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Posts posted by izikial

  1. ok thanks kalkris, misaki is my least favourite 10t and outcast masters that's what's stopping me there, I don't like her story or how she works. ama no zako is cool, but I just cant ever seem to fit him in a crew when im looking at things, yan lo might be worth a look, I do like him and if I don't go 10t then I can give him to the gf

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  2. yh if your using fast then you want to use a bubble crew, its a little less useful on recon strat imo as you want to be clustered although you can camp mid in a bubble then spread In the last few turns after obliterating everything. lure/obey style models are nice for it. I have 2 crew subjections for that style, Bothe are not standard and there for probably subpar


    1 Vanessa, I know I know I have a crush on her, but she dose have a lot of Tara synergy's, but the main reason is she can take the upgrade allowing no discards for mercs so your convicts can use the fast ap to move up then rapid-fire with no discard


    2 montressor, a lot of people think he's over priced in a jack daw list so in a Tara list why bother, well you have no hench yet so there's a new guy to use your ss, and he has lots of pulls, mont can pull some one in and keep them there as your enemy fast target, he's also tuff enough to hold a enemy big guy still effectively disabling them for a portion of the game. mocking laughter makes the burry's easier if you want to burry the target after fasting, he's terrifying so he might paralyse the fast model when they start doing things wasting there fast or he can melee trigger for paralyze once again wasting the enemy fast ap, nimble means he can have 4 ap

  3. from reading and seeing comments I see:


    outcasts has all unique play style altering crews that are different but segregated, meaning your opponent is guessing (unless he knows you only have one crew, but each crew has limited answers to each situation that are still synergetic with the crew


    with ten thunders each master plays less like the intended in crew play style and more homogenised with each other (the good models are good with all masters) you still have that 10 thunders wild card element of each master being drastically different, but your crews choices will often end up the same regardless of master


    and this is were my problem lies, I like the outcast masters for there play styles, but I find a lot of there crews models a bit eh and find the lack of good cross compatibility irritating. I like 10 thunders crew models, but I find there masters limited with the hiring restrictions, I like all but misaki for the 10 thunders masters, but for each of them I would prefer the play style they get from playing there alt faction

  4. this is a small concern I have that everyone says all 10t masters other than misaki and shenlong (obviously) are best in there native faction, atm that's not the biggest issue for me, but I do intend to go to tourneys, and im not good enough that I can knowingly gimp my self,


    the main thing I see is that the outcasts don't really have any synergy out of crew, so each crew doesn't add to the whole, wear the 10t do have a lot of internal synergy, but the outcast's independence dose make them kinda cool and interesting

  5. hi


    I really like some outcast stuff and I really like some 10 t stuff, so what way do I go



    these are some of the models I have a particular draw to



    jack daw









    ashes and dust



    ten thunders



    lucas macab




    sensi yu





  6. ok, another loss for her, I took levi at her request, and she proxied some stuff, unluckily we get reckoning, murder prot and make them suffer, I tabled her by turn 4, so I don't think any hand hints will help at this point, im going to give a bit more advice (my original tact was let her do what she wants that way she will feel powerful), but next game im going to give her a lot of advice and actively try to beat my self so she can see were to power in her crew is, she's still not using lure quite right.


    do ressers have any op stand alone models like how the guild dose, models that don't need synergy's to work and just have good raw stats and output

  7. Hi, I have a 2 parter, first most of the masters I want to play are wave 2 (yanlo, levi, jackdaw, shenlong, lucas) and I like tara but she is "unavalable". So I am looking at everything atm narrowing down what I really want, so what crew would vanessa and sue bothe fit best in (not the listed ones but all crews) there my favorit non masters. I know there wave 2 aswell, but I'm just norrowing my options.

    Second, were dose each outcast master fall on a scale of needing soulstones, who needs a full 7 and who never wants to waste a stone on cache

  8. she lost again, we used a wood in the centre, and it freaked her out, she got the rules but got a bit on tilt using something she didn't know, she was a bit to defensive with Seamus and didn't use him much in the first 3 turns (i think she is settled into a happy medium now), she doesn't like what syble dose and wants to swap for Mortimer, we also forgot corpse counters, I don't use them so I wasn't thinking about them, we didn't remember till turn  4 when I had killed all but 1 belle and Seamus.

  9. ok, well then you introduce an errata to the upgrade and add a key word or include the new models on the erratad card or bring out a new upgrade. im personally just having faith in wyrd and that they have probably thought about this a little bit


    there is no new tara stuff in wave 2 that we have seen yet so we cant really complain about things as we have no idea there solution, just because I am not clued up enough to solve it doesn't mean that wyrd isn't

  10. from what I hear she is stronger with ressers than outcast, people prefer bete with an aura more than kj and she's cheaper. also as a resser if you don't take the upgrade to hire the void things her resser pool is better than outcast, I cant speak from experience, but just what I hear, when they talked about her on malifools (may have been cheated fates) they all said she's better resser,


    I also see the duel faction thing as a story element, you saw in the books story, she didn't have the piece of obsidian/void and the other guy did, so some times she's mopey and doesn't have the obsidian so she hangs out with dead people, then when she does she becomes an engine of the void and her own boss.


    also its really no big deal to put on any new tara crew models a little rule saying "may always be taken by tara regardless of faction"

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  11. she doesn't need a key word, Jacob has one so the cross faction aspect works, without it he wouldn't have a pool of nb to pull from, in effect her key word is buried. her crew isn't about horror and wp duels, its about making people disappear into the void and then popping them back out. if you don't like that theme then go try cthulhu Pandora (insidious madness, her avatar sculpt, corpelius) horror story dreamer (uses some similar models) or scary man Seamus for your horror wp duels

  12. as far as im aware, the main reasons you take yan lo as 10t is for recalled training,, izamu loves it, yin likes it, toshiro likes it, chaki will take it, yan doing a lightning dance multi hit brutal khakkhar attack loves it. and as when things die and get rezed they lose upgrades that works as In the turn you think you will die pop it, you get lots of resist + flips and you do a lot of damage and the fact its gone doesn't matter as you would lose it anyway, then when you come back and get healed up your not missing an upgrade, as I read some were, 1ss gives you 1 + flip, recalled training will give you about 4 at least for the cost of 1 ss

  13. the problem I have with slow things is that lynch's crew isn't speedy, playing with his started box atm is showing me that things like brake through are wasted scheme's on him and I feel like putting in more slow things for his crew wont help him. I don't hate the miniatures necessarily, although im not a rail worker fan.


    my gf is my main opponent atm and she is playing Seamus, so kang would feel like a kick in her pants, I want to learn to beat Seamus and then if I go to a tournament or something then I already have the strats down and so by taking things like kang then I have a guaranteed win, sort of.


    I played ace wrong to begin with, but I still don't feel discards are really good on him, id take 1 or 2 maybe but reading guides it feels like people want to spam the discard models and I don't see that


    as I said im playing Seamus a lot I started with the casting expert one as I prefer it, but my gf is getting the hang of lure so I take the rising sun one so I can use him as a lure wall wail I move up and engage, then when he dies I can kill them as im right next to them by now and i get him back


    just read your battle reports, I do kind of like your Jacob crew set up. thanks for them

  14. the reason I don't want to go brilliance heavy is all brilliance dose is make you do more damage, Jacob already dose a lot of damage, so I don't need to make that even higher, I need a way to move quicker and add a bit of control, also as there is only one way to make brilliance permanent its an investment every turn to brilliance people so your hitters can hurt them, if your hitters are not nearby then you cant help them.


    basically to boil it down Jacob dose damage and is a cluster of hurt, if you go brilliance then you do more damage and are required even more to cluster so yh I suppose if your doing it anyway why not be amazing at it, but it really limits your potential and stops you doing mobility based strats and schemes


    I also think 10t stuff has better rules than nb and looks cooler than nb and I like to have a ranged option that nb often lack

  15. the template 50ss crew I have come up with is as follows



    expert cheater

    the rising sun

    woke up with a hand


    (tempted to lose expert cheater, not sure)





    mr graves


    mr tannen


    2 illuminated


    2 torakage



    the idea is the 2 torakage are for objective running and splitting of from the group, the 2 illuminated are 1 each for Jacob and hungry looking to brilliance a model so they can unleash on them, tannan is a defensive support mainly used for his chatty, graves is a front man used to push hungry up and have solid brilliance independent damage.


    this is just a rough outline, if the strat/scheme don't use interacts then I can lose tannan, if I need more runners then swap an illuminated for another torakage (like tengu and will try them after wave 2 release). I am lacking utility pieces, but there are a lot of utility pieces I just don't see a use for (beckoners I just dont like). stitched are an option if I don't need to run around (kill strat with assassinate/vendetta scheme's)


    my gf is playing seamus, and the gamer in me is telling me to use kang and yamaziko but that would feel a bit cruel


    edit: I do see a use for beckoners, but I see Jacob as a killy crew who dose objectives by removing opposition rather than working around them, so sitting back and luring people in would mean I can do a lot of damage a lot easier but make me an even worse objective runner. also as I said my gf is Seamus so she's already luring, and in a lure war she will come out on top 


    edit 2: I could swap the illuminated for beckoner's, I lose a lot of damage, but get better sustained brillianceing and make my hungry and Jacob hit more often as they have to walk less, I do like the toughness and damage of illuminated, ill have to try things out

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