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Posts posted by Lorenz

  1. the owner of the store I play games at is the same way he has the worst luck with dice it is almost comical... so he really likes the card system and feels like he has a much better chance when playing Malifaux verses games with dice

  2. umm I have seen a few threads on this subject first to the one that started it the best combo I have seen is

    feral (0)

    stare down (0)

    Alpha (2)

    often players dont realize how rough it is for them when you start this ball rolling with a simple spell that does nothing to them. ie: feral

    then you stare down o give that model and all enemy beasts a negitive twist to all duels while in LoS.

    then have a high mask in your had for god measure I often will use a soul stone on feral just to make sure I have a better chance of getting off alpha with out using a soul stone due to the negative flip of stare down.

    ok my my question is can I alpha say an arachnid swarm and use it's melee actions to kills some stuff and then use self-destruct and kill the model and hopefully a few of his close friends :)

    I feel like this is just a punch in the stomach to the guy that you are playing against and I would guess he will be hard pressed to let you do it again but can you do it can you sacrifice the unit you are controlling?

  3. * Can be Undead. This really subtle, rarely noted benefit has lots of applications. Nicodem can be Undead... which means he can be immune to any effects that impact living models. First and foremost, this means that he is immune to Morale Duels, so Terrifying is not something this Master has to be concerned with.

    I have been looking for a rules question about this very thing but I am still not sure how this works it says he can "choose to be affected by spells and abilities that affect undead" but terrifying does not affect undead so does he benefit from this ability to ignore terrifying?

  4. yeah I would also lower your soul stone cost

    I play Ramos actually and I would say


    steamborg - 10

    swarm - 9

    and have the last three arachnids on 30 mm bases

    arachnid - 3 just start with one on the field

    that leaves you 5 SS including Ramos 2 SS

    and then you have 2 Arachnids to summon in later for 25 point list this gives you the chance to see how each of your figures work including summoning, and swarming spiders

    now for the belles I have no idea but I bet someone else has a good idea

  5. hey guys this is my last demo before I head to gencon I hope I can get a few more heads turned this way before the new book comes out

    day: Wednesday, July 28th

    time: 5pm -8pm

    place: The Whiz Store http://www.whiznet.com/

    address: 276 Turnpike Rd (Route 9 East)

    Westborough, MA 01581


    I will be there with a few different armies to chose from to get a demo of the game and get a feel for it.

    also anyone new to the area should def. come and check it out so you know where many players are for Malifaux in the area

    any questions please send me a pm

  6. hey guys so I just talked to a few guys that are looking to see what this game is about so I will be demoing all day next tuesday from 4-9pm at Adler Hobby in Hollis, NH.

    day: tuesday, July 27th

    time: 4pm -9pm

    place: Adler Hobby http://www.adlerhobby.com/

    address: 96 Twiss Lane. Hollis, NH

    I will be there with a few different armies to chose from to get a demo of the game and get a feel for it.

    also anyone new to the area should def come and check it out so you know where many players are for Malifaux

    any questions please send me a pm

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