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Posts posted by izikial

  1. I have had a quiat day so I spent my time wisely :) I have been going over each master, evaluating there strong and week points and also there combination. The reason I have done this is for my self but also because there has been talk on the weeknes of the faction, and the fact that it stems from needing to know all the masters wear in other factions you can pick one, I have done this so I can strip the faction down to two masters that are good individualy and a good team. so without further or do.

    Its ramos and collet

    Got to be honest I prefer playing ramos and tina, the combo is fun, and I want to take avatars and by using lots of cod constructs and ramos there is lots of synergy, and when tina turns she can use the constructs, and also I hate colet (the modle, the play style, the fact she feels a little strong), But I digress.

    By learning ramos you can win most fighting based strats, and by learning collet you can do most movment strats, and the combonation of the two in a brawl ís sooooo very strong, tomes for colet from the tool kit, and doves for ramos to blow up. Admitedly there synergy isn't as strong as some masters but there individual strengths and half decent synergys make them a force to be rekond with.

    So there you are, if you play arcanists and want to learn one master, well that's not going to work, but by learning these two you should cope with anything. You could swap colet for marcus, but he is arguable a weeker pick, and you can swap ramos with karies for a more active master, or tina for a artillery battery, but the best combo of two masters who each have very difeerant spcialtys you have to go for the iron man and the show girl

  2. I'm jelious of you nb players, you get zoraider. I'm an arcanist player, and I have been poring over everything on the malifaux wiki, and everything that's really cool is awsome with her, she's jus so damn flexible, and has an awsom avatar

    Damn you, damn you all

  3. The more I think about it the more I finde it less and less viable to play aleve, witch depress's me cus as I said I lover leve, aleve, 4 horseman lore, 4 horse men in game. I'm thinking ill just take dead rider and play a normal levi crew build, and just summon the pale rider, I only end up with two riders, and a crew that dosnt work with aleve, but at least i have 2 half playable crew's.

    When playing fun games ill just take 4 or 3 and have fun, see how I do

  4. See the reason I thought amarcus might be good, is because I was listaning to the aethervox, and it was an intervew with I think eric, and he said he loved marcus but feels he made him a little week when trying to balance him becus he loved him and thought he was cool so kinda over compensated, but he felt he had gone the other way with the avatar and made it a bit to strong

  5. Right, I have come around to avatar tina, I found by not making a list designed to wrok around it, it becomes so much stronger, jus make sure to only fill one req, or none and you don't have to worry about it, if it will be usefull then jus take some one down to 1 wd or what have you, it gives her a nice late game change of pace.

    Marcus how ever, I'm not seeing it,I have 3 potential solutions

    Buff shiliage, not sure how, can't be a trigger as it already has one, but at the min it is very naf,

    Second, take the discard requirement out of chimeric assult, I know you lose a lot of flexibility this way, but you gain so much more playability. alternitivly keep the discard, but do it once, and it last till end of turn.

    Finaly, remove his reliance on living modles, by making roar his power house skill he is so limited in what he can do,either you want to use it, in witch case you need rn's and shirkomes, so your own beast don't run, or you arnt using it, and then maulers slurids and cerberus work, and against lots of factions if you don't know for a fact what they are taking you can't reliably build your crew. Your oponant is playing guild, woho rn, shirkom and roar for the win... Ah he's playing hoff. Or in revers you think he's going hoff so don't bother, now you can use roar, but it will make all your own beasts, witch are right near by to take advantage of rise of beasts, and have lower wp from

    mark, run away

    Just some thoughts there

  6. I love arcanists, but I will admit that I am very self depricating, and there for down on my own faction. Ill go through my opinions of othere faction's

    Guild, all around strong

    Perdita, strong

    Lj, strong

    Sonnia, strong

    Hoff, maybe the weekest of the bunch, but still good

    Ressers more anouying than strong I found, but my group dosnt do much with moral dules, I have never fought a nicoderm, kari is a huge pain, spirits and stuff, I don't lose much to them but I finde the games less fun, as I feel like I'm getting no wear

    Nb all strong, all a pain, I alnost always lose to them, they don't have a week caster in my opinion

    Outcasts mixed bag, if you play out casts you tend to play one, not the hole faction

    Hamlin is o stronk

    Levie is one I'm fonde of, and can deal with almost anything, strong

    Viks, not fought against but apear strong

    Sommer ????


    Ramos kills but dosnt do objectives

    Marcus dose objectives but dosnt slaugter

    Collet is very strong, not the best at killing, but dosnt need to, can jus run away

    Tina, sloughters well, but can't move, and if she gets seen she will die

    So the main diffrence is that arcanists can't take one champ for everything, this is wear there percived weekness comes from, and also people allthough we all buy everything like to have a master wee call our own and arcanists can't do that as well as most, so people fell perturbed when they see perdita do everything, and then play tina and can't assasinate cus the master won't come close

    Wow I rambled there

  7. After a few more games, still feeling amarcus is a little me, I took him against guild, but the player took the hoff and when I did manifest all I could acomplish was jumping him onto the ball of constructs and chomping on the peac keeper, then my rn jumped in and flailed a little doing soome wd's hear and there but nothing notable, then I got batterd to bits, the only consolidation was the my slurids were of doing the mission.

    And the tina one I am coming around to, tina beeing the way she is (sitting behinde a wall/piller nuking people) then the enamy will send some one after her, manifesting right as the 2 necro punks got to her gave my enamy a real fright

  8. I wish normal levi worked better with rider spam, so with 2 riders what kinde of list are you looking at at 35 ss,

    Pale rider

    Hooded rider

    Ashes and dust/4 spa's/rusty alice (one of the three options)


    Something like that, or do you want to go for lots of low ss modles for activations? Also I don't like the isea of something like rotten bells cus they have no use after manifesting

  9. Hi there, I love levie, joint faborit with ramos, and I love his avatar, I also love the 4 horsmen thing, bothe the origonal law, and the in game potrail, so natuaraly this has lead me to wanting to avatar levi. So I have a few questions

    1 how meany horsemen do youi take if you looking to avatar

    2 witch ones do you take

    3 how do you use them pre avatar

  10. To round up the thoughts,

    Nessacery, no

    Fun, can be

    Worth points, meh

    Better alternatives, yh most likely in most situations

    What I have used him for in the past (note, this was when I only had first book stuff) is when I need some one independent of ramos who can do his thing, I was in a three way, and he held of everything Leveticus sent my way wial ramos and two spider swarms ran up to pandy and started munching till they were low enough to brake apart and blow up

  11. I finde it depends on two things.

    One is waither he is a viable pick, for instanace if you have plenty of kill potential and you mission isn't slaugter then you won't need him (still nice to have the option incase)

    And two is how you play, if your just going to run him straight up the field he dosnt have enough defence to take the pounding (aracnid swarm would do bit less damage but take less kits and have in built healing) but if your going to flank and charge him over a wall at an un expecting enamy ramos or something then he is amazing, basicly the best flanker ramos can get

  12. Lol, yh I know there not ment to be, but I don't won't to spend 2 ss on a model that is going to punish me for selecting a crew that works with the origonal, amarcus can work with his origonal, crew, take a bod or a cerberas and 3 slurid, and they work with bothe marcuses, but the amarcus dose exaclty the same as normal but is more card and ss intensive, and you pay 2 ss for it

  13. Ramos is my main man, always has been, he's awsom, and his avatar jus makes him better

    I have been getting into tina and marcus, marcus for he's objective skill, and tina for her ability to blow stuff up, but there avatars are jus meh, marcus needs to have multiple high tomes, and a good amount of ss left when he turnes, and even then he's dps is about equal, he's buff debuff similer if not worse, and his alpha strick stronger if he can use it, you jus feel like you lose out when he turnes. And tina needs to be up in the fight in her avatar, and just feels a bit week, she gose from being a stong caster to a week melee threat with poor spells, if your going to try avatar her you are going to have to spend a lot more on move than casting, so there for end up doing less, then when you do avatar you don't make up enough to compensate, its only valid on the defence, and in that case your spending 2ss just to try stop and enamy angageing on tina

  14. So I'm interested to see how popular each avatar is, so anyone who is experianced with a master, let us know how often you like to play the avatar, is it a every game avatar, a situational avatar, or a never going to see use avatar, let us know.

    A few I know of.

    ARamos is playable when ever you take ramos

    Atina can see some use, if the enamy has assasinate or something, and there a mostly melee crew

    Aleviticus will bearly be used as liviticus is so deadly as he is, and you really want3-4 riders to make him work, witch is counter to his normal crew comp

    So we have been doing this thread for about a week so I thought I'd gather the feelings of the comunity at the top of the thread hear so in faction order


    Hoff, not really that strong, not bad either just isn't enough of an upgrade to pay for

    Lady j, not that strong, situational at best.

    Perdita not worth the points, you lose a lot of what made her work, nice modle though

    Sonnia, always take


    Nicoderm, always take

    sheamus, not bad, and often worth taking but not an auto include

    Kiria, worth taking every game even if you don't manifest

    Mcmourning, pritty good, and you can manifest quickly, often worth taking


    Tina, not super strong, but oft worth taking as a contingency

    Marcus, no

    Rammos, every time

    Collet, I don't actualy know

    Never born

    Dreamer, some say srong otheres don't like the lack of his old broken form, up to you

    Lilith, worth taking not an easy manifest

    Zoraider, worth taking but less mobile so make sure your in a good place

    Pandora, imobial and killable by targeting candy, big disadvantages but she becomes an super turret, take acording to strat


    Vicks, hard manifest and a little suicidle but an absolute death machine, optional

    Sommer, can be good always fun, works with gun line or pig spam

    Leveticus, don't take it unless you make a crew to work with it, even then its iffy, you lose a good early game if you make a horseman crew, and a good later if you don't have horsemen

    Hamlin, good, as long as your in a good position it will go well for you

  15. With the manifest thing I was thinking about shooting a gammin that's stood in the middle of the enemy, not just shooting gammin. By shooting my own gamin I can basicly auto hit and cheat damage to sever meaning huge double blast damage to kill everyone around the gamin thereby getting the double kill, prime targets would be low wd high df moddles so I can get past there df and blow there face of

    If I did go fire gamin then I wouldn't need snow storm, and in that case I might go for karies using fire and ice pillers I can funnle people into tight spots, and when my gamin do implode on the enemy they will have at least 3 burn counters meaning karies can torch the enamys

    Downside to the karies thing is I lose a lot of synergys for some one of combos

  16. Hi, I love the idea of avatars and I was thinking af a way to make her avatar quickly, my head emediatly thought about nuking your own gamin foreasy dc damage if you can do this early then you can avatar early (admitidly not a turn 2 like a ramos)

    So what I'm thinking is a snow storm, gamin's, and and arcane effigy (or esscense of power)

    The basic idea is to sling shot the gamin forward and nuke it for the manifest criteria (8 dg blast will kill a fair few things) then manifeast as soon as possible if I can do it turn three I can still manifest then as soon as I can I start moving the avatar forward with sbowstorm

    I then had a thought, a fire gamin dose damage when it dies but not through shatter, so would avatar tina give shatter to a fire gamin, there by making it die with blast dg 4 orif tina kills it she would fill her wounds and do shatter dg 6 and if you need huge spike dgfor some one who heals a lot then get 2 or 3 fire gamin up there and you can easaly do 14 dg from chain reactions.

    So what are your thought on a quick avatar tina, and on fire gamin with tina

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