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Posts posted by Mach_5

  1. This has been asked a number of times before, though I can't find a Rules Marshall response right now. General consensus seems to be that the additional models get to make a Resist duel because of this line on Pg 53:

    "A model must perform a simple Resist Duel if it is affected by a successfully cast Spell with a Rst stat indicated. ...

    When a spell could affect multiple models, all potentially affected models perform Resist Duels in an order of their controller's choosing." (emphasis mine).

    So, it is not just the Target, nor even just an affected model but any potentially affected model that makes the Resist duel. Once you name your target, any model within 3" of it could potentially be affected as well and can make a Resist Flip, although by the wording of the spell if the Target passes its Resist then no other models will be affected anyway.

  2. As far as I understand it Ausplosions is correct. Blasts/Pulses etc affect models, and terrain is not a model.

    Further, breakable terrain does not say that "attacks can damage breakable terrain", the rule says that "Models may target breakable terrain with attacks." (RM pg.58) There's a big difference there.

  3. post-4089-1391192795195_thumb.jpg


    The Wet Coast GT is coming to Vancouver, BC this July!

    Hosted by the WCP and A-Club, there will be two-day grand tournaments for Warhammer Fantasy, 40k, Warmahordes, Flames of War, and of course Malifaux!

    Dates: July 20-21

    Time: 9 AM Saturday to 5 PM Sunday


    4201 Lougheed Hwy

    Burnaby, BC V5C 3Y6

    Toll Free: 1-800-590-EXEC(3932)

    Cost: $55

    Malifaux Tournament Info:

    Player Pack: MalifauxPlayerPack1.pdf

    Achievements List: MalifauxPlayerPack2.pdf

    Size: We’re aiming for 16-20 players to start, but there is quite possibly room available for more if we sell out early. Tell your friends and sign up now!

    The Proper Attitude: The WCP has long since abandoned the typical high-competitive environments, deciding to give trophies (and bragging rights of course!) to the winners of each scoring category while raffling off all the prizes amongst all the participants.


    • This is a Single Faction tournament. You must register your choice of faction with the organizer when you sign in on the first day of the event.

    • Game sizes will range between 25 and 45 soulstones, as specified in the scenarios (TBA).

    • All models must be fully painted (at least 3 colors) and based.

    • Proxies for models are allowed, so long as it is readily apparent which model they represent. If in doubt, check with me in advance!

    • You must bring all materials needed to play including rulebook, fate deck, measuring device, markers/counters, and of course models and their stat cards.

    • You must conduct yourself in a manner that will not bring our awesome hobby into disrepute.

    • If you are in doubt of anything please e-mail mach_5@rocketmail.com with your questions.

    Schedule: Check out the schedule here.

    Awards: There will be an award for the highest scoring player in each of the following categories:

    Best General – The player with the most Achievement points for the weekend

    Best Painted – The player with the best looking crew (as voted by the players)

    Best Sportsman – The player who is the most fun to play (as voted by the players)

    Prizes!: Some of the proceeds (and generosity of the sponsors) will go into the prize table. I've lined up enough prizes to ensure all Malifaux players will win a prize, including Crew Boxes, Custom Fate Decks, and more!

    How do I sign up?: Head on over to http://wetcoastgt.com/ and click the “Buy Now” button for Malifaux!

    Open Gaming and Demos: Can't make it to the tournament but still want to play some games and check out the action? We're starting set up on Friday night at 6pm and the hall is available for open gaming until Midnight, as well as again on Saturday from 6p until Midnight. Open gaming is free for all to attend and you may play any games you wish during open gaming. If you're interested in an M2e demo, stop by the Malifaux area and I'll run you through a game! I'll be wearing my Wyrd Henchman shirt, or just ask around for Mark.

  4. I'm not sure Nicodem should be included for any "ressers on a budget" list, there's just too much stuff you want available/need for him to work. ;)

    I think Seamus/Yan Lo is a solid base to build from on the cheap, allowing lots of flexibility to achieve different strats/schemes. Izamu is a solid add like you said, and Yin will be amazing for both when she's released.

  5. For any Canadians that haven't contacted me already, I'd be happy to pick up your decks from Walpurgis and ship them to you from Canada. I'll be using prepaid shipping envelopes which are quite sturdy and include $100 insurance in their price. Cost varies by location, likely west coast closer to $12 and east coast around $18. I was able to fit six decks in one envelope at those prices.

    If you would like me to ship your decks to you, order them as normal, without shipping cost, and include a note with your payment that Mark Handford will pick up your order at Walpurgis. Shoot me a message letting me know and we'll arrange for you to PayPal me your shipping fee closer to May.

  6. Oh yeah, and don't be afraid to blast your own stuff! You can cheat your own models defense down to ensure a severe damage then place two blasts to hit enemy models. Molemen are great for that as they can get up to armor 6 pretty easily so you can target them multiple times this way. Ice gamin aren't bad either, especially if you can get them to shatter near multiple enemy models.

  7. Multiple ice gamins unfortunately have diminishing returns. Mostly I like them as an ice mirror (don't forget to cheat a high card then use a soulstone to get a good december's curse off) and Bite of Winter is a nice damage boost, but you can only benefit from one bite of winter at a time, so really one ice gamin is all you need.

    A Silent One is an important model as she increases Rasputina's range. With the range boost, and while casting through a mirror, an enemy will almost always have to move first as there isn't much ranged shooting in the game that is greater than 12" (Raspy's curse is 13" with the silent one, and she is safely 20" from her target while casting through a mirror). After the enemy gets closer, start casting through the silent one instead.

    Keep your crew in terrain where possible for cover, or have the Essense casting White Out to at least protect Raspy and the Silent One.

    Finally, Raspy IS probably the squishiest master in the game. A Metal gamin can help there, but a lost initiative could still mean a dead raspy. I pretty much always take her Avatar to help with this. She loses her long range death blasts but becomes extremely hard to kill (armor 2 and Hard to Kill) and becomes very dangerous to the enemy in close quarters.

    Oh, and Raspy should always have 7-8 soulstones with her. Hope this helps!

  8. The Road to Walpurgis 3: Painting Contests

    With folks likely having a lot of painting to do for the upcoming Walpurgis 3 Malifaux tournament, I reckoned it might be a good idea to add some incentives to help those paintbrushes fly. A pool of 55 soulstones is a lot of models, and that’s before you add in all of the models that can be summoned. As such, I’ll be running a some painting contests!

    Painting Contest I: We’ve All Got to Start Somewhere.

    Send a photo of one or more complete (fully painted and based) models in the Malifaux crew you’ll be taking to the tournament. It doesn’t matter when you painted them, nor does it matter if they’ve been previously posted on the internet before. As per the tourney rules, proxies and non-Wyrd miniatures are perfectly acceptable.

    Entries must be received by
    March 1st

    Painting Contest II: Look How Far I’ve Come!

    Send a photo of one or more complete (fully painted and based) models in the Malifaux crew you’ll be taking to the tournament. The models must have been painted between March 1st and March 29th. As per the tourney rules, proxies and non-Wyrd miniatures are perfectly acceptable.

    Entries must be received by
    April 1st

    Participants: Participation is open to folks who are planning on attending the Walpurgis 3 Malifaux tournament (titled “The Affair at Perfection Valley") being put on by the Bellingham Warhamsters, May 4-5. If you are on the current list of attendees, or on the waiting list, you’re eligible.

    Format: Please send a photo of your entry in .jpg format to me at mach_5@rocketmail.com. Your entry should consist of a single image, with the largest dimension sized at 600 mega-pixels. It’s fine if your entry is a composite of several images, but it should consist of only a single, appropriately-sized image file.

    Judging: Entries will be posted on-line in both the Wyrd and Ordo Fanaticus forums for the public to vote on. The winner will be determined by summing the number of votes across forums – if you are a member on both forums, you can vote on each board.

    Prizes!: The winner of each painting contest will recieve a coveted Bellingham Warhamsters Patch and will be allowed to use one scheme a second time during the tournament. In addition, one other participant will be randomly selected from the non-winning entries of each painting contest. Those selected will also be allowed to use one scheme a second time during the tournament.

  9. @Rhonlore, that was for a single deck though right? It would probably work out better to pack multiple decks into one box. TTB is charging $25 for international but that's for up to 8 decks.

    Edit: never mind, old news. ;)

  10. I've discovered Canada Post's website is brutal. Near as I can tell there isn't any "flat rate shipping" options for parcels, only envelopes. I'll have to go to the post office to get a firm quote, but unfortunately that'll have to wait until Monday as I'm heading out of town for the weekend.

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