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About tiepilot1138

  • Birthday 05/05/1973

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  1. Does either day work better for you? Noon would be fine for me either day.
  2. It's possible. I need to be back in Arlington around 6. What time do you think you could start? Either day is probably fine for me. I've never been out there before, do you happen to know the address?
  3. I have the week off and thought I'd try to get a game or two in. Is anyone available to play at Victory Comics in Falls Church VA any time this week during the day?
  4. Yeah, I saw that right after I posted. I was looking for 1, 2, or 3 dots. I like this much better.
  5. I don't see any pattern to the bulletholes. Some cards have none, some have one. The severe cards look the same as the moderate ones.
  6. That could be the answer. They could all be Neverborn!!!
  7. Yeah, I'm one of them. I just joined the meetup. I think Uncle Willy is the other one that said yes. I may have convinced some fresh blood to come watch too.
  8. Anyone coming tonight? I'll be there with my Viks
  9. I can't make it tonight, but next Tuesday is a good probability.
  10. I won't be able to make it this Tuesday or next, due to my wife's band practice and concert. Hopefully the week after that.
  11. Hi John, What was the name of that small mini company that you and Mike were talking about last night? Tom

  12. I'll be there around 5-ish. I have my Viks with me (that are still a work in progress). I'm trying to talk wraith-hunter into coming again today too. he's busy whining about some book he has to read for a class in two weeks...
  13. Sean and I should be there. We'll have to borrow minis again, since both of ours aren't past the primer stage yet...
  14. There was talk about next Tuesday. My free time is pretty limited by a toddler, so I can't make it every week. I'm thinking every 2-3 weeks for me is more realistic. Now, there's nothing saying we can't play at my place though...
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