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The Green Git

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Everything posted by The Green Git

  1. On the flip side of that coin... the very act of offering to let your opponent cut your deck is very reassuring and it takes virtually no time to do. I always offer, even if my opponent does not. Agreed. Pretty sad indeed.
  2. You mean there's others?!? I can't think of a game played with Lilith in it that didn't involve running directly at the heaviest concentration of the enemy and whacking them in the head.
  3. Yeah Micro Art Studios makes the ones I used too. Have used Dragonforge as well and am happy with both.
  4. I figured since Leveticus was a scavenger he'd be picking around in rubble and ruins so used these: http://www.thewarstore.com/product47957.html
  5. Wow... some great inspiration here Sholto, Ratty and Greenbull! I got the WW tile sets over the weekend and have been playing with Gimp a bit to be able to manipulate the tiles. Have been painting minis this weekend but plan on working on some terrain in the coming week thanks to you lot.
  6. With near a 50% chance of merely Paralyzing Leveticus, I think I'll pass on running him into the Shafted counters. Sounds like a good way to get your Master and Hollowed Waif(s) killed.
  7. I find them fairly useful and in 35SS games will likely be taking two or three. At 4 SS each they are cheap, and the Shafted ability helps in area denial. The Crooked Men also help in the ranged attack department with their Cave-In spell. They are not Insignificant, so can claim table quarters etc. Their speed is decent and they can Paralyze in a couple different ways so help with big nasties. One thing that seems like it works good is using them to form a pocket with Shafted markers while you advance. Keep them at a little over 2" in front of your front ranks and if anyone tries to charge you they'll end up in marker effect range. Of course you won't be in melee either but with Leveticus' Unnatural Wasting and Entropic Transformation you can keep things at bay while you, well, waste them. Any 7 wound or less model will die in one turn to this combo and will net you a Hollowed Waif or Steampunk Abomination to boot.
  8. Ah, Gloss Varnish. They sell this clear glossy stuff in spray cans for crafting and what not... that's another option. I just printed out a test sheet with my near-dead Deskjet cartridge and spread a bit of Future on it to see how it looks when dry.
  9. Have you guys considered Future floor wax for your water effects? It's thin, brushes on and leaves no brush marks and is shiny! I use it all the time for water and glass effects in other modeling projects. It's not really wax, btw, but liquid acrylic that dries crystal clear. The only unknown is how it will take to porous materials. If you are using sealed glossy label paper it shouldn't be an issue. Water soluable ink might be though... dunno. Maybe I'll experiment with a little.
  10. Ratty's counters are awesome! For me the counter usage is mandatory with things like Corpse and Scrap counters. For effects, they are as much a courtesy to your opponent as they are a reminder to you. It's easy to forget a model is slowed or otherwise affect by things like Pacify and Incite. Counters make everyone's life easier and keep people from making innocent mistakes. I use them copiously.
  11. Just couldn't help myself: http://games.adultswim.com/zombie-hooker-nightmare-xxx-mas-action-online-game.html
  12. Those canals really look nice Greenbull. I'm going to steal the idea for curbs for my roads. Thanks both Sholto and Greenbull for inspiration.
  13. As a game mechanism it's not different. How it impacts your strategy is where it's different. It's a matter of not knowing if your damage will kill the target. For example, with Lady J's Critical Strike you don't really care what happens to the target when you call the trigger... you want to kill it and will be standing there no matter what. With LCB and the Dreamer if you call the trigger, take the damage flip and then the target is still around to retaliate the Dreamer *might* be in trouble. It's a long shot, but just maybe. Also, if you decide to NOT trigger "All Done" and LCB is still standing there waiting to kill something that is already dead, the rest of the opposing crew might shoot him to pieces/etc.
  14. I'd like to jump on the Wyrd love bandwagon too. As a long time (20+ yrs) wargame and FRPG player I can safely say that Wyrd has clearly top notch if not THE best customer support in the industry. Their product is superior in design and execution and they have some awesome sculpting talent in their pool. Keep up the good work gang. Thanks for the fun!
  15. So is the takeaway here that Lord Chompy Bits must call the "All Done" trigger before damage is inflicted? That seems to introduce a little bit of a gamble in that he may go away before the target is dead (if that's the desired result which I assume it is).
  16. Welcome aboard! You're in for a wild ride, the background and miniatures for the game are fantastic and the mechanics solid. For a game so relatively new it's worlds tighter than games made by that big unnamed UK firm. Wyrd also has some great people on board. The support here is wonderful and timely. Hats off to the Wyrd crew.
  17. This is absolutely fabulous! I want to play with Hayzel now... I mean try her out... er put her on the table... oh nevermind.
  18. Thanks, I'll have a look the next time I'm in there.
  19. Sholto there was another website that sold sheets of foamed PVC for photo backing that came with adhesive already. Was billed as peel and stick photo mounting but you could just as easily stick texture maps on there... http://www.foamboardsource.com/sintra-pvc-foam.html
  20. My own personal list: 1. Lillith 2. Karai 3. Perdita Granted, this is highly subjective. I've seen good players win big with Ramos and The Dreamer.
  21. I don't know from experience but if the amount of people playing them say anything you could draw from inference: 1. Marcus. Rarely do I see him fielded. 2. McMourning also does not show up in these parts. 3. Sonia Criid. What I see a lot of: 1. Seamus. 2. Karai. 3. The Dreamer. I have seen a Ramos crew used to good effect and do middle pack with Lady Justice personally.
  22. Welcome aboard! There does seem to be a bit of a role playing draw to Malifaux, even though it's not really an RPG. They did such a good job of fleshing out the characters that it's very easy (and fun!) to slip into character while gaming. For example, I often find myself feeling like a bit of an old lech while playing with Leveticus. Hollow Waifs, Rusty Alice and all...
  23. This is interesting stuff and certainly would be lighter than MDF. Found some here: http://www.tapplastics.com/shop/product.php?pid=342 Cost for 9 1/4" thick 12" x 12" sheets: $33.75 Cost to ship to my location: $19.38 :261: Looks like the MDF wins as I can get that at Home Depot and they will cut it for free.
  24. I have purchased Dragon Forge before and had good turnaround times. They are a little bit smaller of a shop so some handling time is expected. My order was about a week from online order to going out his door... this is more than acceptable in my book. The product is great quality and I would not hesitate to purchase from Dragon Forge again in the future. Thanks for putting out some great lookng bases Jeff!
  25. Very nice! Like the canals. I've come to find apparently the cork tiles are less common in the US. The home fix-it stores don't carry them. I'd have to special order.
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