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Everything posted by icemantis99

  1. Wow... friendly tip: you probably won't get many hits with this. I know a few graphic designers, and "build up your portfolio" is right up there with "ill know it when I see it" on their post of hated phrases. My advice: get some scratch together and give them the pay they deserve. Try "graphic design nightmares" for some other no-no habits to avoid.
  2. Sadly, no. But the fluff sets up the Avatar forms of several masters we know and love... ;-) Should be in book 3.
  3. How many folks are coming? It's my home town, so id love to host, show some folks around. :-)
  4. Nerd, nerd, nerd! Lol. I can't wait to see everyone next year. It was amazing meeting everyone.
  5. Just to give everyone a idea of how insane thursday was: you ever seen walmart. On black Friday? It was that bad. But that's good. Cuz "good" would be bad. And that's terrible. I gotta say, kudos go to Sketch and BugKing. On the terrain... quality was obviously an issue, but it still looked good. We had people askong if they could buy the demo stuff Sunday afternoon. And Eric... I want your red malifaux bag...
  6. All I have to say is... Nooooooooooooooooo, LADY J!!!!!!
  7. Now I have to hate you. nothing personal, I just hate people who get more free stuff than me. :-P I've got to agree. I personally have never had an issue with them, either in person or through email. They've always responded to questions within 24 hours, and have always been friendly and polite. They replaced a foam tray that had caught and ripped on the zipper free of charge, they told me how I could get some more trays for my Malifaux bag (I'm using that bag as a tourney bag, so I need some trays to swap out factions), and they put up with stupid questions. I don't know about the legal issues, but the company has never been anything less than wonderful to me personally.
  8. *Points at "age: 12" in the bottom right of the picture* ha ha ha. Always great to see a nerd rasing a flock of nerdlings. :-D teach 'em right!
  9. You can't target him with Rusty Alyce, unfortunately, except her Bag of Tricks spell. The trick is management- Always use necromantic Sacrafice for a free walk, always use Death's lessons. You really, REALLy want to get levi into melee range, because if he hits, he'll kill anything without Hard to Kill- use soulstones to up hi attack, and whatnot. use desolation if you're facing a swarm, it's a great crowd control spell, plus it'll usually kill Levi off damn well. unnatural asting is your best friend- it'll deal 5+ damage on the right models, because it's half health rounded up +1. After that, use a single nother spell to make a SPA or Waif. Major tip- ALWAYS make 2 Hollow Waifs, and use the summoning trick to respawn Levi upfield everytime he dies. hid the waifs behind walls and be careful with them, they die, Levi's not coming back. If you want any more tips, I'm glad to help. :-) And thanks for a conrats, btw.

  10. Lilith's murderous older sister- she's better in battle, just not as bright. Lot scarier though...
  11. Drill Sarge is a Totem, as a matter of fact. As far as special forces go, it's 2 models from one Special force if you don't have the right henchman.
  12. Just a bit, its no problem. Same with the peacekeepers. They stick a hit high.
  13. I have 2 of the gremlinette and miss. Packs, I'm looking to trade one for the hollow waif that comes in the levitecus box set, unassembled for unassembled. PM me if interested.
  14. I was really worried about chompy, thank god he's so hunched.
  15. Grumble, stupid dev team- I mean, uh, hi! Ha ha. And god, I know. My feet are doa!
  16. I think we tied, good sir. Lol. I've been up for a few hours. And yes, lets! So who loves the dark sibling? I love the dark sibling, I do I do I do-hoo! And the ash and dust. And the riders. :-D
  17. Oooooooooh boy does he! Specific one is the "ashes and dust"... it cost 13ss, sand continues with SPAde and DEs and being nigh-unkillable.
  18. Also, got to.meet everyone. Veeeeeery cool. Terrorwerks: awesome. Battlemech live event: awesome as well.
  19. My chompy biys has a big gaping hole in the side of his tail... :-/ hope theres one left to trade for 5omorrow.
  20. I'm waiting for.the.bus to get to the convention center!
  21. Honestly, its about the source effects. If your model is greenish, and the base its on has a OSL green effect surrounding your model, it'll look glowing. Basically, its not what you do to the model, but what you do around the model. You do need a wash+highlight of the color you want to glow over the whole mini, though. Kinda a tint sort of thing.
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