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Posts posted by monkeyboy30672

  1. GORGEOUS work as always, Jen!!! And thanks for the top-down shot of that base. It is incredibly good modelling work!!! The skulls drifting low in the water remind me of the marshes that Frodo and Samwise walk through, where Frodo falls in... Creepy!!!! :D


    Sigmar: I have the same problem. I paint models so closely that I often think my highlighting is SUPER bright and contrasty, but on the table they look very bland and muted... I need to force myself to highlight much higher and paint much brighter. I have always had that problem.


    Wonderful job, Jen!! More, more, more!!!!

  2. For me, It's kinda a toss-up between Sonnia and Perdita, both for fluff and gameplay.


    Sonnia and Cherufe just intrigues me a LOT, and I love the whole "Latino Wild West posse" feel of the Ortegas and crusading against the Neverborn.


    As far as gameplay, that's a little tougher. I haven't played with my Latigo Posse yet, but being mostly shooty really suits my playing style, I think. On the other hand, I've played MANY miniature games with factions that like to set people on fire. The deep-seated pyromanic in me really enjoys that. ;)


    But I think Perdita has a slight advantage overall...her model reminds me of my girlfriend, especially now that she's been growing her hair out for the past few years. :D

  3. LOVE the green/yellow color scheme running rampant throughout the crew! And the highlighting is subtle and beautiful, as always! Try taking a photo from above the model, looking down (maybe at a little angle) in order to show us the deep water. We'd love to see that!


    And how did you make the water effects splash like that?? It's perfect!

  4. Hey, Wicked! Welcome to the Forums!


    I have to admit... I am SUCH a sucker for a good theme!!! Besides painting in theme, I often compose my army/faction/crew lists for games by basing them on theme, too (and it has often been said that I lose my matches in the Army Composition stage, even before the first die is cast! Hahaha). So, of course, I totally dig the whole DC Universe theme!! :D


    I think the colors are amazing, and for the theme, they are dead-accurate!! Absolutely spot on! The only one I didn't recognize right off was Catwoman, because I suppose I always see her in black leather and with the ears. I'm not a dedicated comic book reader, so I'm sure I missed some subtleties, I apologize.


    What might also help, as has been pointed out, would be clearer photos. I might be able to suggest some ideas... See in Harley Quinn's photo that she herself is a bit soft, but the word Grizzly on the table behind her is very crisp? That shows that the camera is automatically trying to focus THERE, not on the model. I am guessing that this was a camera phone? In any case, try stepping back from the model a bit and THEN taking the shot. Cameras can only get so close. There is a minimum focal distance for any lens.


    Since you're using software to edit them, try shooting from farther away, zooming in, if you can (making sure the focus is still on the model, not the table) and then when you get into the computer, just edit the image by cropping around it and increasing the physical size of the image, making the image larger and cutting out all the unnecessary background. That way, even though you're taking a smaller image of the model itself, you should be able to still bring it up to a decent viewing size and have it crisp, as well. Just experiment a bit, both with the camera and the editing software. You'll find that it's easy. :)


    Hope that helps a bit, because I really wanna see all the details of your beautiful crews!!  And get some sleep!!!! :D

  5. Who's giving you so much hate? And why? You have a graceful blending style, and though some people might not like the extreme highlights and intense hues of the colors, they are still masterfully-painted models. No one can deny that at all.


    Are they not realistic enough? Come on... if someone is complaining that a tusked pig with kitchen utensils fitted to it as armor is not painted realistically enough, then that person just needs to be shot in the face with a bazooka...


    You've got REAL talent, Ikvar! Keep doing what you do!!!

    • Like 3
  6. Glad you guys escaped the Convention Contagion this year!


    Honestly, I didn't expect to get my order this soon, so thank YOU for all your efforts and hard work in getting so much Malifaux-goodness out to your rabid fans! Every single piece of the Wave 2 product line I have seen so far has been outstanding on an intergalactic level. Really unbelievably cool. I can't wait to get everything all prettied up so I can get it on the table and get it scrappin' with everyone else!

  7. I placed two orders, one in the morning of the 14th and one later, almost at midnight. My roommate said a package arrived for me at the house as he was going to work (10am) yesterday, and about 4 hours later I got the confirmation email about the OTHER order, saying it should arrive today...! Hahaha


    Everything in the first shipment (the larger one) arrived it good order, and the models and Arsenals and the Crossroads book are all INCREDIBLE!!! I think with Wave 2 the guys really explored much deeper into the "horror" aspect of Malifaux. There is some REALLY disturbing imagery in the new book! Are the models honestly going to look like the art??? Amazing!!! Creepy and demented as all hell... but amazing!


    Looking forward to more sweet toys waiting for me when I arrive home tonight after my gig! :D

  8. Haven't seen either of mine yet. Odd... I'm in Baltimore, 3 hours closer to Atlanta than New York City, and still nothing. I have no idea in what order they are picking and packing orders, and certainly distance isn't factored, of course. But I've received no confirmation or anything. I didn't think I ordered too long after the opening time for the GenCon sale. Maybe order number's not a factor, either. That would be a little more distressing.


    Never have ordered from Wyrd online before, so I truly don't know what to expect. I'm not upset at all. Just curious about the hows and whys of their system, that's all. 


    And I am anxious to get some sweet, sweet toys... ;)

  9. I am totally in that same boat. Most of my Pandora crew is painted, though I need to finish up one model, start another, and then do some alterations and upgrading to a few others.


    Then I have 2 models in my Latigo Posse that are almost done.


    And I just assembled Marcus, Razorspine Rattler, Sabertooth Cerberus, and Cojo, all of which need putty work, then I can start painting them. Eventually.


    Not to mention 2 Miss Erys and some Molemen coming from the GenCon special orders... Sigh.

    • Like 1
  10. I used to edit White Dwarf in the US for about 3 years while I was a photographer, then they hired a true professional to edit both the magazine and the web articles, plus anything else written by the US Studio. I am kinda a grammar and spelling nerd (though I write like I talk, which shatters grammatical rules incessantly), so I could do it, and I actually enjoy doing it. If any Wyrd folks wanna hire me, I'm totally down with that.


    I grew up in SC, so I wouldn't mind moving to Atlanta. :D

    • Like 1
  11. Sure, demo crews get broken. They get mis-handled. Accidents happen. You could always have a "med-kit" on hand with hobby tools and glues in order to make a quick fix after the demo and before the next. And having replacement crews or multiple of figures are an excellent idea, too, especially if the preparation for next year starts now. Honestly, I'd be honored if Wyrd wanted my help to paint up crews for demo games at events.


    Demo models shouldn't be painted up to a competition standard, of course. They should be average. Basecoats and some simple shading, maybe one layer of highlighting or drybrushing, if you're feeling fancy. Yes, they will be handled poorly, even abused. Expect it. That way, you can have solutions on hand.


    Pin delicate joints. Use sealant. And, above all, advise players if there is a delicate model. Maybe just always instruct them to pick up the models by the bases. Being careful and respectful of someone else's miniatures won't ruin the fun of the game. And most gamers will be considerate, if asked. They paint models too, and would understand.

    • Like 1
  12. Sure, you can make the argument that Wyrd doesn't have the cash flow to justify an inhouse painting team, but you're telling me that nobody that works in the head office of a miniatures gaming company can paint to a high standard?


    I totally agree. And having photographed some models at an L.A Golden Demon Competition in the past, painted by one of the core members of the Wyrd staff, I find it odd that the display models were unpainted. The ones I photographed about 10 years ago were incredible, actually. I can only think that painter has gotten even better.


    And I certainly agree that Henchmen in the area should have come out to run demos and brought painted models to showcase and/or fill the demos. I didn't go to GenCon, but had I been there, I would have been a little let down by the booth by these facts, as well. Hell, if Wyrd has taken volunteers for painted crews, I would have sent a crew just for them to use on demos, maybe for a Miss Ery model in return. :)


    I know that getting everything ready for GenCon is a HUGE deal, though some of the smaller details, when overlooked or pushed farther down on priority, do make a big difference to the gaming community and to the fans. Malifaux's miniatures are SO unique and eye-catching, it's really a shame that they weren't showcased more heavily. When put up against every other miniatures game in the world, one has to pour everything into what makes them stand out. The gorgeous miniatures (and paint jobs enhance that) draw us in... the game play and mechanics keep us coming back.

  13. Wow... I love your color scheme, and I think your objective on giving them all the "golden skintone" has definitely been achieved! I have tried to do the same thing on a few Asian models in the past, and I can NEVER get it right...!I think you did an excellent job there!


    Well done!

  14. I work in the gaming industry, and I know shipping can be expensive. I also know there are a lot of factors in the calculation of shipping costs, other than weight, distance, and monetary size of the order. I would be the first to say, "I don't know all the facts". But I can almost guarantee that Wyrd doesn't gain anything from the shipping charges (and I don't mean to say that anyone thinks that). I am sure it is just what FedEx charges them, so they charge us. And I am fine with that. As bstorz says, it is what it is. Sure, there are cheaper ways. But maybe volume of shipping, meaning Wyrd is sending out MANY orders, is a factor, too. We just don't know, that's all.


    Also like you said, Paradox, I want Miss Ery, and I am gonna suck it up and pay the shipping in order to get her. Two of her, in fact, because I made another order for a friend last night. Heehee! RESULT! :D


    I look at is this way... the $100+ I spent on each order was money I (and my friend) was going to spend, anyway. That ship sailed as soon as the "GenCon Orders" newsflash went out. I see it that I am paying close to $20 for each Miss Ery model (comes free with the order, ~$20 for shipping), and I would TOTALLY pay that much for her in a normal situation. More, in fact. She's just THAT damn good of a model, in my opinion. :)


    I rarely EVER buy games or hobby supplies through the internet. Because I work in the industry, I can usually get things very, very cheaply. Though, if I can't get it through industry channels, I always go to my FLGS first. In this case, Miss Ery is not available any other way. I had to have her.


    Well-played, Wyrd... Well-played... ;)

  15. Your work never ceases to amaze me, Vaiuri...


    Honestly... I saw the Clockwork Dragon in its finished state before I saw the WIP photos, and I didn't realize he was painted!! He looked too incredibly realistically metallic in the paint job that I thought you just glued him together, and that was that! And 10/10 in the creativity department and construction department. I certainly would have voted him, too!! Absolutely brilliant!


    The Monk is VERY cool, too!! I am really loving the Steampunk theme you have going on lately. I have never been so brave as to try heavy conversions, as even my minor putty work to correct casting errors is a bit sub-par. But I am utterly in awe of what you do.



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  16. Just ordered. At work, of course... hehe... #20209


    I suppose the Strat and Scheme cards were already out of stock, since they didn't even appear in my choices in the Cards section. No worries. Still got LOTS of good stuff!! And I picked up the Ophelia box, since I am currently painting up my Latigo Posse, and they are like "Latigo Gremlins"... hehe! Then, of course, I had to pick up the Warpig... And the Primordial Ooze for my Pandora Crew... and the Doppelganger... And the Wave 2 Arsenals for Neverborn, Guild, and Gremlins... all so shiny...


    And now I need a bank loan to cover my purchase... Sigh.

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