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Posts posted by AvatarForm

  1. LoL, I quite liked that version, it worked in the album it was recorded for. But then again I'm of the opinion that it's pointless doing a cover if you don't bring something new to the song. Why just sing it the same way as the original band.

    This is one of my favourite covers for that very reason.

    Is it new? Yes.

    Do I enjoy it? No, it is an abomination.

  2. I like the mini, but for some reason I can't see the benefit of a tortoise...

    I mean, its not like he could charge dramatically into battle is it? ;)

    "Charge! Just give us a few minutes will you? cheers"

    I imagine he is on par or greater in MA skill than the master from Kill Bill...

    He doesnt need to charge when he can kill you at his leisure.

  3. Hi all,

    Will GW's recent tomfoolery, I have decided that this army isnt worth finishing for myself and will instead focus on my space wolves.

    When something is cleaned or assembled it has been bathed in soapy water for better paint adhesion, had all excess flash/mould lines removed and is prepared ot the standard that I would paint tabletop. If I were painting to competition standard they would also have a gesso wash or a milliput wash. So anything out of blister that I say is assembled is at a good level.

    Here is the list:

    Sisters of Battle

    7 SoB w Bolter - $30

    2 Flamers - $17

    1 MM - $8.5

    1 SSuperior with Maul - $11

    4 Servitors w MM - $24

    3 Servitors w HB - $18

    4 close combat servitors - $24

    1 painted preacher/missionary - $9.5

    1 Inq with Bolter and Grimoire - $12.5

    1 Vindicare assassin (painted to tabletop) - $12.5

    1 FW Repressor conversion kit: $30

    I am asking 50% AUS RRP + postage. Obviously, this will favour AUS buyers.

    #Preferences will go to whomever buys bulk, as I wish to move these. If someone takes the lot, I also have some painted models and henchmen that may be of interest.


    8 swooping hawks + exarch, some paint on the hawks, exarch is half painted in greys

    6 spiders + exarch - mostly undercoated black

    7 dark reapers + 2 exarches, one of the 2/3rd ed with the web of skulls, the other is the more recent with Shuriken Cannon - exarches are tabletop, reapers are part painted in a white scheme

    Phoenix Lord Karandras, bare metal

    Autarch with jump pack

    Death Jester, part painted

    Maugan Ra, painted to tabletop

    Eldrad, painted to tabletop

    Iyanden Special Autarch character, bare metal

    Farseer, cleaned and assembled, bare metal

    5 banshees + exarch - half are painted to tabletop standard, the exarch is part of the half only basecoated black

    1 wraithlord assembled, posed to be holding a sword in both hands, weapons are still on sprue

    1 falcon I rescused from a kid at club that has been primed midnight blue and has some yellow/orange tracing of the edges it has a lance on it but can provide a second weapon from the sprue

    1 War walker painted up in Biel-Tan colours - fine free-hand detail on the canopy, base is left black so you can base it to suit your army

    1 avatar painted up in cool colour scheme, based for tabletop

    1 wraithlord still on sprue

    3 Wave serpents still on sprue

    5 Fire dragons + exarch with flamer painted tabletop and based

    2 metal weapons platform teams - they have multilasers and werent painted by me but they are tabletop

    I am asking 50% AUS RRP + postage. Obviously, this will favour AUS buyers.

    #Preferences will go to whomever buys bulk, as I wish to move these. If someone takes the lot, I will throw in 20 guardians free, they are half stripped as they were crippled by the previous owner.

  4. Mate, ask the boys on Oz Painters about how to do up a milliput wash. That should kill the bubbles without obscuring the detail, and is still sandable.

    Also, apparently cheapie scouring pads can kill mold lines on plastic (saw this at Turelio's the other day).... maybe worth trying on FineCa$t? Doubt that'll help on edges, but on any built up ridged areas (knuckles, odd spots in the leg armour etc) that might be worth looking at.


    Thanks Jose!

    I already asked there... no responses yet.

    Those scouring pads may help on my space wolves... but the finecast does not take well to cleaning... I became quite frustrated while cleaning this mini.

    As many castrated Terror Tots will attest, metal is not a guarantee of that. :P

    Seriously though, the difficulties at telling what is the injection point and what is the design are clearly "design" problems and not material issue. Once GW gets the hang of the stuff, they'd probably go away (and the design changes to accommodate).

    Obviously smaller companies have no budget and no player base to conduct experiments like these, but once GW figures it out and it is more or less understood how they do it, it will be much easier for others to enter the same field. For the reasons mentioned above, I'm very hopeful of that.

    I hope noone else takes up this material for their ranges.

  5. For the small bubbles I suggest superglue (liquid, not gel). A very small drop should fill in the gap and strengthen it a bit too.

    Flash is probably the matter of cleaning technique. New material requires new approaches and I'm not sure if scraping (as GW suggests) is the best there is.

    Thanks for the tip, though the superglue will not fix bubbles that have taken a bite out of details. These will need to be re-sculpted, which Im glad is minimal on this cast and that I did not actually pay the AUD$26 for this.

    I think I will use a Miliputt and water wash to fill these though (thanks DarkAlleycat).

    I have been using the scraping technique recommended by GW... Im thinking I may need to find a fine wet/dry sandpaper for future.

    As to this material, it does not cut very well and is flexible like rubber in certain scenarios.

    Yes, the details are sharper. I am just glad none were obscured or destroyed by flaws, as the bubbles are on open surfaces, not details. In fact, if I do not fix the boot, I may just obscure it with foliage on the base.

    I like metal minis for 2 reasons. I can tell what is flash and what is an intentional part of the sculpt. Finecast has too many injection points and some appear on parts of the model that you would never expect. Also, unlike metals, the grid of moulds means that the9 blisters on the same shelf could have injection points on differing surfaces from eachother...

  6. I was given my first Finecast mini on Saturday, the Dark Eldar Succubus:


    It took over an hour of cleaning up the very annoying mould lines and for this reason Im not sold on the resin already.

    It isnt terrible, but the right shoe had bubbles on the back and inside ankle. Bubbles are also present on the right arm; on some of the skulls on the trophy rack; and in other less-noticable areas. Im just glad these are easily apparent and not over important details. I would enjoy anyone PMing me how to fill these easily, as I think they are too small for GSing.

    This is also a very brittle resin. Not as brittle as some, but the flexing does not prevent tears which lead to breakages, as I discovered with the tassle on the spear.

    Im not hating them, but I do not see this as the revolution GW are pretending it is...

    Now for your entertainment:



    *Pics to come

  7. It's not odd, it matches there's a difference

    Ok first try,

    After examination our heroes discover that the necromancer has headed south. Our heroes soon suit heading south, they meet a traviling trader and his family, after agreeing to protect them in exchange for a ride Winterhaven.

    After passing a guard post at a river, our heroes were able to pass untroubled. As they left Frigdor noticed a mysterious clocked stranger, that disappeared into the night.

    With ourheroes finally at winterhaven, they head to nearest tavern to buy a room and find information about the mystrous necromancer.

    I will put a bit more up in a few minutes

    ^I will allow Choco to finish recounting that session^

    However, Session 5: Kobold Ambush was today's adventure.

    The session began the morning after the last session ended. The PCs rested and breaking their fasts, they discussed the 3 destinations requiring their investigation into what is occurring in the world at present and also satisfying the wishes of Lord (Kaldor:umbrella:) Pendraig. in order of importance these were:

    The Shadowfell Keep:

    The road to Shadowfell Keep is arduous. Since the keep’s

    destruction, few travelers use the road and no one bothers

    to maintain the path. The road is overgrown with grass,

    ferns, and small trees. The keep isn’t in any better shape.

    The legends of the Keep on the Shadowfell are known to only a handful of sages and scholars in this age of darkness. The truth is more tragic. Though the Shadow Rift remains sealed, the dark creatures on the other side still exert their evil influence.

    The Gardens of the Raven Queen:

    The rough ground on the southern outskirts of the village of Winterhaven serves as the local cemetary. However, the area once served as an evil temple destroyed long ago. A recent disturbance released some of the ancient evil buried here, and now the dead in this graveyard are beginning to walk. Several villagers have already vanished and more will die if the undead are not put to rest.

    Kobold Lair:

    A population of Kobolds have always inhabited the region bordering the forests and mountains to the South East of Winterhaven. However, Lord Pendraig has other plans for this area as he wishes to expand his domain and the present inhabitants must be re-located or exterminated. Kobolds are often characterized as filthy little reptiles barely better than goblins. They’re malicious but of little actual menace. Catch kobolds in their lairs, where they are almost certainly hard at work mining, and such a description might be fitting. No one ever suspected that

    being underestimated was the kobolds’ goal.

    Kobolds are meticulous creatures with sorcery in their

    blood, a variety of reptile with a strong work ethic. Discounted as pests or worse by many others, kobolds are a long-suffering race with many talents and clever tricks. Only the foolish overlook the threat that kobolds actually pose.

    With this information at their disposal, the group of heroes decided to work their way up the threats in reverse order. After obtaining the suppplies they required, they set forth to the South East. However, upon their approach to the Kobold Lair they were caught unawares (seriously, noone managed to roll above 15 Perception Check) and ambushed by a patrol of Kobolds.

    With the Kobolds winning the Initiative, they struck out first but were unable to bring their numbers to bare at distance. However, the Dragonborn Paladin soon narrowed the distance, charging directly into the thick of combat with 2 Dragonshields. He was soon grappled by one as the reamining Kobolds mobbed up on him, almost bringing him to an early end a couple of times. However, this allowed the remainder of the party to manouvre into positions and pick off the Kobolds from a safe distance. This was enabled by the very adept casters in the party and their array of punishing spells. The drow called lightning which arced through the offenders, frying those it touched, while the human psionic burst heads with Mind Thrust...

    All the while the Paladin flailed about in an innefectual rage and the cleric healed his wounds and threw the odd holy fireball...

    After the last Kobold had been disposed of, the party set about binding their wounds and looted the corpses. The retrieved mundane weapons and 50gp. On the wyrmpriest, they located a pendant, on which dangles a dragon figurine carved of obsidian. On the bottom of the figure is etched the outline of a skull with ram’s horns...

    The party, stupidly, remarked how easy the encounter was... after I admitted I scaled it down by removing two slingers in order to ensure they could handle it...

    They then managed to fail yet another Perception Check and from the undergrowth burst a Cave Bear (Lv6 Elite) which targeted the player who rolled the lowest on the check... the Human Psionic - Quinn!

    The bear proceeded to savagely maul the human trapped beneath its paws, leaving him a bloodied mess...

    The session then ended with the group facing off against the toughest challenge they have encountered thus far...

    Stay tuned for next week when the party decide whether to save their companion or flee. Will they engage the Kobold Lair in their wounded state or return to Winterhaven to recover?

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