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Posts posted by izikial

  1. hum ok, thanks a lot for your feed back masterdisaster, I am interested in seeing a 10t Jacob's perspective on what to take, but you information has helped a lot, I might just get some of the torakage 

  2. I went ten thunders as there are so meany models I read the rules to and think they sound awsome, basicly all the hench and rear 1 things are really cool. Not as keen on the chaf.

    for neverborn I like terror tots, I like depleted and stitched a bit but I can get them anyway.

    Not overly keen on suport models unless there realy usefull like tannen and to me beckoners and dopleganager ant as cool

    The problem I have with 10t is that I like to meny thing's and I'm paralised by options, wial not likeing/seeing good objective runners

  3. Hi, I got jacob, played my first game with him last night, I wone but it was the othere persons first game ever. I love what he dose, although I'm not to fond of the brilliance thing, what modle's would you recomoned getting next to give me mobility and possibly punch that arnt to brilliance focused

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  4. Ok, its a vrey small sample data size, but it seems people whant the masters they want and not to be faction ristricted. Maybe typical faction based tornys are out of date and we should swap to a warma/hords (I'm sry for saying these dirty words) 3 master torniment stile insted so people can buy/paint what they want and get to play what they finde cool and enjoy

  5. hi, im going to try introducing malifaux to my local gaming club, to do this I want to do a demo game, I have a fair amount of old crews from first ed, but none of them ore really demo game viable I dont think, do you have any ideas for a demo game I could do using the crews I have.












    jocbo lyunch


    seamus (hes my gf's but i could get her to let me borrow it)


    what crews are more demo friendly, and should I have fixed scheme and strat or flip for it?

  6. yh, Vanessa can, that's kind of good, she could make a minion a sister so they get to heal to, I don't think I could warrant using this though as the only one to get it would be the 1/2 ronin or convicts I take, or bishop and that's not enough benefit to me, but good shout


    I like the bishop idea, he's quite nice, i don't know if i can get enough out of him, but ill consider it for sure 

  7. I like the convict fits nice in the semi ranged crew idea, only downsiades are the discard might not be possible as I have a lot already, also anothere ranged member might not help me get up there to do schemes.

    I'm not at home and can't remember the ronins stats and skills but ill look into them

    I typicly prefer high cost hench enforce style modles, but I see the need for multi small modals

  8. Ok, I kind of like vanessa, I don't think I'd take her out, she dose so much and it all works with how tara works.

    I could swap to the childe and lose the upgrade giving me anothere 4 ss, then I could cut a void wretch to put something biger and more scheme based into the list.

    I get the whole build to your scheme, but when I'm learning I prefer to stick to a similer list, fined all its good and bad points then make small changes, also as you say a core is good, a 2-3 modle group you always use, then swap the rest

  9. hi, I put up an article about what models other than Jacob lynch use card shenanigans and I have had a few ideas but I am but a wee baby in crew building and game play, so I put it to you, what is the most manipulative/interesting/strong/fun 50ss crew you can make when it comes to card play.


    I will look down on any gremlin crews, but I will still look upon them


    I am interested in seeing what the titans of malifaux come up with.

  10. hi, a little Tara list hear, nothing special.


    50 ss


    tara, knowledge of eternity, obliteration symbiote

    the 2 almost mandatory upgrades, basically allowing Tara to manipulate and control things as she doesn't work as a beater, and her in built control is iffy, you could take eternal journey if you want it.


    student of conflict

    can give fast and I don't like her normal totem.



    to provide some ranged support, he can cover Tara and make death ally's in areas I need covering, he has a discard to help clean your hand if you want.



    classic in a Tara crew, he's my melee beater, as I have a lot of good ranged in the crew this guy is there to tie up big nasty's that may hunt my soft guys or go minion stomping, as I have the symbiote I can shoot him into the enemy wear I want him.



    she is a sister and so has some student combos, she likes to be on the centre line, giving me a forward ranged model to help support Tara, I have no constructs so I have little use for that ability, average melee if I need to body block with her, the surges may seem weird but I tend to want Hans to activate after her so he can use the surged cards, also she lets me re stack my deck witch is very strong in a hand less Tara crew.


    3 void wretches

    these are nice, they can heal a burred friendly, attack a burred enemy, there df will be silly high, there incorporeal and so can do my objective running, all-round just nice guys to have


    this leaves us with a 6ss pool (1 of max) giving me lots of ss to use on important flips




    so yh, nothing special just some strong individual pieces with strong synergy's, can kill, run survive, what ever you need, with all the discards you could swap kj for nothing beast, but I like that he starts buried and the nothing beast is a glass cannon compered to killjoy who is a meaty cannon 

  11. im tempted, the model count is a worry, expensive and taxing. especially if in the plastics there are only 3-4 different bayou gremlins and I have 7 on bored. something I feel with gremlins, im not sure if I like it or not is everything feels like it fits with everything else, in neverborn if your Lilith you take neph if your Pandora you take sorrows, but for gremlins other than ulix then everything is ok with every master it means there are no wasted purchases, but it means even with 1 master you may need lots of different things

  12. I didn't just mean card drawing, I ment more shinanigans and manipulation although thank you for the list namtar.

    I hate you all, I have a deep resentment for gremlins, no real reason just how I feel. But the more I read gremlins the more I see there power, I love wong, I think sommer can real really devistating and a good mulit perpous master (with the intresting card mechanics I like) and ulix seems devistating, I even think bre master might be good although I'm not sure how yet

  13. I didn't just mean card drawing, I ment more shinanigans and manipulation although thank you for the list namtar.

    I hate you all, I have a deep resentment for gremlins, no real reason just how I feel. But the more I read gremlins the more I see there power, I love wong, I think sommer can real really devistating and a good mulit perpous master (with the intresting card mechanics I like) and ulix seems devistating, I even think bre master might be good although I'm not sure how yet

  14. Im in Lincolnshire, about an hour from Lincoln. it dose help thanks, I haven't really thought about vassal, I messed around with it one time a year ago, but ill have a look at it. I have the rule book and stuff, but I go into a trance when I start reading the rule's so I do it in sections, I new the 1st ed rules ok as I read the book over and over, but I need to read the second ed stuff and pick up on the small and big changes

  15. yh, I didn't mean a joke as in unplayable although people didn't see there strength straight away, its just the only people who would pick up sommer were people who thought they would stomp with him cus a guy at a torny did, or that guy at the club who likes to think he's "wacky" and "hilarious" so he plays gremlins cus why not. and that reputation has stuck with me

  16. Hum, although not not either wong or somer I was thinking about getting zoraider and brewmaster, so I can play 2 masters in 3 factions, and I do like wong, I always thought of gremlins as a joke from first ed, but I am slowly coming to terms with the fact there a faction. Still not a fan of all the self harming stuff but maybe.

  17. hi there everybody


    I live in England I don't have a local gaming club that plays (they are all playing infinity/ wild west exodus/ dead zone) and there is no generic games shop that would allow me to meat people and make the sales pitch. so what would you recommend as a way to get playing the game, people have suggested just going to tourneys to meat people and pick it up, but with the tiny amount of games I have had I would be beyond awful and making rules mistakes a lot and generally slowing things down. I really want to get a chance to play regularly get good (at least 98% rules fluent) and then maybe escalate to tournaments (although I work till 10pm Friday and do 9-5 Saturday so that may be a bit of a dream).


    edit: originally had a few questions about the success of malifaux, but lost interest as a wrote them so figured it wasn't worth it, that's why the title is that

  18. hi, I bought Jacob recently as I love his card manipulations stuff, and the idea of playing the deck not just the player. I love actively using the deck rather than it being a random series of effects. so who else dose cool/fun/strong card manipulation effects (masters to get next and normal models) if there 10t or nb so I can share then win, I intend to get jack when he's released so outcasts are not bad either.

  19. hi, in the webstore I cant see everything, in books and cards it says there are 17 things I can only see 12, and box's there are 15 and I only see 12, I have no page tab to go to a new page, what am I doing wrong?


    edit: every sub category is missing things, out cast says 4 but shows 3, archanist says 10 shows 9

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