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Posts posted by AvatarForm

  1. Without having both pieces in front of me, I can't say for certain. I think it will work though. 40K may be "heroic" in scale, but it's also 28mm as opposed to 32mm. In addition this application will use the head as a helmet, providing additional lee-way. I've used other GW parts for Malifaux conversions, and not seen much discrepancy in the scales.

    Even if the whole head is too big, all Thechosenone is really after is the face. He can cut that away from the rest of the helmet with a sharp knife, saw or file off Ramos' face and glue the deathmask in place. Since he's planning to cover the whole thing with a hood anyway, it's actually a better way to go than a full headswap; which could cause more damage to the figure.

    Your assumption is incorrect.

    40k "heroic" scaled heads are huge compared to the malifaux scale. Malifaux is closer to a true scale and more realistic, while 40k has enlarged heads and weapons.

    Your suggestion to cut away the mask would still mean that it would retain its original scale and appear too large. Remembering, the mask covers the entire frontal dimensions of the head. This could even be exaggerated by the cowl over this.

  2. Swap a Blood Angels player of a spare sanguinary guard death mask head. Then all you'll need to do is trim the halo off and putty the hood on.

    This will not work due to the heroic scaling of the Sang Guard heads.

    Unless you want your ramos looking like a bobble-head or Mr Mackey (South Park)

  3. Hi all,

    I have created this thread to discuss the recent/current behaviour in the streets of Vancouver, Canada, which was incited by a loss in the Stanley Cup.

    Now, we all understand that hockey is mroe than a sport to some people. it appears to be held as a religion to these fans of the Canucks (sp).

    I find the behaviour that is being screened by the media simply disgusting. However, upon remarking to a friend who lives in Montreal, this is nthing compared to the last time this happened...

    What are your thoughts?

    NB. There is enough footage on YouTube to explain this where words fail, however, much of it contains language, and I am hesitant to post them.

    However, there is a particularly entertaining video of someone receiving a flashbang grenade to the junk/crotch.

  4. photo.jpg

    I don't know if link will work, i work for myself and have two young kids so it a while back I set up the tray of paints and too my stuff to work, I paint my Mali stuff in my lunch break in my van at work!

    That's dedication!

    I too do not have a permanent setup any more... the cyclone took mine with it.

  5. 251246_216475368387448_100000749604161_687127_2142946_n.jpg

    Just finished doing the putty work so I glued in the pins and I just have to wait for the putty to dry. Personally I suck at modelling my own stuff but I decided to give it a try and I do say I'm proud. Whatcha guys think?

    Very nice. Are you doing a version for the split?

  6. Thanks for the links!

    I might have missed sonething but the first video seemed to miss a few steps and in the end just said to paint the blade grey and highlight the edges white...

    The second video was much more helpful though - I hadn't thought of looking at YouTube for videos but I've had a good browse mow and there's plenty of tips to absorb.



    Mike, you are correct about the first video, it is simply an ad for a DvD and doesnt teach you diddly squat. The second is a rough example, but to really learn you will need to sit down and practice this with someone who already knows how to paint NMM/SENMM.

  7. Hm, maybe if some gaming company made deodorant, gamers would actually wear it! Hear me, Wyrd? Malifaux deodorant. Five different scents, one for each faction.

    I actually suggested that AUSCON next year acquires some of its backing from a deodorant manufacturer and provides free or discounted "samples" for use by attendees.

  8. Another option depending on how cheaply you can source them is pulling apart wind up toys or those pull back/push cars from discount stores... usually the motors in those things contain a couple springs, 3-5 cogs, and some interesting gubbins.

    For my spiders I mounted them on the little metal disc that holds the wick inside a tea candle (perfect size and already a magnetic alloy so I only needed one magnet on the base)


    You can also go into a Camera Shop/Photo processor and ask for the used dispposable cameras. They contain all sorts of funky gidgets ans gadgets... springs, cogs, wheels, circuitry...

    I have a heap of them which I hoped to use in an expanded Ramos crew and diorama, but I never got the time and ended up selling my Ramos crew.

  9. I understood the 'Decembers Pawn' rule to state that when you 'play or flip' the black joker you get to draw two cards, and as discarding isn't the same I didn't believe it triggered that ability?

    I would have to check on that, but the matter is it is not always a negative to have it in your hand when playing Raspy... sometimes, if you are losing the flip anyways, you can cheat "down" and play it in order to get the required trigger.

  10. I'm amazed no one's suggested the ultimate song to work out to yet. Eye of the Tiger by Survivor :D

    Except greater songs have made it ahead of that... mostly from the 1980's Transformers Movie OST...





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