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Posts posted by izikial

  1. ok, its hard to not bunch up in turf war as you need to occupy the centre, I think the raptors will be good 3ss to hold up 7-8 ss of model im not sure what im going to do to win but ill try something.

  2. i am terrified of the viks, quick, high damage, can ignore all sorts of defences, can lay down a lot of range. I just dont know what to do, I feel like if I try and play cleaver she will get 1-2 points on the centre before I can contend with her, and if I try rushing her ill got shot to bits then put to the sword, I cant even try and contend with her at range, and my melee is ok but not as good as there's, and my big 9-8 ss beasts can be killed in 1 viks activation no problem

  3. is the jack the best totem, I tried essence with him but it didn't really work out, I was trying a support buff/debuff alpha spam type (thought alpha still took the activation away) it just couldn't keep up and still buff Marcus.


    also I'm almost certain I know the answer, but if I use the spell that buffs beast wp and debuffs non beast wp and then I turn an enemy into a beast do they get the buff wp as it is an on-going condition?

  4. kind of a weak explanation, I love the story, but it doesn't make me want to take death marshals with her, I thought shed have some cool thing were death marshals have seen oblivion in a different sense (as in the nothingness of death) and that is how the become what they are and then tara could tap into it

  5. is there a story some were that explains Tara's affinity for death marshals, the rule book doesn't have one. is there one in a cronical or something, just seams odd that a part real symbiotic (possible tyrant) thing with all the odd creatures it has dominion over some how lets Tara use dead cowboys with box's

  6. it was mainly that you could see 3 markers from a safe distance completely controlling them and then shutting down my forces on the last 2 if you went to the kill zone side, instead you had limited vision on 2 and no vision on the other 3


    I think she will win next game, im pretty sure. also I kind of want her to, for her obviously and I cant start improving until im forced to adapt, im learning every game but im not having to strive for the win atm, you can see with her not having won yet that she is learning quicker than me and she has the burning desire to win. not to be all big headed but im like bat man or rocky, victory will defeat me

  7. we had squatters right's (the 5 markers along the centre) one side was a bottle neck that was closer to her deployment, this is were she set up but it gave me cover to run up to before gathering my thoughts and going ham (I was playing a tara crew with killjoy and bishop (ps pls release a tara box that I can buy)). the other side was a nice open kill zone area with some ht 1 cover (I didn't have enough ranged power to utilize this area) 3 of the markers were visible and inside the kill zone so would have bean fair game for luring of. I sent 2 void wretches to the far right (kill zone) 2 were she had nothing as deployed hard to the left. with all her stuff crammed in near the bottle neck I charged killjoy and bishop (both had fast) in and started removing models, using kiara's upgrade to not have as many corps markers.


    if she had set up in the kill zone area I wouldn't have been able to answer her threats for a turn or 2, she would have lured and killed anything I sent near it forcing me to be trapped at the left 2 and then she could have removed me 1 by one over the next few turns. she didn't see it till tonight, but I am terrified of lure and I think she understands why now, the first 1-2 turns when a lot of crews are getting to position you can be removing model's by luring them over.


    she would have possibly done a lot better with her chosen deployment, but the one other thing that fluffed her up was using all 3 of Seamus's ap to back ally first turn (the first 2 attempts failed and she didn't want to cheat it) she them brought copy cat forwards into an exposed (it didn't look it but I unburied kj into a charge position) position, this series of events meant Seamus didn't summon a belle 1st turn like she has done recently, and allowed me to turn 1 kill the copy cat removing a solid damage source

  8. i have 3 problems with ama no zako, not to take away from your suggestion as it is good, and I like ama no zako In theory




    1. hes terrifying living and my main foe atm is a resser player

    2. he doesn't have any of the suites he needs to do anything meaning he will suck up all your ss

    3. hes ml 5 and ca 6, for a 9 ss model that feels really low


    I really like him and on a strat were you have to hold ground (turf war, squatters, even recon) ama and jaakuna with a drowned or 2 will mess the enemy up, add a drowned injustice so they cant walk out of the hazardous terrain and you do have a good tough force, then you bring in motressor and maybe a guilty for ama if you want and that is a really strong force, just watch out for guild esq gun lines

  9. so who is your favourite/most anticipated non tormented model to use with jack daw, most likely to be given tormented by a guilty or maybe they don't need it. this can either be thematic, overpowered or interesting.


    my personal choice is sue, I have said before that sue and Vanessa are my favourite mercs. the reason I say sue in this case is for the following.



    he is Johnny cash and cash had many daemons, you could maybe say he was tormented, I think he fits in a crew of people and ex-people with issues


    aura's can be increased in size with jd and sue can make them, both of these are defensive around him and jd likes a cluster crew


    he has some solid range attacks and jd typically is a melee (ish) crew, so having a ranged guy who could sit back and hold a point wile contributing is good


    higher wp than most of jd's theme and relentless meaning he can help deal with masters like Seamus and Pandy


    card draw is nice as jd has a discard mechanic and replenishing would be useful


    there is so much more, but I need to stop some were, basically I love sue and jd from 1st ed so having them together is heaven to me

  10. end of turn 2 start of turn 3 I thought I had lost, she was singling out my models and luring them in, what won me the game is that she has an irrational fear/hate for hungry and Jacob, she lured my Jacob into her nest and he then activated and got a brilliance kill to summon back hungry (she killed him first turn, but I know how much she hates him so took the rising sun upgrade) and then the pair went on to kill 2-3 more models, crippling her, and hungrys mi range held the rest of her forces in close enough to me so she couldn't get points turn 3 and 4 she would have won if she had moved for the strat before going in for the kill, I had 2 illuminated and rail workers sat back in defensive stance all game and I also killed her copycat as he fluffed 2 attacks against my near death illuminated so the illuminated charged him and kill him. 1 question for her, are doxies and rotter's the only Seamus able belles for summoning so far?

  11. I always see most masters as what they were 1st ed really, and with 10t you get my meaning, its just a way I could quickly describe what I meant and most people understood it, im calling an end to this article, im not getting much help from it 1/2 are supporting what im saying but that doesn't help me and others are saying im wrong and that doesn't help, im thinking 10t , in outcasts if you get the wrong strat and scheme you cant use your favourite master to good effect, but with 10t you can In my opinion. outcast mercs can still work with other factions (although I wouldn't take them as a resent the extra ss cost)

  12. slow lauris here,

    ok so we played again last night and I lost, however I played a lot better. We didn't do schemes this time only a strategy, which I felt more comfortable with as I didn't have so much to think about.

    I proxyed some crooked men and canine remains. found them both really useful even tho I should have used the canines corps marker ability more as our strat was recon and I could have used some more belles just for spreading around the table and claiming quarters, I didn't read the 'arise my sweet' thing properly and thought Seamus could only summon when he was in base contact with the corpse marker, I would have won the game, I think, if I had utilised this.

    I also used Sybelle a lot more, I honestly thought I was through with her and was going to use Mortimer instead, but I actually enjoyed using her this time.

    I got izikial to help me with my deployment this time, its something I always struggle with, and I asked for advice a lot through the game but he made sure I made a lot of my own decisions. 

    I wasn't too keen on the him playing a hench instead of master, yes it would have been easier for me but if I had won it wouldn't have felt as good.

    I need to stop worrying about belles dying, especially if I have canine cause I can just summon another.


    oh yeah and Drix thanks for the write up its been a big help :)I totally didn't think about using Seamus's slap to get him out of a sticky situation, thanks for that! and I will remember to always focus when I shoot.


    ok I think im done... until the next game

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  13. yh I mean what devalmont said, if you go guild, resser, neverborn or gremlin all of the crews look similar ish, arcanists is a bit less so, I think 10t do have an over all similar look but from 7 different angles, but out casts have no visual synergy, and there is some game play based reasons, viks wont take void wretches, vonschill wont take guilty, things like that were as in archaists any master can still find a use for anything, Ramos with mole men, raspy with and electric creation (run 2 turns then shoot with raspy blast for cheatable high damage flips and it explodes).

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