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Posts posted by Seventeen

  1. If you're looking for something quick and easy and relatively inexpensive, check out TerraClips at the Wyrd Online store. Problem is they don't have bayou/swamp stuff.

    but they do have 'em at is at worldworksgames (here's one link http://www.worldworksgames.com/store/index.php?view=catalog&cat_id=1&start=3) Everything but terra clips, you'll have to download the pdf, print it on your own card stock, cut it out, then assemble yourself.

    Though beautiful they are, I choose terra clips for the convenience....

  2. ... if a tree falls in a malifaux forest am I still wrong?

    according to my wife, as long as you're a male, you're still wrong.

    I'd love to hear a series covering the subject, assuming a 35 point game...

    A) Per said faction, what 25-30 point army composition is best for each strategy?

    B) what are the best models to round out your army comp for different schemes?

    I appreciate the list discussions lately in the forums about first purchases per faction, or best blisters to buy with a certain master/starter box, but if "Malifaux is balanced faction to faction, not master to master," discussing purchasing strategies from this paradigm seems the greater discussion topic to me and will give me a better birds eye view of understanding model roles, and the strengths and weaknesses of each faction... It will further give me understanding of how to counter your opponent's tactics.

  3. Welcome back! Here's my fond memory of you and your contribution to the forums:

    When my daughter chose Seamus' gang, I used your tactica to teach her the crew. Your write up - how you organized the tactica - never seen that format before... It was concise informative and showed how each piece fit into the big overall play style -- it just made sense, made things easy to navigate and, depending on play style or what crew dynamics they want to build on, gave peeps ideas on what to expand their crew on next without quite spoon feeding it to you...

    I loved how your format became the template for every other tactica that came out after it! ""yep! Another master write up giving a nod to Sandwich...," I'd think... I may be wrong in crediting you for the format, but yours was the first I saw organizing tactica like that, so GREAT to see you back!

    If you have Raspy, might as well build on that, but my vote's for Colette for your next crew... So many masters now that aren't straightforward... their strengths are in their subtleties.

    Anoher angle you can attack choosing a new master is to analyze which strategies Seamus is weaker at, then picking a Res Master who excels at that, making you a more competitive player as a faction.

    Just my two kunucks...

  4. At this point be purposeful with your purchases... If Pandora ain't quite painted yet, you might be short on time. My advice is : Find out what's fun for you!??! Figure that out and let that be your guide taking into account time, cash and your gaming community...

    1) if the community needs to be established still, then expand to other masters to have loaners and run demos... you already have Ophelia, which is mentioned as a great demo crew elsewhere in the forums -- so go ahead and get the Seamus box and run demos with them... Keep Pandora close by to show off the models and get people lured in with the fluff!

    2) the game is meant competitively to be played faction-to-faction not master-to-master. You already have two of the 5 neverborn crews... If winning tourneys is important to you, round out what you already have with the appropriate blisters, then get other neverborn depending on your local community's meta-game.

    3) If you're more fluff/fun driven, then get whatever you want. $50 for a crew box and blister means a small investment to get a totally different game experience!

    Being a competitive-completist, I only have to get and learn to play 5 crews well and I'm done. I know if I start with a little of each faction, I'll always be looking to get all the models and I'm not going to get a second-mortgage on my house to do that considering wyrd's releasing 60+ models every year.

    I love getting people involved and sharing the game, so I've got LJ, Colette, and Seamus for the family *COMPLETE until we have more kids*. I picked up Perdita to have 3 demo crews to intro the game to others *done*. I'm a completist and have chosen Neverborn as my faction; I have Pandora and Dreamer, so I've only aZ and Collodi in my sights as I'm not so keen on Lilith 'cause the crew is so horny.

    In the big scheme of things, my story was:

    *Loved Pandora's Crew's fluff, got into the game and committed to waving the Neverborn Flag!

    *Needed Opponents Close to Home so next objective was to get Demo Crews: got Perdita for Son, Seamus for Daughter, and Colette for the Honey (and killed two birds with one stone: got instant home games and the kids just happened to like the fluff and models of Demo-Friendly crews; Of course, the wife went for Colette like 9 out of 10 wives have here on the forums)

    *Then Nightmare LCB came out... GREAT neverborn model and crew! 'nuff said...;

    *Needed a Melee-Centric Demo Crew (and got LJ) just to add different aspects to my demo games. Plus, son got to add Death Marshals to round out his crew somewhat.

    Apart from getting more Neverborn, the only other thing I might need is a Magic-Centric demo crew (Raspy or Criid).

    Just my two kanucks...

  5. Has anyone got a suggestion about what to do when new players are turned off by the small number of crews?

    20 masters and 5 henchman ain't enough? or is the stock limited at your FLGS?

    I agree with Q'iq'el... any game that gains a following will eventually have duplicate armies/crews/fleets.

    Though army comp may be the same no two people will play the same (play style, tactics, schemes, strategies, etc... especially now that there's alternate and avatar models...) moreso at higher soulstone games.

    Skirmish size games also means its relatively inexpensive to start a new crew. Plus like most skirmish games, though games are similar right out of the box as the player's learning the rules, the addition of one new model means different game dimensions and experiences.

    I doubt he'll ever come to a friendly game where his opponent will only have a Seamus crew; moreover, I'd guess by the time another newb Seamus player comes to the scene, he'll have already bought another crew himself.

    I'd encourage him to start with Seamus anyway... it's a great beginner crew!

  6. Regarding your question about where to point your friends to for what to add next, a great place to go would be the Malifaux wiki at


    There's a base tactica for each master and a rundown of most minions for the faction best suited for said master. Though not complete, it's a great place to start. Then do a tactica/strategies search for your master here on the forums and you'll find great ideas and leads as to what to get next.

    Wish I could give you more...

    Incidentally, here on the forums Karn has a great tactica on Pandora and Dreamer/LCB; Sandwich has an awesome tactica for Seamus! they've set the standards here on the forum in my opinion for tatica write-ups.

  7. I agree with the Voodoo Doll and BAD THINGS HAPPEN

    I'd take the copy right off the back of Book 1, shortening one of the best sounding 40-word run-on sentences I've ever seen; editing an equally daunting 44-word run on; mention somewhere it's a skirmish game:

    "Based in an alternate Earth, Malifaux is a 32mm Skirmish game using gothic, steampunk, victorian horror elements with a schnazzy dash of the wild west.

    No longer trust the fickle fate of a dice roll, in Malifaux you use cards to lead your Crew to victory with strategy, tactics and resource management, and if that isn't enough, you can Cheat Fate.

    Start a Scrap with as little as 4-6 miniatures ensuring a quick brutal fight. Take it to a brawl, brining in additional members of your faction or hire out mercenaries to do your dirty work!"

    Make sure you've got a Seamus and a Pandora boxed set w/ Teddy in stock (Fluff-enuff to get the imagination going), Book 1 (for the artwork and base storyline), decks and the $15 rulebook on hand (for an even more economical start for your patrons)

    ... that would get me in -- the deal breaker was my FLGS owner telling me Kade and Teddy's ability to transposition during the game! Totally hooked!

    Before that I had no interest in miniature wargames for 6 years...!

  8. Ack! Got ninja's by Fetid Strumpet!!!

    Not super clear as to exactly what your first statement meant but i'm assuming you mean you've chosen Resurrectionists...

    From what I gather with Ressurectionists, Seamus is a great out of the box crew to play with without needing a whole bunch of extra stuff. Moreover, you can use belles usefully with McMourning and Nicodem (as said above, you'll need extra purchases to really make their crews shine tho'...). Kirai really wants to use spirits for the synergy, so again, extra purchases...

    Now if you're looking for a faction where you'll get lots of use and crossover with different models, Guild and Neverborn seem to have the most utility within the factions...!

    Just my 2 kanucks...

  9. Awesome, I totally want to steal this idea! :)

    For anyone else lo, the closest I've found so far is this:


    dude! that's the board I got!!! mine came with an asian themed chess set for $90-ish... I'm surprized you found it 'plain'! totally cool!

    the checkered board is held in place by tiny finish nails (more like a heavy duty staple...). I popped out the board, didn't bother with the exposed nails and used wood glue to put it back in frame... there's a generic foam tray that I found at my FLGS for $18 that fit one inside-box edge that I'd have to trim down the other side to fit... I got lucky that everything worked out perfect. With a custom tray, you'd probably be able to fit more stuff in yours than I did my box (insert snicker a la Beavis and Butthead...)

    Depending on how the BattleFoam Toy Box looks and costs when it comes out, this might be a great alternative to storing and carrying your Puppet Wars set!

  10. Don't know about a new master but would love to see another Gremlin Henchman:

    This time a couple of Gremlins inspired by Ophelia's take on Perdita and how much of a hit that was. In looking for someone to emulate they got to observe a Lelu and Lelitu. They dress up in costumes and call themselves "Malicious and Delicious"

    That would freaking rock!

    Great thread! Lots of really neat ideas here everyone.

  11. Welcome to the Madness!

    I know what you mean... it's kinda the game you've always wanted to play sorta-kinda, ain't it?

    Anyway -- You need:

    Rules Manual

    Malifaux or Puppet Deck (the puppet deck is really growing on me)

    Tape Measure

    a system to track wounds (most of the people at my gaming club keep their Mini stat cards in sleeves and then mark wounds off with a dry erase pen)

    Tokens/Beads to track soulstones

    3x3 area to play

    And of course your starter box and possibly one or two extra blisters.

    A great source for you would be here:


    ... it's a Malifaux-centric wiki, and this is the first page of their "Starting Malifaux" section. Great one stop shop for most of your questions, including a list of Masters and crews best suited to getting to learn the game.

    ... I love getting into a new game! The world Wyrd's created is fascinating. Keep posting!

  12. That looks really great! Is there any room for expansion?

    Nope... I'll have enough slots for 52 puppets or the boxed set plus one each of pawns and the Multi-Player set.

    It'll work great for now as it seems that the tray is just deep enough to hold 50-ish Puppet stat cards also.

    Start looking on craigslist for chess sets with built-in storage. I just scored big time as the foam tray is just high enough to hold my mini's.

    I'm quite happy!

  13. Just got the boxed set yesterday and immediately realised that if I planned on painting my mini's and not have them rattle up against one another I'd need something different to store them in. I get great ideas while driving..

    Here's what I came up with:


    Took an old chess set box where the kids have lost one piece and broke another. It's top hinges open, and I punched out the board, flipped it over and reset it in the frame. Centered and glued the gameboard to the cover... Apply Handy Dandy X-acto knife to the inner foam and 45 minutes later, here you go!

    If I don't keep the chits and tokens in, I can fit all Boxed Set components, the contents of all the wave one expansion puppets in there, plus 3 Teddys. I'm praying I just get three!

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