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Posts posted by Hatchethead

  1. i know hatchet *sulks* but if i had killed her who would give me my money??? besides i like to play with my food before i eat it :D

    I hear that. I rarely eat an employer prior to payment. I prefer to sever their hamstrings and watch them drag ass around for a bit, all teary-eyed and snot-nosed.

    Then they pay me double to leave them alone.

    Then I eat them.


    Good times.

  2. Correct me if I'm wrong, but:

    In all other instances, you can opt to cheat down assuming no :-fate on the attack flip. Shooting into melee, hitting your own model on an unmodified flip, you flip a 13, cheat it down with a 3 from your hand so you (potentially) miss or at least do min damage. It costs a control card, but it would likely cause you to miss assuming the Df flip (+1) doesn't totally tank.

    Also, you need not declare the trigger. They're always optional, I believe.

  3. I've always played it that I exchange soulstones from my starting pool of 8 or less. Of course, I'd prefer this occur before determining the pool. I'd rather spend "extra" stones instead of denting my 8 for a brawl. I do appreciate the balance concern. Allowing someone to trade soulstones for body parts without restriction gives the player too much leeway to hire (pending the casting of Monstrous Creation) an 8ss Rogue Necromany or a 5ss Flesh Construct. If these exchanges eat into your starting pool, it makes the decision more difficult. If you intend to start with parts, you pay for the privilege.

    Even so, I have traded starting pool stones for body parts, when summoning an early Franky is mission critical or being Fast is just that important.

  4. I have a buddy who still goes into fits when something runs counter to the narrative. I Seduced Sonnia Criid the other day with a Belle, an action immediately dismissed as ridiculous ("What, she's a lesbian now??") ... then I turned around and did the same thing to a construct, which garnered a similar reaction ("It's a construct! It doesn't care if you have nice boobs!"). It only lasts for a moment, and we move on, but every game is like watching him have 100 low key panic attacks. It's almost as if he expects me to say, "You're right. That's silly. I won't do that."

    I'm not sure how long he'll last, in Malifaux. ;)

  5. makes poison o so effective against spirits...

    however it works

    Reminds me of how I used to whine when someone would poison my Tomb Kings in WHFB, before I made peace with the fact that rules and logic/narrative don't always see eye-to-eye.

    "They don't even have BLOOD VESSELS! Arg! My marrow!" /sadface

  6. Oh I see, and after re-reading Condemned Whisper is not even labeled as a morale duel, but simply a Wp duel, hence constructs aren't immune to it, or am I getting this wrong? So you could hit a construct, give it the (-) to Wp flips and then it has to (-) flip for Condemned Whisper... pretty nice!

    Indeed; at least, that's how I've always played it. It's not a Morale Duel and there is no defender (it doesn't qualify as an attack). Unless a model is immune to any and all Wp duels, Condemned Whispers can effect it. Teddy, Perdita, all those pesky Immune to Influence types. Granted, it's only versus an 11, but if you can Horrify them first ...

  7. AFAIKR in this instance if they die after activating they still get reactivate - nothing in the rules precludes this. They die, stay on one wound and take their 1st activation -> then die and stay on one wound and get reactivate

    But doesn't the talent specifically say, "if the model has already activated ..." or something along those lines? I have a vague recollection, but no source material (stuck at work). They either die before activating and still get to activate OR they die after activating and get to reactivate. Most Born players prefer the latter, thus granting the model two activations. I always attempt to kill a Stitched before it activates, for this reason alone.

  8. what?

    gaining ground allows proxies

    I've always considered proxies and conversion to be two different things. Gaining Grounds makes the distinction, having both a Proxy Rules and a Conversion Rules section.

    Proxies are straight up stand-in models (or "I'm gonna use this white bishop as a Death Marshal!"), usually from a different manufacturer.

    Conversions are a model that has been changed in some way, usually involving the actual model from the range altered to suit the taste of the player ("I don't like the pose, I'll convert it."). It can also be a totally different model sculpted, hacked and swapped to represent a specific model ("I'm gonna do an arm swap and add a hat to Joss, make him a Death Marshal!"). If you're converting a different manufacturer model, you've officially ventured into "proxy conversion" territory ("I like this Space Marine ... add a hat, he's a Death Marshal!!").

    In the case of Gaining Grounds, a conversion must be no less than 66.6% Wyrd product (or original sculpt). It's not really viable to create a proxy conversion using a different manufacturer model as the foundation, considering 2/3 of the final product needs to be Wyrd/original.

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