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Posts posted by mylastnerv

  1. Also, you need to be careful against crews that can dispel Protect . . . just something else to be on the look out for, from someone who used The Guardian with LadyJ all the freakin time.

    Putting up Disrupt Auras that cover LadyJ is amazing as well. Especially since you tend to get right in the thick of it. You do have to be wary, as was stated, and don't just go marching up the middle. You'll last a lot longer if you can minimize the amount of strikes coming in.

    Oh, and if you get bored . . . and use a totem for some reason, you can always have it give the Guardian Melee Expert . . . not bad, especially with the shield attacks to finish off wounded models or just put damage on ones with high Def.

  2. The totems are a good pick. With the GProx you get a Wp boost for Morale duels, plus a solid offensive spell to use if the enemy gets to close. You also get a good ability if you can trick your foe into offing him.

    The Flame is good cause it has a nice ranged attack that brings down it's own wounds. This gives you a cheap way to ding small number of points either on your enemy models or your own models to bring them into Violation of Magic range. The wounds the flame does to itself can bring it into range so you can just warp it into a Witchling. Trading a 2ss totem for a 4ss model is always nice.

  3. The way the rankings work for Infinity is pretty interesting. They break it down per faction, and it seems to reset each season. You get rewards like extra bonus emblems on the forums or winning painted minis from the game company. Nothing to amazing to really make you "have" to play the most competitive, and keeps thinks fresh each season for new players to start out on equal footing.

    I can go either way in this argument, as I used to be huge into L5R and actually was up to #8 in the rankings for Ninja clan globally . . . . ultimately what did it earn me? A solid reason to quit that game once they removed the faction I played from the game.

  4. Yeah . . . well Sonnia is actually a pretty solid match-up against damn near everyone. Perdita is the Neverborn master, but actually has some troubles against more of them than masters from other factions.

  5. Kinda throwing a rules question in here, but it would pertain to Lucius. Ryle is never considered "friendly" so the Lawyer's spell that gives "target model Hard To Wound 2" can target him just fine, since it doesn't matter if he is friendly or not correct?

  6. I posted this kinda as a question to another post, but then decided to turn it into a new post.

    I'm just interested to see some 35ss crew ideas using Lucius as a Henchman. Reading some suggested tactics and possible play experience.

    I used to run him with LadyJ and did the while Reinforcements LadyJ trick. Was nice, but easy to see coming. I haven't played him much since he first came out, but I'm sure many things have been thought up since then.

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