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Rather Bookish

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Posts posted by Rather Bookish

  1. Hi all!  So I was a 1E player who took about a decade off.  Found my collection the other day and started looking into getting started again.  Turns out everything has changed!  And nothing works quite the same. Kinda lost!   So I was hoping folks might be able to help me put some decent learning crews together.  I’ve arranged what I’ve got by the themes I knew back in the day, but I think some might work a little differently.  I think I’m screwed on the Von Schill crew (Hannah, Steam Trunk, and Arik just weren’t things in 1e and are too expensive to put together now) but I think the FK might work in other crews?  Anyway, suggestions welcome.  Thanks!


    Viks x2, Vanessa, Student of Conflict, Ronin x3

    Von Schill, FK Trapper, FK Specialist, Librarian, Freikorpsman x2

    Leveticus, Hollow Waif x2, Ashes and Dust, SP Abom. x4, Des. Engine, Rusty Alyce

    Hans, MF Child, Desp. Merc, Taylor, Bishop, Johan, Convict Gunslinger 

    Killjoy (who is Neverborn now? Does he even work with Outcasts anymore?)



    Som'er, War Pig, Bayou Gremlins x4

    Ophelia, Young Lecroix x3, Raphael, Rami, Francois, Pere Ravage (6)

    Slop Hauler x2

  2. I would argue that the model cards aren't exactly simpler than the 1/1.5 ones, in truth they are just spread out more. In a lot of cases any removed abilities simply became purchasable upgrades. Once you add in those upgrades, the models become just as difficult (if not more difficult) to really learn since now there are substantially more possible interactions or permutations per model/ crew (and I would also argue things are going to be a hell of a lot more difficult to really balance, especially as more get released).

    I can't speak to balance issues, but I agree with you on the complexity upgrades bring. Right now, I'm mostly getting used to the models without upgrades, so I wasn't really thinking about them.

  3. I don't understand what the amount of info on each model's cards has to do with the VP scoring mechanism. Could you elaborate?

    I think something Pierce was getting at is that the new VP scoring mechanisms add complexity to the overall game -- so it's not that M2E has just hit the easy button, despite having simpler cards.

    And I've found this to be true in practice. With the streamlined cards and rules I'm better able to keep my head around what the particular models are doing, or can do, during a turn. Still, keeping up with/trying to guess all the scoring conditions (both mine and my opponents) adds a layer per round that I didn't particularly feel in M1E. I should add that I'm a fan of the changes overall -- including the scoring mechanisms.

    That said, I took a while off from Malifaux so I wasn't too familiar with the per-turn scoring that was apparently introduced in later books.

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