend, plus open gaming on Friday night!

    The Saturday and Sunday main events are $30 each, or $55 for both!  Saturday night Hardcore is free of charge!
    All players attending either Saturday Gaining Grounds or Sunday Story Encounter events will receive a *free* Breaching the Faux custom fate deck. Don't miss out!

    "Gaining Grounds Tournament" 
    Fixed Faction
    50ss Crews
    Strategies/Schemes will by randomized by the Tournament Organizer at the event

    Saturday Night
    "Hardcore" (Free of charge!)
    20ss Fixed Crew, Henchman leaders only
    20min rounds
    4-models per crew, including henchman leader
    Deployment: Every game uses Close deployment
    Strategies: Every game is Turf War
    Schemes: Every game uses only the Assassinate scheme.
    Number of rounds based on number of participants

    "Story Encounters" 
    Fixed Master
    Variable crew sizes, from 25 to 50
    For more info go to http://wetcoastgt.com or email me at mark@fauxshow.ca.

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