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Posts posted by izikial

  1. So, I'm at work thinking (its were I think the most as my job dosnt require thought) lynch is often said to strugle with strats that require lots of movment and its often said that ,your game plan shouldn't revolve around brilliance but should take advantage of it so I think why not use swampfeinds. I have a soft spot for juju and like he's undieying thing, hungering darkness can doa similer thing. I have no book/pdf as I'm at work, but hears a mock list idea

    Lynch the 2 normal upgrades and the rising sun one

    Hungry (can upgrade if you wish)

    Juju with undieying upgrade

    2 slurids to do what ever my job may be

    Spawnmother to make gupps to die

    What ever els you can fit in within the points

    Now you may think if your swampy why not zoraider. But she dosnt really do a lot of swampy stuff, she's good with them, but she's good with anything really. Her disign is to make things better no matter there keywords.

    So the bad

    No tots, they are amazing with jacob, you could put them in but there fighting with slurids for space

    Not much briliance interaction. You may still have points to put some in, but its not there standard if you want it.

    Not a lot of hard hitters

    A lot of expensive stuff

    Not enough discard mecanics, I may be wrong

    The good

    Bothe the big boys don't die easy

    You have a lot of hand manipulation to make your good guys hit reliably

    Hungry can still obay juju with a bit of work to make him able to flurry

    The thing I really like is kinde of a bomb mecanic, you brilliance a gupp (not sure how yet) and then shoot it with lynch or something or get lucky and the enemy kills it and then juju and hungry bothe pop out into the enamy team

    So yh, may be a lot of mistakes there as I have no source matirial and It may be a bad idea, but its a little gimmik idea with some power behind it

  2. so hear it is, what's more important to you,

    having the masters you like the most. :Timmy says: "I play ramos, mcmorning and zoraider cus there the best!"

    do you pick based around a faction, john says: "I love arconists, rock on ill play them all"

    do you pick mostly by faction except one or two, Fran says: "neverborn are so awesome and pretty, but I do think collet is pretty so I got her to"

    or do you work around your club, what people don't have, and that sort of thing

  3. I get the whole big models for anchors thing, but levi has no chain activations to make a strong few chain together, and not enough small guys to try and out activate the enemy, also if you have small spread out strategy's like taking every quarter you will really struggle. or a strategy to activate loads of things will mean your few super strong models will be running around and not unleashing there death rays.


    yh I didn't think sue would be god mode otherwise people would have said before, but I can see him preforming very will as a waif guard, im a big jack fan to and I can kind see him doing good there to as you speculate drool_bucket

  4. hi, I may be mentally hampered hear, but are the 1 and 0 actions on this jd upgrade effectively the same, the 0 can only be used once as its a 0 and says non leader but is 1 easier, that's the only difference I can see. I ask as the wording on the 2 ability is completely different and seems intentionally confusing, this makes me think i am missing something

  5. 1 has anyone tryed sue with him? He's living witch isn't the best for levi, but if he's camped out on a waif he can put out a lot of ranged damage, won't get scared of, can get hurt to draw a card if nothing is going on near him and he has 2 brilliant 0 actions, 1 to stop a caster sniping a waif, and one to stop melee beaters charging waifs.

    2 what do people use for levi as objective runners, necro punks were an old staple, but I'm not a fan of the new edition rules for them

  6. Ok, I didn't see anything on there stat card that stood out, and I didn't see why lynch would want them, they don't bennifit from the brilliance thing, and the only small cardmanipulation synergy is that lynch can draw lats of masks and tannen can make masks stronger, but basicly, the good modles with good internal synergy, they don't have much lynch snyergy othere than lynch needs what they provide (others provided it to, but they do it in a nice self contained package)

  7. hi, this post is of no real consequence, its just for me to congratulate wyrd on what I like.


    limited upgrade's

    I love these, at first I thought you had ripped the heart out of everything I loved, but then when I found these upgrades it smiled like a Cheshire cat, I love having diversity and options. also these limited upgrades allow you to make the old masters, but only part of them. I have gamer adhd and like to swap around a lot, and like to feel unique. and these upgrades fulfil that requirement nicely, it sort of odd but I like limitations, and having to pick a road and then deal with my choice. ideally id like all masters to have 2-3 limited upgrades in time, but im fine as it is.


    masters I like (including 2nd wave beta)






    no, sry but guild doesn't work for me, the hoff is ok but im not completely sold






    I think you have done a good job with the ressers, I like all of them except Kari (she's to mopey), and Seamus (he doesn't quite have enough going on for me) but all in all I think the ressers have bean really well designed they have nice internal combos and external synergy's. no the bad point, I know with a group called the resurrectionist's your expecting to make new models but im not to into that, it requires having a huge surplus of models, and I fell a bit like im wasting my time when my master spends there turn to make a new one (I know its worth it but still)


    mc morning good (no actions required to make models, it just happens)

    nicco cool, this guy has style

    yan, love the theme of growing in power

    molly, really interesting and I don't mind her summon

    tara, more on her latter, I consider her a outcast






    1st ed these guys were my jam, I loved them, the diversity with synergy. 2nd ed im leaving them behind, I don't have the same wonder for them any more and can see so many unique cool masters that the arcanists don't feel like they have. I have always hated how raspy is op in the story's, kind of feels like your compensating for making her a bit lame in the first book story, now no one can beat her. the drastic requirements for each master is kind of a pain (taking a moleman with Ramos was a strong defence but ultimately felt wrong) but its ok.


    raspy, in the story I never liked this lady, in game well she works, very simple play style, to me feels like Leveticus for learners. but that doesn't mean that blast markering your own ice gamin a few times until it pops and taking out 3 slurids or steam punk arachnids is very gratifying.


    Marcus, 1st ed was a no for him im afraid to eclectic but ultimately weak, it took him every card, ss and ap he had to do what zoraider could with 2 ap and 2 cards. in this edition I like him, I feel his beasts are more usable and he got a small buff all over it feels like.


    collet, 1st ed the strongest arcanist, 2nd ed the strongest arcanist. I don't like her, not keen on her crew, art style, story. I also like and underdog


    mai feng, I have no experience with her, she looks strong, and gives you a collet style master but with a bit more bite, I would play her but as I said im not to keen on archanists any more. also I don't like dual faction masters for the most part, it can make conflict when a resser player says im getting yan lo next and the 10t master says oh I was going to get him next :(


    karies, im seeing a lot of condition removal now and its making me reluctant to play a condition spam master, especially as soon as shenlong come's out its all the 10t players are going to be playing him. she's as strong as raspy with a little more aggressive versatility so she is good, but I don't have her and im not doing anymore archanists


    Ramos, my favourite 1st ed master, loved his avatar. felt distraught before I saw his upgrades then better after, I preferred a more aggressive buffy Ramos with 1 or 2 summons a game, but I feel like the best way to play him now is summon spam (and summon spam is very strong but not my style) so I have gone of him a little, also annoyed that raspy beat him in the fight, I feel like Ramos should beat any of the archanists as he knows there weakness's, not because he's just better than them


    iron sides, I have no idea, I hear good things and id try her if I were still blue but I have had no dealings with her so cant really comment






    not overly keen on neverborn, there are a few I like


    Pandora, my first master, found her confusing and gave up on her and then grew to hate playing against her, basically the same girl, but a bit less painful and annoying to play against


    lillith, the changing tot's puts me of her as she needs excess models, I think she may be fun to play as but very simple


    zoraider, love her, I have no intention of playing nb but if I did she would be the 1st/2nd master I got I love her complexity and hidden damage spikes and power, also lover her limited upgrade choice


    Lucius, eh not for me, to guildy


    dreamer, built up a steady hate for him in 1st ed, he seams a lot tamer now, but playing a little boy doesn't work for me


    Jacob, I like this guy, each game feels like a challenge, the brilliance thing is a little annoying, but he is the other master I would get for nb, also like his upgrade choices


    colloid, interesting, very interesting, being all grouped up worries me a little bit, id like to see him played a lot more to make a decision, but hes a lose 3rd on my list of favourite






    my 2nd end faction of choice, I love how unique and varied all there masters are, needing a huge amount of models is a bit daunting but I love some of there masters a lot


    levi, got him gen 1, only played 3 games with him, but one them all, I felt like he had been destroyed originally, but its all there, its just not as strong as he used to be. this is the guy im playing with till tara is out, in terms of attacking his choices are very limited but its everything else that he makes more confusing/fun/interesting


    jack daw, I want him, I want him so bad, well I have him, he was in my 1st ed levi crew but I mean a full box of his stuff, levi, this guy and tara are going to be my trio of masters, love his theme, love his crew, love him from 1st ed. good work on this guy wyrd


    Tara, sooo interesting, very physically weak, but still so interesting, I intend to play this lady a lot, and once again say well done wyrd although her damage out up is weak (its possible to kill a model in 1 turn with her but she will die straight after), I think if she had more then she would be to good, also her crew is a little iffy, her totem is weak and expensive and the nothing beast doesn't really bring anything another model cant bring without being better


    viks, eh, not for me, good, strong, mobile, but I had no love for them in 1st ed, and 2nd ed hasn't brought me around, there story is cool though


    von chill, hes to bland, I read some were that von is just good at everything, hes not the best at stuff, hes just a solid guy, and to me that is a little vanilla


    misaki, to soft and her damge is very suit dependant, not for me


    Hamlin, as he was so op in 1st ed I didn't really bother with him (prefer underdogs) I would defiantly play him if it wasn't for needing 30 or so rats (I know that's an over statement) but I hate the model surplus required




    ten thunders


    nope, a faction consisting of other faction models sounds like hell to me, shenlong is interesting, but not enough






    have always been a joke to me, I cant handle there self destruction and find them silly not cool, if I had to pick one it would be wong as he has some really nifty stuff (or zoraider obviously) but none of the factions things take my fancy so not worth it to me




    all In all I like second ed, I think balance is better, rules are clearer and more water tight, there is more choice. all I ask is that you put the story in story books so I can have the story all collected together including from the first ed books.

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  8. so my girlfriend decided to go for Seamus to start out, and I cant help but feel that playing Leveticus against Seamus is almost guaranteed failure as Seamus has a huge wp making it hard for levi to hurt him, and all that lure will pull levi into the open or even worse, pull the anchors away

  9. so some one mentioned earlier about using rusty to reactivate the deso as he can heal up, you do this as the last activations if possible so people don't have cards and they cant snipe the 1w deso, this made me think, if you can use necros and aboms to out activate the enemy then end of the turn you cast reactivate on the deso so i can start tearing people up and healing, then use levi to make it hit 3 more times you hurt it for 2, but if you can then hurt them for 5 you will heal that back up. this would let you tare into a crew like ulix/Hoffman kind of stack and buff crews. using this on a deso that is at 1,2,3 wds anyways is a win win.


    how often are people taking the levi upgrades and the Alice upgrade, there are a lot of 2 ss costs, and with levis requirement of having multiple beefy models can he afford to splurge.


    has anyone tried the watcher? I remember reading that levi's only issue is that he struggles with cover, and there watcher is a nice cheap and ok for objective running as its wk 6 flying

  10. ah,  I suppose yh it is a trigger so you don't have to use it, but it isn't amazing still in my opinion, I wasn't saying leaving a 14wd opponent at 2 is bad, im saying with or without the upgrade you get the same result, but I didn't think about not using the trigger, meaning you can kill a 14 wd model with the upgrade 14 to 7 to 4 then high damage up upgraded, so everything I wrote is wrong

  11. I like killjoy and bete, and I like tara (although I belive she is a little week as a solo master) and with her I'd probably take one every time, but with levi having limited ss to keep tied to his waifs I don't think I could afford 10 ss stuck out of play for a few turns

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  12. hi guys, as far as I could see no one had done a run down of levi's to the earth return upgrade, so I thought I would do one out lining how much is needed to kill a model with and without the upgrade for different wounds values, this is best case scenarios there may be many other card combos, but im only showing the best


    1 wd

    without: 1 ap, 1 card of any type

    with: 1 ap, 1 low card


    2 wd

    without: 1 ap, 1 card of any type

    with: 1 ap, 1 low card


    3 wd

    without: 1 ap, 1 card, moderate at least

    with: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1st card anything then 1 low


    4 wd

    without: 1 ap, 1 card high

    with: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1st card anything then 1 low


    5 wd

    without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1 low, 1 at least moderate

    with: 3 ap, 3 cards, 1st 2 can be anything the last one low


    6 wd

    without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 2 moderate

    with: see above


    7 wd

    without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 1 moderate 1 high

    with: 3ap, 3 cards 1st must be moderate or better 2nd can be anything last must be low


    8 wd

    without: 2 ap, 2 cards, 2 high

    with: see above


    9 wd

    without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 1 low 1 moderate 1 high

    with: 3ap, 3 cards 1st 2 must be moderate at least, last one must be low 


    10 wd

    without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 2 moderate 1 high

    with: see above


    11 wd

    without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 1 moderate 2 high

    with: left with 1 wd


    12 wd

    without: 3 ap, 3 cards, 3 high

    with: left with 1 wd


    13 wd

    without: left with 1 wd

    with: left with 2wd


    14 wd

    without: left with 2 wd

    with: left with 2 wd


    overall I would not take the upgrade, it never really out does not having it, but it makes your required cards a lot more limited, you will end up using a lot of your hand trying to get the right damage number at the right time, at 11-12 wd's is when you start to struggle without it, but it becomes impossible with it. some of them may also seem really hard to achieve without it, but don't forget your using 1 less ap. also a lot of rams are required when using it


    final note

    this may become something worth taking if you can give levi fast, if levi gets 4 activations a turn he can take down a 20 wd model (I believe 14 is the highest in game) were without you stop at 16 wds and the card requirements become a little more reasonable, but splitting damage is still a lot worse with the upgrade

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