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Posts posted by alemon

  1. I just got Seamus' box set. He's about to play a big part in our Through The Breach RPG game, so I figured I should get his actual model. I also figured it would work as a lure (hehe) to prospective new players; I don't like ressurectionists too much, but I know a lot of my friends would love them. 


    The model and mechanics of the master himself I love. I like the feel of a crazy serial killer who flits around until you're exposed, then attacks you. I like that he can heal whenever you fail a WP duel (which he can trigger because he's terrifying). While I like the belles (not a fan of sybelle's look), I was looking for more models to have in his crew that aren't too "zombie" looking. I was looking at the hanged and the crooked men (I'm not sure how to place scheme markers yet), and also at Izumi but he isn't in the M2E book so I"m not sure what he does. I also have the older Bete Noire model and I"m thinking about having her in the crew. 


    Would a crew made mostly of hanged and crooked men, with maybe bete noire and Izumi work out? 

  2. Personally, I have players come in with fresh fated. We typically tackle more than one fate in a session so it's not too hard to catch them back up if you want. So far one player has reflipped a character (they died to a critical condition. I don't feel bad, they started the fight) and they're behind a few steps but it isn't too bad.

  3. I really like the idea of NOT flipping cards as an FM, just because the enemies do exactly what I want them to do unless the players stop them (instead of rolling ones and twos; I have bad luck). 


    This seems like a fun idea though, especially for everyone who's used to rolling as a GM. I think I'd leave out the FM cheating just because of Fluff--the fated at the ONLY ones who can alter their destiny.


    I think I might try this for a section of today's game, and let your guys know how it went (for a larger sample size)

  4. Does anyone else love this? I love this. The showgirls are one of my favorite groups in the game. A few things:


    --The -5 focus object immuto seems pretty powerful, but I think it's alright as long as you remember that the showgirl needs to be TOUCHING the mannequin to count it as a focus object. 


    --Mannequins should be more of enablers and protectors. I'd scratch the martial arts 3, or at least lower it.


    --In the rank three description, you say "Graceful Duet". What is that referring to? Is that supposed to be Rehearsed duet, from the rank two? Eitherway, I'm not sure how I feel about having more than one mannequin. It always seemed like a one on one thing. Or maybe that'd be a rank five skill, once you're on colette's level?


    If it were me, I'd do

    Rank 3 All Part of the Show

    Rank 4 Expertly Choreographed (Call it Graceful assistant)

    Rank 5 Graceful Assistant (Call it Expert Choreography)

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  5. Alrighty, so I figure we can talk about the fate mechanic in this thread, specifically how FMs handle it.

    My situation: I've usually built adventures and then tweaked then to include character fates, but I want to try it a bit differently this time.

    I want to build a session around this fate:

    "Your dance will draw the sleeping eye"

    There is a bbeg who sleeps for long amounts of time (not aeons, just weeks or months) but can see the denizens of malifaux while he's asleep (and only while he's asleep).

    I'm at a loss of how to incorporate this fate into a session, let alone how to build a session revolving around it (and the character).

    How do you guys get your players to meet confront their fates? How much emphasis is there on fate in your games?


    All rules systems can be deemed broken and can be 'gamed' if players want to and the individual running the game is happy to let it happen. Same with traditional school, I see no problem with it. 1 magic skill out of 6 are limited to 1, so it can still be used just not as well as the others and you get a + flip to your preferred skill. I also note that no where does it say you must have one spell from you bonus skill area and 1 from the penalised area so the grimoire discussion above doesn't make much sense to me.


    It just doesn't feel like a tradition. It feels like a talent. And you're missing the point with the penalized area. the idea is that the practicioner would never even come in contact with the penalized skill. A Dabbler doesn't even get access to necromancy, so it's a plus flip to sorcery and no downside. I'm sorry our discussion doesn't make much sense to you. Let me explain:


    Dabbler begins with a Sorcery Magia and a Prestidigitation Magia.

    Graverobber begins with an Enchanting Magia and a Necromancy Magia.

    Tinkerer begins with an Enchanting Magia and a Sorcery Magia


    Options for tradition magic:

    Sorcery and Necromancy

    Counter-spelling and Harness Soulstone

    Enchanting and Prestiditigation


    Counterspelling and Harness soulstone is a really good pick, I think. i like this option for tradition magic. I'd actually like to take this as a guard or scrapper character and make a "Mage Hunter" type that eschews all types of magic, including the malifaux soulstones.


    the other two, though, have no downside for any magical pursuit. It's a boring plus flip to a skill, completely unsupported by the fluff. It's a safe choice, which is fine, but I think we're looking for something that would be more of an overarching "Theory" instead of a talent that we can get for free at the beginning of the game.

  7. I feel like I'm one of the few that are satisfied with the "custom melee weapon" section in the book. In fact, if they expanded on the idea and made the custom weapons section the ONLY weapon section.

    A weapon section based on the magia and immuto system they use for magic would be neat.

  8. I like the idea, but it just seems too complicated to me, especially compared to the other theories. I don't think there are any rules right now for adding magia or immuto to an existing grimoire,though some of the grimoires in the examples list alluded to it( like the scroll written in a code that has been partially deciphered). Maybe the talent could have something to do with this?


    Maybe Tradition magic users get an extra beginning magia, but can never change their active grimoires? So they'd have to rely on growing their grimoire instead of finding new ones.


    Edit: or if we just wanted to keep the original idea of sacrificing skill in certain schools for more focus on others, we move the categories around? because the biggest complaint I see if that you'd sacrifice a school you wouldn't be using anyway. (graverobbers don't get sorcery, and dabblers don't get necromancy, for example).


    Maybe you could choose one school to get a [+] on, and the rest of the schools (excluding harness soulstone and counter-spelling) would be limited to a skill rating of 1?


    I feel like tradition magic is an effort to focus spellcasters when they're already super focused (pursuits talents, access to only 2 schools at creation, linked aspects, etc.) so this isn't my favorite option.

  9. I don't agree with all of the proposed changes, but I really like the quick fix to the Oxford method (yay it's not useless anymore!).


    As far as Tradition Magic, none of my players have seen it as particularly interesting, even if it is min-maxy. I think this is because the grimoire you begin with comes with magia from two different schools. This leaves you with a school that you can't use (but weren't planning on using anyway) and only one spell that benefits from the positive part of this theory.


    All in all, I'm not a fan of this Theory.


    Maybe if it were somehow tied to the grimoire (trappings of the tradition? 

  10. most people have 1 or more normal decks of playing cards in their home, so the price F3arMonger listed is really the most you'll be spending. you'll save yourself around 7 dollars for each normal deck you use (though I recommend at least one actual fate deck if only for the communal one)

  11. I took that bit as description, referring to counter-spelling as a skill that you learn (getting more ranks) instead of an ability you have just because you can cast magic. Or maybe they were clearing the path for more spells in coming books? EIther way I'd take the information from the magic section as the mechanics, instead of the wording in the "flavor" description.


    As far as the magical defense weaving:

    Maybe an ongoing challenge with the strength of the "shield" being the TN? Then the first spell to target the caster would have to beat the TN to destroy the shield or fizzle. either way, I'd iamgine it as a one-time deal

  12. Alright, thank you very much! I realize I'm asking a lot of questions, but I have just one more general (until I leaf some more) question for everyone: has anyone come up with any custom magia or immuto? I'm assuming the next books would have some additional magic options, but I've been brainstorming some until then

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