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Everything posted by studderingdave

  1. I played a bunch in 1.0 and 1.5, mostly playing Zoraida with a mixed/ranged crew that revolved around Tuco, 1-2 Gunsmiths and a heavy beater for an Obey target. Now that Gunsmiths are out of enthrall range I have to revise my tactics. I really wanna maintain a ranged presence but want to focus morer on WP reduction to really stick voodoo doll and WP duals. Any suggestions on this route?
  2. WOW, that is a usual tactic of mine. Thanks for that!
  3. So as a Zoraida player it might be advantageous to use a Doppalganger to get the edge on initiative checks? How about general beatsticks?
  4. Lady Z certainly finds a use for them, and I like to take 2 in some of my gun heavy lists.
  5. I often forget about COlette, but our small meta is slowly growing and I know I will be facing her eventually. I remember the dancing duo being nigh impossible to kill and she has loads of tricks. But what does she fear?
  6. let me know if u need help painting. im a speed painter.
  7. sweet. I signed up for Zombies! on saturday
  8. Anyone running anything for Tcon this year? I am gonna bring my gear up.
  9. biting heads off of critical henchmen or occasional master is enough for me. I always try to summon one through the widow weaver whenever I can. I loved it with Dreamer when I played with him more.
  10. I am also not 100% on the avatar either. Raven is my favorite ability. I am still working wit her, but i would not call her an auto include. I am a gun lover, so shooty lists inside neverborn make me happy, namely Lady Z with 2x Gunsmiths and a Gunslinger. I use her mainly to zip around and conduit something interesting. EDIT: Ran this list last night against Seamus in a DtE game. Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap Zoraida, the Hag -- 5 Pool Convict Gunslinger [6ss] Gunsmith [7ss] Gunsmith [7ss] Insidious Madness [4ss] Insidious Madness [4ss] Tuco [7ss] I do love guns so very much, did better then i usually do against the hatter, winning out on VP through announced schemes.
  11. I can remember the last game I played was against Von Schill and some Freikorps. Obeying the Specialist was the best thing ever. I am glad that nothing changed with my list, I plan on running it again on Friday. Thanks for the info guys!
  12. After taking a nearly year long break to spawn some children and get grad school moving I find myself wanting to play Malifaux again. I was the leading Malifaux player n my LGS when I stopped, and it looks like a few newer guys are looking to start but need some leadership. I applied for henchmen a while back but never heard anything. Anyways, Zoraida was my go to master, as I liked all the tricks she had. I was running this list almost exclusively before I stopped playing with a high amount of success. Has anything changed majorly in the last year? Neverborn Crew - 35 - Scrap Zoraida, the Hag -- 5 Pool Arcane Effigy [4ss] Convict Gunslinger [6ss] Mature Nephilim [10ss] Silurid [5ss] Silurid [5ss] Silurid [5ss] I often played the reclaim malifaux scheme as well as other movement schemes, with the nephilim being a fine obey target if i needed to rough something up. Is my list still a good one?
  13. interesting lists. Just coming off of a WM/H bender i wasn't expecting another LCB cuddle. I will have to wrap my head around him again before i put him on the table again.
  14. i saw the event, sad that the terrain provided was so sub par considering how essential terrain is to the game. i also talked to the orginizer, and despite some set backs he looked like he pulled through in fine style. i wanted to get in on the event but by the time i saw it the event was full. i would be happy to help get something rolling for next year, i signed up to be a henchmen months ago, but i sit in limbo with many others. good showing none the less.
  15. it definately takes time to pick up speed painting, and its not for everyone. when the occasion arises i like to slow down and take my time, but usually i just want to get them on the table. and since i dont play with unpainted models, speedpainting happens.
  16. more or less. in simple terms i follow this checklist: 1. PRIME 2 BASE COLORS 3 WASH 4 BASE COLORS AGAIN (now highlights thanks to the wash) 5 HIGHLIGHT (optional) 6 BASING it is so fast. i just finished 160 points of trollbloods in 4 days.
  17. thanks for the response. it might have been a tad longer if i had more flesh to paint but im pretty used to flesh so it wouldnt have been that bad. this is one of my last crews as well, unless i get henchmen then im sure ill paint a few more celebrate.
  18. Following my McMourning crew I got a few messages and PM's to illustrate my use of speed painting to get crank models out quickly. So I am offering my most recent crew, a Ramos crew i got mostly second hand through trades. A bit of background first. I am a speed painter by commission, and ive been painting for most of my adult life. I take on commissions for people who need armies done in weeks, not months. I also personally only play with painted models, so speed painting has become ingrained in my own personal paint style. so I have this Ramos crew: Contents: Ramos Ramos, Avatar of Invention Steamborg Executioner Soulstone Miner Mobile Toolkit 2x Electrical Creations 2x Arachnid Swarms 6x Arachnids I prepared the models as normal, with various pinning and gluing techniques. I always advise using a pin vise when building models. One of the electrical creations was on a scenic base, i left it on for speed. i also left the lighting bolts off the creations and the "ring of fire" off the avatar. So at around 8am i sprayed them down, using 1.99 black paint: i see lots of people love their 12-15 dollar primers, but i have been using this paint for years now with no issue. different strokes for different folks on that one. another good idea with speed painting to is select a restricted palette of colors, you dont want to go crazy with colors or the idea of speed painting is gonna go out the window. i selected these colors: on top of colors, i grabbed some washes. washes are one of the mainstays of speed painting. i used to make my own washes over the years, but these citadel washes are pretty good: so we rip into our models. i like to seperate malifaux crews into chunks that are going to share a lot of color, and since this crew has a lot of mechanics, i chinked it into 2 lots, the masters and everything else. i also like to spend a few more minutes on the masters, so they stand out a bit. so i went through the non master models fairly quickly, applying base colors and washes to get bases down: after the base washes dried, i went back and finished off the majoity of the crew, then i went to Ramos and his Avatar: after finishing off the rest, i sealed the models using brush on sealer: After sealing i cleaned up the bases and any large mishaps that happened over the process. thankfully this time around nothing really slowed me down: finally, i wanted to spruce up the bases, which is pretty mandatory in my processes. i selected tuft foliage. i like army builder's tufts, but you can find these elsewhere: after some tufts and such, we have a finished crew, ending in approximately 4 hours not counting drying times: really enjoyed the crew. hope it helped some people out to get their models off the shelf and onto the table. feel free to ask any questions. thanks
  19. I figure ill start an Arcanist crew just to have one of each "faction" plus it gives me more crews when i demo the game at my LGS. looking for input on this 35ss list: Arcanists Crew - 35 - Scrap Ramos -- 6 Pool Mobile Toolkit [3ss] Large Steampunk Arachnid [5ss] Large Steampunk Arachnid [5ss] Steampunk Arachnid [3ss] Steampunk Arachnid [3ss] Steampunk Arachnid [3ss] Steampunk Arachnid Swarm [9ss] would you run an executioner over the 2 large arachnids? your thoughts.
  20. a deal has been struck. thanks
  21. speed painting tutorial? sure i could work on that. i should have done it with this crew. maybe someone wants to send me a crew they want painted for free that i can use for example :)
  22. Got the remainder of my McMourning stuff in the mail this morning, and with some time to kill, i decided to bang out my entire crew in one day. Started around 8am, this morning and just sealed the last model a few minutes ago. the results: my entire crew, minus a single Belle that I have loaned to another player. generally i speed paint, so ive done crews this fast before, it has been a while though. a nice stopgap between two rather large PP projects and a commission here and there.
  23. i have decided to go with mcmourning. i think i am going to use her as my in list beatstick while summoning flesh constructs.
  24. my collection is defined by the sabol platoon bag. i do not want to go any larger, since i only play once a week i like to get to know my models, andi have made mistakes with other games and went all in and have piles of models i never use. my masters are: Dreamer Zoraida Lilith Von Schill Perdita Perdita, lilith and Von Schill are demo crews that i use on rare occasions. my main master is zoraida and the dreamer is my alt. i am looking for a few outcasts models currently, so i am getting rid of some guild stuff i dont use anymore. good luck downsizing.
  25. have a few models that i do not use anymore. they are Peacekeeper Ryle, Guild pawn Witchling Stalker x2 Executioner want: Resurrectionist Nurse (priority) Victorias McMourning canine remains flesh construct pics: thanks
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