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Posts posted by izikial

  1. slurids an such are great for waif hunting.

    he cant ignore cover but will most likely still be at neutral flips still stick to cover though.

    if he is going for a late activation or you can alpha then nuking Levi isn't a bad plan, but you would ideally want to kill him although being hurt hampers him

    try and get retributions eyer as he will often taken a fair amount of armor

    good week damage will help if he takes ressers to go around hard to wound

    dont spam small stuff as he will get aboma from easy kills and end up swarming you

    aionus will be great if you have him, half's ca dmg, can hit burryed (dead Levi) can make cheep things fast easy

    the gambling flesh sacks (cant remember there name) are good as they make cover that will help against rusty, Levi and Lazarus and there pupets, and they can do huge damage

  2. sadly your best bet would be the Lilith box, but that would give you a second barberos, the most interesting part of his kit is the push to enable grow lists, and that would work best with tots, maybe a young, and the grow upgrade that's in liliths box, I don't use barberos, so id get some othere feedback befor buying

  3. hi, I'm worried this guy is a trap, my 2 nb masters of choice are Lucius and Jacob who on the face of it both love this guy.

    Jacob is happy to discard 2 aces to never suffer a condition

    Lucius could replace lawyers with this guy to remove paralysis, and likes the extra interact

    but he is 8 stones with meh defence and his combat potential is Great but base line is ok

    is he seeing much play? And am I of about Lucius and Jacob liking him?

  4. how are people feeling about blood wretches? Any succes stories or tails of woe

    I only just got them, but I'm looking forward to using them with jacob as he has pushes and can benefit from the cards. Lucius as a cheaper illuminated replacement. And Tara comboing with the emissary for mini fast bombs

  5. Hi, sry for asking so many questions latley, but I have had a lot of things come up recently,

    can a modle drop a scheme marker while engaged if the actin is from another source.

    I know that normaly when engaged you are unable to take interact actions, but I'm talking about when Lucius or scion of black blood gives you an interact action from an ability, can you carry it out?

  6. hi guys, hoping this is a simpler 1, there's 2 parts,

    part 1 if a changeling uses a pathfinder sh or mi attack, will the value increase above 4, basicly dose the changelings rule mean the value can never get bigger than a 4 or dose it mean that it starts at a 4

    part 2 can the changeling use the traps attack to attack people who walk next to him, not using his own surprise rule, but the traps attack rule

  7. I am going for that i can use it, the argument seems to be,

    raw dose this work yes

    do u think that its format implies it can be used, no

    in a game were we have been told a trap definitively can be given orders by an austringer even though it can lt move or interact. I believe this falls under the same blanket.

    Do you think they intended a trap to move and drop markers, no

    raw can it, yes

    • Like 1
  8. there, can a doppelganger use the attack on lucius' conflux, my gut says no as its giving Lucius the attack and she cant take master attacks.

    but can she take it straight from the emissary's upgrade and there for it isn't a master attack?

    (edited after 42 posts)

    edit: I'm struggling to follow the back and forth because of how the forum moves posts around based on votes, if we can get an answer from wyrd to clarify and then up vote it to make it clear, that would be great

  9. ok thanks guys, my main opposition loves sceary stuff so I have to protect against wp stuff alot.

    the most consistent feedback there seems to be burt and Francisco with a little liquid bravery on some people.

    ok, not sure if grems are for me, but I have most other stuff

  10. Hello greenies, I'm planning some gremlin purchases, and I'm just getting a little concerned with wp. It seems low accros the faction (which makes some send), I'm just wondering how you combat heavy wp attacks, jack daw, Pandora, some Seamus.


  11. so i have read the full book 3 and still maintain that emissary's seem like conduits of energy able (and willing) to take power that is thrust/offerd to them. there remaining numbers match the number of remaining tyrants and there are a number of similarity's, I may and well be and expect to be wrong, but seemed like a nifty idea, it was a tinfoil hat after all

    it would also make game sens in a way as it would provide an opatunity for them to incorporate all the tyrants that im sure will apear in later story while making sure each faction gets one

  12. so, its obvious people think I'm wrong and silly,

    disclaimer, still havnt finished book 3 I'm half way through the gremlins story

    so. There are 12 tyrants, but 1 is a pair

    plague - hamlin

    December - raspy

    obliteration - tara

    nytmear - dreamer

    cherufe - sonnia

    dragon 1 - shenlong

    ok so there is 7 left, so working so far

    dragon 2 - ten thunder emissary is a dragon

    witness - guild is about law and order (sort of)

    fortune - gremlin emissary is called lucky

    gorgon - in some law (Jason and the Argonauts) a gorgon Is a bull like creature, also possible the resser one

    meridian - meridian has all to do with land and crossing points of power so for me its the nb emissary (side note a meridian line I also a perfect circumference, lucky emissary?)

    despair - ressers love there horror tests and most stories in malifaux containing despair also contain undead

    shezzul - I have nothing to go on othere than the viks upgrade, as they are in outcast and I believe emissary's are vessels that can accept power, I think it will seep into the hodgepodge

    there we go, call me crazy, but it works out

  13. hi guys, i may be paranoid but i am starting to worry about the emissary thye have proven they can evolv and get more powerful, in 1 expac they levelled up impressively what will happen next expac?

    my personal thoughts (fears)

    disclaimer, this is tinfoil hat, and i am also only half way through the new book and cant remember most of 1st ed

    is they will become new hosts for the remaining tyrants, my reasoning:

    • they have already shown they can evolve and improve in power so this may be some were in the middle of there evolution
    • they were empty vessels imbued with magic, its possible stronger magic (tyrants) might posses them
    • the conflux upgrades show there ability to take in magic from powerful entities near them and that they can adapt and use it
    • they want a home and to feel a part of something, a tyrant may be able to give them a sense of belonging
    • i cant remember how many tyrants there are, but with the ones we know about (Sonia, Hamlin ect) and the 7 emissaries were not far of that number

    please speculate and feel free to tell me i'm being a fool


  14. a little disappointed its a bit gimmicky, I know you cant make it stronger than normal or it become default, but feels like it was just given to us to shut us up, but we lose a Levi emissary upgrade in the process.

    would it be worth taking the emissary and upgrade to combo 2 horsemen you normaly cant, mech and dead or something?
    , ,

  15. how is the horsmaster doing now were out of bata, because of his ridicules popularity both in my local metta in in the torni scene I have stoped using Levi, but ever since 1st ed avatar Levi I have been looking forward to this

    I have a few questions about your finds.

    dose he work at 50ss

    dose he suffer from the lack of utility his avatar version gives him

    is it op, gimmick or balanced

    how much do you spend on upgrades, and wich ones

  16. can you get enough use out of the drowned when its summond by Karina to make it worth the summon in the first place?

    I have been looking at a death marshal bury build, give people fast to lower there wp and give you more ap, then (while scion is burryed)use the marshal to do the scions attack and give the dmg when burryed trigger then bury them.

    wretches can then finish of the burryed target or just let them stay in limbo, with the -2 wp from fast the av wp will be 4 making it quite likely, and if possible you can try and give -fill on wp with the nothing

  17. I could possibly get some use out of her with Levi. It would mean taking a stationary void wretch (witch is my main problem with her, the hidden cost you have to pay in the form of a void wretch).

    you basicly have a super mobile anchor for levi a waif in the middle of no were, Waif then unburys scion and tadar you have an anchor, also lets waifs have some bite or mobility.


    to that end Hamlin may benifit having high damage rats where ever you need them sounds usefull. Once again you will pay the stealth tax of a wretch though.

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