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Posts posted by Bigmike

  1. say what you want about Seamus but here is the truth. His crew has great board control when played right, he is amazingly hard to kill when played with skill, his spells and ability's are some of the best when it comes to staying alive or shutting your opponent down. combine that with his great damage output, yes i mean his beautiful gun, and he is a threat that only a fool would underestimate. sorry but i love my mad hatter and i must defend his honor

  2. Nerdelemental, thank you so much, i almost never post because i cant say nice things half the time. I just decide to win with the models that they say are "suxxor" (btw i give you props for saying that) and that's how i get back at the people who are never happy or who keep rage quitting (not pointing fingers at anyone who has quit before because of power balance come back and then decided to quit again for the same reason) :D

  3. Hey man, so my friend and i were the only 2 in my area to play malifaux for a long time. He saw the first book, thought the models looked cool and we started up with the vikkies vs pandora for ever... We played where people could see us and asked if they wanted to try it out. If you hang out and offer to play with people at game stores. The table top gamers will be sold on the mechanics and minis. Plus you point out the cheap starting costs. we have a good size group now who love the game

  4. So, last night I played a 35 SS game against Raspie. I held off a turn 2 manifestation for safety purposes. Turn 3 I went first. The Vikkies go together. Vikkie 1 moved up and did sisters in spirit. Vikkie 2 then went and manifested. The avatars did a 0 action to switch places with Von-Schill. and melee mastered the hell out of 3 guy drawing me extra cards and leaving raspy in combat. Raspy being the only one left now tried to kill them and failed. Next turn. Vikkies go first, raspy had nothing. SO...point i am trying to make here. I would love for the vikkies to manifest turn 2 and get a full activation, however seeing their avatar in action and not even do everything it could do, we dont need it. The avatar can with with little to no problem at all, drop at least 2 guys a turn, if not more.

  5. Im sorry to hear about your problems but i have had quite the opposite experience. I have on a few occasions had to contact them because of a miss pack or because something came broken. Nathan was so on it that at 3am (utah time) While playing xbox heard my email go off. He sent me a message from his iphone to tell me he would take care of it. 3am..... (and they did take care of it)As far as i can tell, he is always on the clock, and for this, i thank them. Sometimes things go wrong, perhaps you should count it as just that. I know being frustrated makes it hard but when 1 or 2 people have a bad experience so many more have good ones. there's a chance that your future experiences will be good.

  6. I for one loved the fluff. I actually got to talk to some guys at gencon last year about the fluff in the books (like Lilith casting transposition on herself :P ) I think the mystery of what LCB is and the arrival of the tyrants is going to be awesome. Will they be more vicious against each other to "ascend" or want to work together. I don't see Hamelin doing anything to help anyone

  7. I just had to comment on the statement of new codex's fixing balance issues. While we may have the constant "lcb is op" topics, its constant. With new codex's we would very possibly have the GW problem with the codex run,(no not a codex creep, they dont creep anymore they sprint) one month its lcb, the next its Seamus. Then people end up just buying the crew of the month and running it. Just my opinion but i like that i know where my crews stand on the power scale for the foreseeable future.

  8. The difference between them (companion and bond) is that companion activates one after another and bond is they activate at the same time. Now im Pro they had to be on the table together when they started. This same effect happens if one of the twins summons another twin. When the twin appears does it get to activate right away? Im actually surprised this hasnt come up before.

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