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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Remember Nathan saying Tara would not be general release til 2015 D.
  2. Is Brewie the only Wave 1 Master yet to be released? D.
  3. More pics on my blog: http://bearded-dice.co.uk D.
  4. I still have the standard one Mint in Box if anyone wants to buy me this and trade? D.
  5. I've never run 3 samurai, torakage or archers and only used 2 low river monks once. And given that I'll end up with 3 katanakanakanaka snipers after Black Friday I'm wondering the same thing myself. But then again these are at the top end of the minions point cost. 3 wastrels is the same as 2 torakage. I would run 3 10Thunder brothers or at least 2 with 2 tengu for scheme runners. D.
  6. My eyes. Zee goggles zey are not werking! D.
  7. Royal Fail have a lovely holding facility in London where parcels can wait up to a month before processing. @masterdisaster did you order something that was held up by Wyrd (like Misaki boxes a long time ago at Gencon) D.
  8. @fetid well said although we do have precedence of absolute price slashing (thinking Ramos and Marcus boxes) were you get far more in the box for the rpice than individual prices. D.
  9. I made 2 orders last Black Friday, 1 arrived on time while the other was delayed as I never received my fedex card and it wasn't until I got an invoice from them that I made enquiries - had been waiting at the depot since December 21st! D.
  10. @Simian these website issues usually mean Wyrd give a little extra time for folks who have experienced delays. D.
  11. I'm sorry Surly i couldn't resist. Think in the past years it has always been up when we in UK get up so 8am GMT (3am EST?) D.
  12. I'm guessing Friday but I could be wrong... D.
  13. Don't NEED any of the limited ed stuff as the katanakakakakaka snipers are lovely as standard but would like more pigs and piglets. D.
  14. @furio It usually isn't too bad unless you get any books or heavy objects. The plastics are light enough for about $10-20 postage charge. A lot of people say to avoid FedEx as they will usually apply import duties. D.
  15. But still no plastic austringers. Oh well D.
  16. Performer sniper and gremlin are all lovely but not going to spend $300 to get them D.
  17. I've taken to calling them Royal Fail D.
  18. @Jonahmaul yeah from Normal Tara's undead corpse! D.
  19. @Jonahmaul or possibly a Nightmare Tyrant Shenlong... Has there been a precedent with Nightmare models at Black Friday before? There were the translucent models but don't recall a NE at Black Friday. Happy to be proven wrong this year. D.
  20. @Oistene Welcome Aboard, it's a great game and a wonderful community. Black Friday is a good way to see what the company offers for pre-release, showing off it's upcoming work and generally getting a bit of a buzz going, unlike some other companies that keep things tight lipped. As you may have seen the company owner, Nathan Caroland, is on this forum and is happy to drop subtle hints to the community. D.
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