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Posts posted by Ciaran

  1. I have to agree with Wolfgar.

    The model's melee range is 2". Everything else is derived from that.

    To go through the OP's questions:

    1. If model A and B are friendly, then sure, model A can shoot model C. Otherwise, no.

    2. Same as 1.

    3. Same as 1, except change shoot to charge.

    4. I really like the idea of a letter or even a telegram for this. That's me though.

  2. I'll tackle them in order, unofficially.

    1. No.

    2. Not confirmed, planned.

    3. Nope, if you like it you like it. It's not a bad bag.

    4.I LOVE drafting. I prefer it to coming to the table with a toy box set.

    If you get two BF bags and pick up Lucius with them, let me know. I'd love to trade or buy one off of you!

  3. WHOA... wait a second.

    an (ALL) action requires all the model's AP.

    Rules manual (pg 32) says if a model does not have the AP required, it cannot perform the action.

    a model affected by Slow (-1) does NOT have ALL it's AP as it has to pay 1 after generating AP for actions. (Rules manual, Page 34, it forfeits an AP during its activation, not generates one less. it gets ALL it's AP, then forfeits one.)

    so it cannot pay ALL it's AP.

    So then a model with Fast +1 can do an ALL action, then spend one more AP?

    That rocks!


  4. We ran a 4e campaign for about eight months. We had between 12 and 23 players each session. We ran it as a merc company where everyone worked for two characters (mine and another friend's).

    EVERY session I would end up saying "This isn't a democracy."

    My issue with D&D is that since its beginning (I've played since '83, and even had a couple of copies of the vaunted "blue book" rules) it's more fantasy-sim than true role playing. Now that I've discovered things like FATE, Fudge, Dogs in the Vineyard, and Dread, I find I prefer them for my serious role playing....outside of the bedroom!

    Monday we're playing a fantasy hack of Don't Rest Your Head, and I'm pretty excited about that!

  5. Agreed! Every time I watch that I get chills from the dwarves singing.

    I really need to get to painting. I have all of my Neverborn stuff to paint, my Guild to base, a British steampunk force (Ratnik miniatures with a couple of Ramshackle games vehicles), my Puppet Wars minis and both Dorothy and Tinker Bell.

    Or I'll just sculpt more stuff.

  6. I picked up Sue and the Exorcist. A friend read through the cards and announced "I will no longer feel cheesy for taking Kirai."

    Muahahaha. I have a Dreamer crew or two to table, and it just got more straightforward.

    I also ordered a tentacle maker from Green Stuff Industries. I'm so excited it's ridiculous.

    Yeah, mostly ready for the holiday. I have a couple of things on the workbench to finish in the short term, and plans for a funky project or two to get sent overseas.

  7. I think the most beautiful wedding I've ever seen is a handfasting done at sunset on Samhain...

    Handfasting at Samhain?? Ack!

    I was a part of one at an SCA war on a peninsula on a lake. The people that were handfasting were incredibly well liked, and people that we hadn't seen in years came out for it.

    It was also a very powerful circle, I have a hard time describing how much energy was there!

  8. I don't hate anything about the game itself. I enjoy how quirky it is, I LOVE the balance point. I love taking "auto lose" masters in situations, and working my opponent over.

    I DO severely dislike how emotionally reactionary some of the community is. It sometimes reminds me of a bunch of spoiled children with their "this is what I think so it's right" mentalities.

    That is all.

  9. 'Fell, I have a story for you!

    I play Puppet Wars. I was about to demo a game yesterday and decided to grab another Pawns Booster box. I opened it, and was sorting it with a friend, who played the game Saturday and digs it. He was asking me about the Teddies. I explained that as of now I have a full set, and am two away from having a second completed set. I let him know that I have an arrangement for the two that I'm missing to complete the second set.

    So far so good!

    I let him know that I NEVER get random chase figures, and rarely win anything like that. I think the last time I won anything along those lines was the last time I'd walked into my local Games Workshop store I won a copy of Inquisitor, when it was brand new (that makes it about eleven years ago). I figure it's really no big deal, that's life, I'm resigned to buying the chase figures.

    We're sorting the new models, and my pile of teddies, and Pokey Vik...and there's an extra Teddy.

    Green Heart Patch, which I already have a copy of.... so... three copies of the Teddy in my pile of stuff..... It wasn't there before... Where did it come from? Did I make a mistake in arranging my purchases? Did I lose track of what I got...

    I pulled it in the Boosters. It was ON the table when I was explaining that I never pull special chase figures.

    Edit: I actually did win the Pokey Vik, it was a Facebook contest, so, I guess I can't complain too much. I DID explain that part to him at least!

  10. I would like to see the question of the dreamers ability to remove rarity from Teddies be address while buried.

    As I see it with out the dreamer in play the Teddies have Rarity 1, just as a Nef lists can't grow into more then two mature in play at any one time, how is the dreamers ability affecting Teddies when he is not in play?

    It's a Hiring issue. When the Teddy was hired it had Rare 1 removed, and Nightmare added to it. At that point it doesn't matter if The Dreamer is Buried, or even dead, those changes still work on the Teddies.

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