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Posts posted by durek

  1. Malifaux M3E Launch Event: Demos, Learn to Play and Tourney

    This will be a day of Malifaux 3rd edition events; pick-up Demos, Bring and Paint, Learn to Play, Pick-up Games and a Tournament
    (nature of tournament to be determined after I read the rules on June 28th😉 )
    Whether your're new to the game or a returning veteran player this is a great day to learn the new edition, get to meet people and have fun. 

    When: Saturday June 29th 12:00 (noon) till 18:00 (6pm) or later depending on activity at store.

    Where: Games Nook, 1855 Lassale Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada

    ***Snack and non-alcoholic beverages provided will be limited by Henchman but more available at the location.
    Prizes provided by Games Nook
    Entry is Free!

    Malifaux M3E Launch Event: Demos

    Demos are available this day by prior booking only.

    When: Sunday June 30th

    Where: Games Nook, 1855 Lassale Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada


  2. Farewell to 2nd ed: Story Encounter League

    This league will be our farewell to 2nd edition event and begin the week of Monday, March 4th and end Sunday April 28th.
    It will be 4 rounds, each round lasting 2 weeks in hopes to avoid the scheduling conflicts.
    Entry fee will be 2$ as there is no official prize support this time round (sorry). I spoke with Doug (Games Nook) and he has offered to give us store credit or something above the $ collected for store credit prize.

    Participants will be assigned one opponent each round of the league and they will be responsible to schedule their game with their assigned opponent during that round to be played at the Games Nook (1855 Lasalle Blvd) or Great Canadian Games & Hobbies (
    1410 Lasalle Blvd), terrain wont be as setting appropriate at GCGH unless you bring your own.

    The WINNER will report results (VP score) to myself via email or Private Message.
    If the players aren’t able to schedule a game during that time please speak with myself for solutions.

    *In addition to the 1 assigned game per round, each player may schedule 1 extra game per round with a league player of their choice that will count towards league standings and tickets.
    They may only play an extra game with each player once (in addition to assigned games) during the League. That being said play lots of Malifaux; although those extra extra games won’t count towards the League. *


    All games will be either 40 to the full 50 Soulstone games, so please be courteous to your opponent and arrive at the agreed upon time and ready to play.

    - Winners of each game will have their names entered into the draw for one ticket.

    - Each player, will have the opportunity to have their names entered into the draw for one ticket by completing one or both of the 2 painting challenges. For the miniatures to qualify they must be Wyrd or acceptable conversion as per Wyrd’s policy and previously unpainted as of Feb 11th 2019.

    - Each player may have their names entered into the draw for one ticket if they purchase a Wyrd product from a local store (simple proof of purchase must be provided to myself) of 15$ or more before taxes. Maximum 2 times.

    - Each player will have their names entered into the draw once for each 2 games they play.

    Each player may only win one draw prize; all draws will be made after the league by April 30th. 

    Prizes include:

    ·           Uncertain at this point


    #1 Monday March 4th to Sunday March 17th
    #2 Monday March 18th to Sunday March 31st
    #3 Monday April 1st to Sunday April 14th
    #4 Monday April 15th to Sunday April 28th   


    Painting Challenges:

    #1 Paint 4 models to completion**
    #2 Paint a further 4 models to completion**

    **to completion = 3 colour minimum (with exception made by organiser if contacted) with completed bases (painted/sanded/flocked…). Large models may count as 2 (message me for approval).


    1-  Pennie
    2- Larry
    3- Sheldon
    4- Tyrone
    5- Jeremy
    6- Jess
    7-  Terran


    ***NB*** If a game doesn’t at least have 4 complete turns played (unless an opponent conceded) it will be considered a Tie for scoring purposes.
    Many crews and Schemes in the game are late game focused. Meaning they excel in turn 4 and 5 of the game and its not fair for those players to be penalized for short games. 
    This is an unorthodox, but proper solution for our local meta.

    • Like 1
  3. Summer / Fall Campaign League #2

    This league will begin the week of Monday, August 13th and ends Sunday, September 16th.
    It will be 5 rounds, each round lasting 1 week.
    Entry fee will be 3$ and will go towards prize support with a current max of 8 players.

    Participants will be assigned one opponent each round of the league and they will be responsible to schedule their game with their assigned opponent during that round to be played at the Games Nook (1855 Lassale Blvd) or Great Canadian Games & Hobbies (
    1410 Lasalle Blvd), terrain wont be as setting appropriate at GCGH unless you bring your own.
    In addition to the 1 assigned game per round, each player may schedule 2 extra game per round with a league player of their choice (including myself, although I will not participate in the regular pairings if we have an even number of players) that will count towards league standings and tickets.

    - Winners of each game will have their names entered into the draw for one ticket.

    - Each player will have their names entered into the draw once for each game they play.

    Each player may only win one draw prize; all draws will be made after the league on September 16th. 

    Prizes include:

    ·           Uncertain at this point


    1-  Kerrie / Arcanists
    Larry / Guild
    3- Pennie / Neverborn
    4- Brian / Outcasts
    5- Josh / Guild
    6- Sheldon / 10 Thunders
    7- Trish / Outcasts


  4. On 7/16/2018 at 3:57 PM, azgadil said:

    Thanks for the feedback. 

    Where do you pull the story encounters?  

    Or if you’ve tried many of them, which story encounters have you seen to be the most enjoyable? 

    I’m looking to introduce story encounters to our group. 

    For the basic Story Leagues I mostly pull them from the core book (1) and flip for the deployment and random event for the week that way everyone has the same effects. They like that more as they can all talk about the way it help or hindered them.
    Other more RPG based Story events that I weave a narrative through I mostly still take from the main book but may tweek them a little here and there others for end of big or particularity fun leagues I will draft myself like the large multiplayer scenarios i mentioned.

    • Agree 1
  5. On 7/11/2018 at 6:45 PM, azgadil said:

    I am curious to hear feedback from playing story encounters. 

    1) was it fun? 

    2) How does this compare to GG? 

    3) When choosing story Schemes were they allowed to choose faction specific schemes? How did that go? 

    Very cool. 

    1- I had a good time and from the comments I've received or heard through a 3rd party were very positive.

    2- Our group is not competitive and now mostly with new players who've never played in a real tournament as it isnt to their liking. I haven't played in GG since around 2016; though when i did play a competitive at the end of 1st ed and start of 2nd ed I did enjoy it.
    The real difference with Story vs GG is the balance. Story events that I run and my community prefers are not as balanced and have a very strong story theme to them. There is a primer, overall story arc and usually an epilogue that sometimes have led to a day of linked games or another story league. Other times its a massive multi player scenario that they can team up together against a common villainous force that i play. 

    3- They have access to all the Schemes (even Factions ones) so that does make it a little harder for some than others. However there were no issues that were brought forth besides some players having a hard time dealing with Reva.

    Hope that ramble helps?

  6. Summer Campaign League #1

    This league will begin the week of Monday, July 9th and end Sunday, August 12th.
    It will be 5 rounds, each round lasting 1 week.
    Entry fee will be 3$ and will go towards prize support with a current max of 8 players.

    Participants will be assigned one opponent each round of the league and they will be responsible to schedule their game with their assigned opponent during that round to be played at the Games Nook (1855 Lassale Blvd) or Great Canadian Games & Hobbies (
    1410 Lasalle Blvd), terrain wont be as setting appropriate at GCGH unless you bring your own.
    In addition to the 1 assigned game per round, each player may schedule 2 extra game per round with a league player of their choice (including myself, although I will not participate in the regular pairings if we have an even number of players) that will count towards league standings and tickets.

    - Winners of each game will have their names entered into the draw for one ticket.

    - Each player will have their names entered into the draw once for each game they play.

    Each player may only win one draw prize; all draws will be made after the league on August 12th. 

    Prizes include:

    ·           Uncertain at this point


    1-  Kerrie / Arcanists
    2- Jess / Ressurectionists
    3- Pennie / Neverborn
    4- Brian / Outcasts
    5- Josh / Guild
    6- Sheldon / 10 Thunders
    7- Trish / Outcasts

    8- Larry / Guild
    9- Jer / Guild

  7. Story Encounter League

    This league will begin the week of Monday, July 23rd and end Sunday September 16th.
    It will be 4 rounds, each round lasting 2 weeks in hopes to avoid the scheduling conflicts.
    Entry fee will be 5$ and will go towards prize support with a current max of 8 players.

    Participants will be assigned one opponent each round of the league and they will be responsible to schedule their game with their assigned opponent during that round to be played at the Games Nook (1855 Lassale Blvd) or Great Canadian Games & Hobbies (
    1410 Lasalle Blvd), terrain wont be as setting appropriate at GCGH unless you bring your own.

    The winner will report results (VP score) to myself via email or Private Message.
    If the players aren’t able to schedule a game during that time please speak with myself for solutions.

    *In addition to the 1 assigned game per round, each player may schedule 1 extra game per round with a league player of their choice (including myself, although I will not participate in the regular pairings if we have an even number of players) that will count towards league standings and tickets.
    They may only play an extra game with each player once (in addition to assigned games) during the League. That being said play lots of Malifaux; although those extra extra games won’t count towards the League. *


    All games will be either 40 to the full 50 Soulstone games, so please be courteous to your opponent and arrive at the agreed upon time and ready to play.

    - Winners of each game will have their names entered into the draw for one ticket.

    - Each player, will have the opportunity to have their names entered into the draw for one ticket by completing one or both of the 2 painting challenges. For the miniatures to qualify they must be Wyrd or acceptable conversion as per Wyrd’s policy and previously unpainted as of July 1st 2018.

    - Each player may have their names entered into the draw for one ticket if they purchase a Wyrd product from a local store (simple proof of purchase must be provided to myself) of 20$ or more before taxes. Maximum 2 times.

    - Each player will have their names entered into the draw once for each 2 games they play.

    Each player may only win one draw prize; all draws will be made after the league on September 17th. 

    Prizes include:

    ·           Uncertain at this point


    #1 Monday July 23rd to Sunday August 5th
    #2 Monday Aug 6th to Sunday Aug 19th
    #3 Monday Aug 20th to Sunday September 2nd
    #4 Monday September 3rd to Sunday September 16th   


    Painting Challenges:

    #1 Paint 4 models to completion**
    #2 Paint a further 4 models to completion**

    **to completion = 3 colour minimum (with exception made by organiser if contacted) with completed bases (painted/sanded/flocked…). Large models may count as 2.


    1-  Kerrie (Colette)
    2- Brian (Sonia)
    3- Jess (Reva)
    4- Pennie (Lilith)
    5- Larry (Perdita)
    6- Sheldon (Mei Feng)
    7- Jer (McMourning)


    ***NB*** If a game doesn’t at least have 4 complete turns played (unless an opponent conceded) it will be considered a Tie for scoring purposes.
    Many crews and Schemes in the game are late game focused. Meaning they excel in turn 4 and 5 of the game and its not fair for those players to be penalised for short games. 
    This is an unorthodox, but proper solution for our local meta.

  8. Hello all
    I'm posting under my husbands account as I dont have access to mine anymore due to password issues and this is easier.
    I used to play a lot of Collette and Pandora in 1st ed and I am dipping my toe back into this edition with Lynch and Ophelia.

    I wanted to give Seamus a try as we have a lot of models for him and my husband cant make him work well with his play style (1st or 2nd ed) though he loves him dearly lol.
    Figured with the new(ish) Showgirl options he got i'd give him a try in our beginner friendly league.

    Any tips on Showgirl Seamus or even general Seamus; model selection, tricks, things to watch out for or do?


    thanks you in advance :)

  9. Story Encounter League

    This league will begin the week of Monday, April 30th and end Sunday, June 24th. It will be 4 rounds each round lasting 2 weeks in hopes to avoid the scheduling conflicts.
    Entry fee will be 5$ and will go towards prize support with a current max of 8 players.

    Participants will be assigned one opponent each round of the league and they will be responsible to schedule their game with their assigned opponent during that round to be played at the Games Nook (1855 Lassale Blvd) or
    Great Canadian Games & Hobbies (1410 Lasalle Blvd), terrain wont be as setting appropriate at GCGH unless you bring your own.

    The winner will report results (VP score) to myself via email or Private Message.
    If the players aren’t able to schedule a game during that time please speak with myself for solutions.

    *In addition to the 1 assigned game per round, each player may schedule 1 extra game per round with a league player of their choice (including myself, although I will not participate in the regular pairings if we have an even number of players) that will count towards league standings and tickets.
    They may only play an extra game with each player once (in addition to assigned games) during the League. That being said play lots of Malifaux; although those extra extra games won’t count towards the League. *


    Each game in this Story Encounter League will be played using the Story Encounters from the Main book (or any other 2.0 printed book if both players agree). 
    Each player will choose a Master before the league begins and will be restricted to that Master for the entire league, though their crew may be chosen as normal each game.
    All games will be full 50 Soulstone games, so please be courteous to your opponent and arrive at the agreed upon time and ready to play.

    - Winners of each game will have their names entered into the draw for one ticket.

    - Each player, will have the opportunity to have their names entered into the draw for one ticket by completing one or both of the 2 painting challenges. For the miniatures to qualify they must be Wyrd or acceptable conversion as per Wyrd’s policy and previously unpainted as of April 16th 2018.

    - Each player may have their names entered into the draw for one ticket if they purchase a Wyrd product from a local store (simple proof of purchase must be provided to myself) of 20$ or more before taxes. Maximum 2 times.

    - Each player will have their names entered into the draw once for each 2 games they play.

    Each player may only win one draw prize; all draws will be made after the league on June 25th.

    Prizes include:

    ·         Each player will receive one Participation Guilder (Poker Chip & special redemption currency via Wyrd) https://www.wyrd-games.net/guilders/

    ·         2 Draws of Wyrd’s Small Mystery Boxes (a random special edition figure)

    ·         Possibility of more


    #1 Monday April 30th to Sunday May 13th
    #2 Monday May 14th to Sunday May 27th
    #3 Monday May 28th to Sunday June 10th
    #4 Monday June 11th to Sunday June 24th 


    Painting Challenges:

    #1 Paint 4 models to completion**
    #2 Paint a further 4 models to completion**

    **to completion = 3 colour minimum (with exception made by organiser if contacted) with completed bases (painted/sanded/flocked…). Large models may count as 2.


    1- Kerrie (Seamus)
    2- Josh (Nellie)
    3- Pennie (Lilith) 
    4- Sheldon (Mei Feng)
    5- Larry ('Dita)
    6- Jess (Reva)
    7- Tricia (Von Schill)

    8- Jer (Ramos)

    ***NB*** If a game doesn’t at least have 4 complete turns played (unless an opponent conceded) it will be considered a Tie for scoring purposes.
    Many crews and Schemes in the game are late game focused. Meaning they excel in turn 4 and 5 of the game and its not fair for those players to be penalised for short games. 
    his is an unorthodox, but proper solution for our local meta.


  10. Ophelia LaCroix and the Temple of Ophidias

    What: Malifaux Story tournament
    When: Saturday January 27th with a 11:30 start time hoping to finish by 17:30.
    Cost: 8$ towards prize support (yet to be determined)
    Where: Games Nook, 1855 Lassale Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada



    With the raid on the Carver’s private pumpkin patch completed and Ophilia LaCroix having stolen the most amount of the Carver’s power (Lilith and Titania also taking some) things temporarily have settled back to normal in Malifaux.

    While the other “masters” had their own nefarious purposes for the pilfered arcane goods; Ophelia’s involvement was a mystery to all. To her it was simple; everyone else was going there and she wanted to see why.
    With her many motes of the power to use as she saw fit to further arcane knowledge, Ophelia simply ate most of them as was her right as Boss.
    With this meal came great indigestion for her and her Kin. She even had visions that night of her in the jungle region of Malifaux scaling the heights of a stepped temple.
    She has decided to see these visions through and has begun doing some “research”; capturing and interrogating human scholars and explorers, some of which got away.
    With the escapes came news of a Gremlin pilgrimages to a temple full of gold or arcane wealth and power.
    Many spies are busy these nights in Malifaux and the Bayou. Raids are conducted for supplies and knowledge while all wait and see where Ophelia and her Kin head; some already have ideas where she will go.


    Tournament Special rules:

    -          Each player must pick a Faction and Master and continue with those same two for the entire event; though the rest of the crew may change each game, following the rules for each game.
    -          Each game will be 5 rounds and MUST finish 4 rounds of play to be considered Won or Lost, otherwise it will be scored a Draw.
    -          Please familiarise yourself with Game one and two scenarios ahead of time.
    -          There will be 5 min between rounds.
    All Schemes are available; choose 2 for each game. You MAY NOT REPEAT the same Schemes in the tournament except A Line in the Sand.


    Game 1: Destroy Evidence [Crows] - 50 Soulstones – 120 min
    Master and their proxies are hunting for leads and information as to what and where this supposed Temple of Ophidias is.

    - Must have 1 Master and 1 Henchman, the rest is up to you within normal rules
    - Players must flip for Attacker/Defender

    Game 2: Escort [Masks] - 40 Soulstones – 100 min
    Weeks have gone by; the race is on and the crews are moving. They raid each other’s supplies as they make their way South East of Malifaux far past the Bayou towards the Temple.

    - Must have 1 Master, the rest is up to you within normal rules
    - Players must flip for Attacker/Defender

    Game 3: The Temple of Ophidias - 15 Soulstones – 120 min
    *Fluff to be given as the game begins

    - Must have 1 Master and NO Henchman, the rest is up to you within normal rules
    - This will be a (semi) cooperative game. Players can face the common threat (run by the TO) together, or fight amongst themselves.
    After all; its Malifaux and bad things happen.

    ***As previously mentioned at the Night of the Carver tournament; if Kerrie, Pennie and Josh use their previous Masters (Ophilia, Lilith, Titania respectively) from Night of the Carver they will get a one-time bonus in the last round of the tournament; draw 2 cards once whenever they want.

  11. Malifaux Event Evening: Night of the Carver

    This will be an evening of Malifaux; featuring "Carver" events, custom scenarios, side games, snack and non-alcoholic beverages provided.

    When: Sunday, October 29th from 17:00 to 22:00

    Where: Games Nook, 1855 Lassale Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada

    Entry is Free!
    Some prizes available.

  12. Story Encounter League

    This league will begin the week of Friday, September 29th and end Thursday, November 23rd. It will be 4 rounds each round lasting 2 weeks in hopes to avoid the scheduling conflicts from the Beginner League.

    Entry fee will be 10$ and will go towards prize support with a current max of 8 players.

    Participants will be assigned one opponent each round of the league and they will be responsible to schedule their game with their assigned opponent during that round to be preferably played at the Games Nook (1855 Lassale Blvd).
    The winner will report results (VP score) to myself via email or Private Message. If the players aren’t able to schedule a game during that time please speak with myself for solutions.

    *In addition to the 1 assigned game per round, each player may schedule 1 extra game per round with a league player of their choice (including myself, although I will not participate in the regular pairings if we have an even number of players) that will count towards league standings and tickets.
    They may only play an extra game with each player once (in addition to assigned games) during the League. That being said play lots of Malifaux; although those extra extra games won’t count towards the League. :)


    Each game in this Story Encounter League will be played using the Story Encounters from the Main book (or any other 2.0 printed book if both players agree). 
    Each player will choose a Master before the league begins and will be restricted to that Master for the entire league, though their crew may be chosen as normal each game.
    All games will be full 50 Soulstone games, so please be courteous to your opponent and arrive at the agreed upon time and ready to play.

    - Winners of each game will have their names entered into the draw for one ticket.

    - Each player, will have the opportunity to have their names entered into the draw for one ticket by completing one or both of the 2 painting challenges. For the miniatures to qualify they must be Wyrd or acceptable conversion as per Wyrd’s policy and previously unpainted as of Sep 22nd 2017.

    - Each player may have their names entered into the draw for one ticket if they purchase a Wyrd product from a local store (simple proof of purchase must be provided to myself) of 20$ or more before taxes. Maximum 2 times.

    - Each player will have their names entered into the draw once for each 2 games they play.

    Each player may only win one draw prize; all draws will be made after the league on November 24th.

    Prizes include:

    ·         Each player will receive one Participation Guilder (Poker Chip & special redemption currency via Wyrd) https://www.wyrd-games.net/guilders/

    ·         2 Draws of Wyrd’s Small Mystery Boxes (a random special edition figure)

    ·         Possibility of more



    #1 Friday September 29th to Thursday October 12th

    #2 Friday October 13th to Thursday October 26th

    #3 Friday October 27th to Thursday November 9th

    #4 Friday November 10th to Thursday November 23rd 


    Painting Challenges:


    #1 Paint 4 models to completion*
    #2 Paint a further 4 models to completion*


    *to completion = 3 colour minimum (with exception made by organiser if contacted) with completed bases (painted/sanded/flocked…). Large models may count as 2.

  13. Ya this is the same problem we are running into.
    Combat seems very deadly. We played 2 Penny Dreadful One Offs and failed both times tonight. One only one of the 3 of us had the skill needed to complete the Ongoing Challenge the other 2 just stood around doing nothing. The other we got overrun by NPCs. The TN for NPCs seem very high considering the players flip all the the cards so we get all the high cards usually in negative twists lol and all the low ones also.

    Is there any youtube video tutorials or something? Are we also doing something wrong?

    • Like 1
  14. My wife is FMing this game (her first time running any RPG) and she has a question for the community before tonight's first game.

    - Say a player passes a Toughness challenge to remain conscious; would their wounds remain at zero or would it go to 1 wound?

    - If you have points in a Magic skill but dont have a grimoir, can you not do magic? 

    - Do you have to know an Immuto for every Magia or is a blanket Immuto?


    thank you in advance,
    Durek's wife

  15. Just starting with TtB 2.0 and honestly first time really playing them game even though we backed it.
    Took Throw Weapon as a skill but want to use knives and such but the only options are hand axes, javelins and gates spears which are not what i want for my character. Did I miss something or is there houserules already? I seen the same issue in 1.0 when i did a search.

  16. There will an upcoming Malifaux  demos sessions at the Games Nook.


    • Wednesday September 6th, between 1700 to 1900
    • Wednesday September 13th, between 1700 to 1900


    Games Nook, 1855 Lassale Blvd, Sudbury, ON, Canada

    please PM if interested; hope to see some of you there :)

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