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Posts posted by Ciaran

  1. psh... I do that in everyday conversation... :D

    So do we, and JuJuBee either shakes his head or joins in. It's a great little Malifaux circle of friends we have!

    Pffft, y'all wouldn't actually hurt me. Let me finish my tea then we can finish the fight.

    Actually, I should probably study for my last final, which is in an hour :-/

    I need this semester to be over!

  2. Ladies, ladies! No need to fight! With enough time and vitamin e there's plenty of me to go around :-D

    *dives behind cover to drink his tea, in a defensive stance*

    So, as a random aside, GingaBee and I went through and described fight scenes in Conan in Malifaux terms. "He was slowed, poison two, and negative twist to defensive flips." Etc... was a fun Thanksgiving!

  3. I can't (and won't) judge a product's price point by the "secondary market". The reason there is a secondary market it because how small it's demand/supply is.

    There are always secondary markets. Even massive manufacturers with solid availability have people selling/trading between themselves. It has nothing to do with "how small its demand/supply is."

    In this case, yeah, I happen to agree. That they're being sold as a $15 add on to a bag I'd rather not own irritates me all to hell. I'll just wait for the general release.

  4. 15$ for one puppet war mini? Um that doesn't sound right.

    When the secondary market gets between twenty to sixty per model, fifteen is a good deal! Still, the way this is done means I'll wait for its general release. I don't hold it against Wyrd, or even Battlefoam, I just wish it was different.

  5. Well then. Not the sort of gooey thing I'd like to hit with by a gamer girl :-(

    What's cracking me up about the 8e discussion is what it,s done in my local gaming community. The rules set has brought back a TON of people that stopped playing in 6e and 7e. We now have tournaments at the store I work at that so an two days and have forty people. Our 40k tournaments are eight people usually. I guess you just won't please everyone.

    Personally I won't play that companies two major games. I'd rather 'play LotR and War of the Ring, I think they're both much better games than their other main lines. I'd sill rather stick to Mordheim, Necromunda or Gorka Morka. Likely those will only last until we get persistent campaign rules for Malifaux, which in my mind is a FAR superior system.

    Aaaaand *throws a cup of punch on TheOneWhoFell*

  6. Malifaux:

    Gremlinette (LE Female Hog Whisperer)

    Miss Pack (LE Nurse)

    Miss Demeanor (LE Female Convict Gunslinger)

    Nightmare Edition Lord Chompy Bits

    Nightmare Edition Justice Box Set (Lady Justice Nightmare set)

    Nightmare Teddy

    The Carver (good luck with that one! it was a very limited promo for now, rumored to be openly released down the road)

    Puppet Wars:

    Hooded Rider (supposed to be a general release later)

    Pokey Vik (supposed to be a general release later)

    Lucius (supposed to be a general release later)

    Teddies (five of them, one per faction)

    I might be wrong about the models that are supposed to be released later. I hope I'm not though!

  7. Dip can be a bit thick right out of the container. My suggestion is to cut it in the pot with rubbing alcohol. I did my zombies using the method, and they were a bit obscured before cutting the dip a bit. I would seriously bring the level of the fluid to almost the top using the alcohol, it's by no means an exact science though.

    Also, we stuck them to a GW flying base with poster tack, and spun them a couple of seconds in a drill. Use a paper bag to cover the it or the whole deal becomes horribly messy....

  8. Hi!

    This event will be a 35SS, Single Faction, Shared Story Encounter tournament, using the Accumulation Format format for determining winners. The Story Encounters will be any official Christmas encounters available to me at that time.

    There will also be a painting contest! We will start at the crack of noon, and the tournament will cost $5. Number of rounds will be determined by number of players as per Gaining Ground.

    Most of the particulars can be found within Gaining Ground 2011, a link to the hosting page can be found at the end of this post.

    The store is located at 21500 Catawba Avenue, Suite A, Cornelius NC 28031. The store is in the same building as the Rite Aid, which makes it handy for any snacks or supplies you might be looking for that the store doesn't carry. There's loads of eating in the area (from bar food to fast food to Italian or Chinese, with some Greek thrown in for fun), some of it in easy walking distance.


    Wyrd Downloads: http://www.malifaux.com/Downloads.php

    Store: http://pbkwcomics.com/index.html

    I hope to you there!

  9. Okay, Burying and Unburying are not placement/movement effects. They effectively remove the model from the game until it's brought back into play, in the same condition as was buried, in all ways. This works with the Buried rule being more specific than the Placement rules (and is backed by a few rulings in this regard).

    The Soulstone Miner though... I'm not so sure about.

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