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Everything posted by rbiddle

  1. I like the gloves... I have to hide this thread from my wife now since she may make me repaint my Lady J if she sees this.
  2. I'm lucky enough to live near 2 FLGSs that are both doing pretty well still. I try my best to support both of them over online retailers, but occasionally I'll go for the online discounts. Both FLGSs often run tournaments or leagues with a reasonable entry fee, and I think that helps offset their costs a little bit, but not much. One has started selling drinks/snacks and offering fast food runs for customers (for a fee) and that has caught on amazingly well. It's pricey @ $5-7 plus the cost of the food, but I know ALOT of the local players use the service (I've splurged for it on occasion).
  3. Malifaux is hurting my larger-scale gaming... I'm playing a lot less 40k and WFB, but I'm still enjoying other skirmish games like Mordheim. A big part of it is that my FLGS seems like we've all kinda burned out on Warhammer and needed something short, quick and entertaining. Having a game that can be played in 45 minutes or so is WONDERFUL right now.
  4. I did the opposite and was happy with my results on Lady Justice. I started with a gray basecoat and then gave it a very heavy blue wash followed up by a fairly heavy 50:50 mix of blue/black washes and the finished it was a light black wash. I thought he end result looked pretty good, but I may try the above suggestion and go from dark to light next time. I'm not brave enough to do the cross-hatching for the details though; that's a bit out of my league.
  5. I'm new to the forums (and new to Malifaux really)... I've been playing a few games at the local gaming stores near me in Spring/The Woodlands. Anyone else in the area playing? and if so where?
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