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Posts posted by Zephir

  1. The Dead Rider has become Seamus' best friend in my recent games. Over the past 4 games I've played with the Rider (1 was with Nico not Seamus) He has had some mixed results. But in 2/4 games he was a mega star. He basically won me both games. The Grave Spirit is a huge boon for him as Arm 2 & Hard to Wound 2 means he generally takes 1 damage per attack. He has amazing speed and you can use adjust purpose to make him fast so he can move into melee and then flurry. He may be expensive, but good god is he worth it. Also when you can use Mounted Combat to attack something and then get him to safety. Its not always easy, but it can save him a lot of pain.

  2. aZoraida has a trigger on -pins and needles- that allows he to draw cards for each wound "suffered" by defender.

    Jacks -Oldest of magics- immune to wds it 'suffers'; unless they are inflicted by spells...

    Can she target Jack inflicting 5 Wds, drawing 5 cards, then he discards 1 card to stay alive with Undying? Seems a bit weird since you would only need a 5 to keep casting that with her, and you could build up a Huge hand - thus making Jack a LOT harder to kill.

  3. Sounds like a cool idea, I personally really Like Datsue-Ba. I would drop the Onryo for a pair of Gaki. More spirits = more good. I kind of like the Desperate Merc Idea, I might stick with it for a couple games and see if it does ok for you. If not, just drop it for a 5th Seishin.

  4. If you haven't used it yet try adding in the insideous Madness. I haven't seen much that can live through Ikiryo and/or Datsue-Ba's Attacks with an Insideous Madness around de-buffing WP's. It also makes Weigh Sins pretty much a sure thing to go off.

    Personally when i start my Kirai lists I set aside points for Seishin, Lost Love, Datsue, and an Insideous. Then I work in what ever else I feel like I might need. I have found that some games she doesn't do great, but thats usually becasue she dies before she gets going. If you can keep her safe until she gets 1 or 2 turns of good attacks off with her she will be more than worth it as you can generally turn 1-2 enemies into Gaki/Onryo with her.

  5. It is indeed Poison. They have a 1/2/3 damage, but can trigger an extra damage like crit or brutal but with a crow. And they get poison 1 auto, so they can be min damage 3(ish).

    I think they also get the advanced deployment thing the Decembers Acolyte and Freikorps trapper get, but im not 100% on that.

    And they can cast a fog based LOS blocker and jump to each other's fogs.

    All for like 3 points. Should be a ton of fun for Molly.

  6. A few random musings for A-Seamus

    Im not an expert with the big guy yet, but I played 2 games with him over the past weekend where he died pretty quick, and I learned a few things about what not to do.

    Both A&R Seamus can be killed. It may sound odd, but when you look at the Seamus' they are both VERY tough, but unlike a the Neverborn masters who don't have nearly his toughness, he has no tricks to stay alive. Once an enemy starts pounding on Seamus all his nice toughness tricks fly out the window. So step 1 is protect him. When you plan to Manifest, here are your top 3 ways to keep him alive.

    #1 Keep him out of melee pre manifest. Its tough since his crappy manifest requirment (trigger juggular slit on no escape) requires him to get into Melee.

    #2 Kill your opponents top hitter. If there is a Lelu, Joss, Peacekeeper, or something similar on the board it has to die before you Pop out the big guy. those kinds of hitters will shred A-Seamus.

    #3 Once manifested keep him in melee. Drop him in the Center of your opponets crew and keep him with Armor 2. Then you can start punching or Howling depending on what your facing.

    Dont underestimate his Anathema ability. Requiring every model who comes at him to take a terrify check is sweet. Its probably his best defense. I would not manifest him against certain opponents, such as Pandora since his Wp drop is massive, so against foes to target WP often keep him in the Regular Form. Otherwise feel free to use Succumb to Darkness at least 1 time. Your WP will drop to 3, so NEVER USE THIS VS DREAMER! But your Anathema jumping to a solid 15 means the average model needs to burn a double digit card just to fight you. Swarm attackers such as Marionettes and Malifaux Rats are very likely to head for the hills the second they have to test vs his 15.

    A nice thing about A-Seamus is he has 2 strong focus' He can either hit you with his 3' reach fists, or start a WP frenzy. Against living crews I might Bellow every turn just to make them pitch a lot of cards. And he can always fall back on the whole Punching thing if they flip really well. Im hoping I can really take advantage of his flexability in the future to have better results

    I have found him to be a pretty much auto-include for Seamus from here on out. there are still some things I have to get down to make him work to hill full potential. But I feel like he is one of the better Avatars out there.

    (I think A-Dreamer as Anathema)

  7. I would avoid Jack Daw, the Dreamer ignores his you can't cheat bubble.

    Personally I find Kirai works better with a lot of models then a few elites.

    I would try Some Gaki, Datsue-Ba, and the Insideous Madness. Use Swirling Spirts to get your best options into combat, and generally you should be able to take almost anything down.

    Taking a Dead Rider (he's out now!) and making him a spirit with your lost love is also a REALLY powerful move. he might be enough on his own to whomp a few things.

    Kirai is really strong and versatile, she can play in a number of different styles, Ratty likes the Hanged route. I prefer a swarm approach. Both are valid, just find what works for you.

  8. I think 7

    Majority of the Horse and the Rider's Legs were 1 piece

    The Horses 2 right legs were seperate

    The 2 Horns were seperate

    The upper half of the Rider was 1 piece

    And the Scythe and left arm at the elbow.

    So I think 7, could be a couple more I forgot.

  9. Seamus can be competative. But he really dislikes facing fast crews, lillith and the Vicki's will give him a big head ache. But when facing a slower crew he can really shine with all his range attack support. Bette or the Dead Rider once he releases are great with Seamus. Crooked Men, Belles, and pretty much anything with a Gun is solid. I generally have seamus do a couple things each turn based on the board, Focus Strike with his pistol, Cast Undead Psycosis (Sometimes doing this 3 times isn't a bad move), Use Live for pain on near dead models, Book it away from the enemy, and if I have a left over AP and I'm not sure what else to do I will throw up his terrifying 14, just as an added defense. Just remember that even though he can live through a serious beating, but he is by no means unkillable.

  10. I think they will be best at objective grabbing. They are fairly quick moving spirits with Fly. My only beef with this role is Necro-Punks seem to fill it better.Also I don't have my book on hand, but I believe they have a WP debuff. That can be very strong for Ressers.

  11. I dont really get this Jack Daw love affair with Kirai. Personally I find Daw to be a large point sink that never truly covers his cost. I guess its to each his own, but I have found a strong formula for my 35 stone Kirai lists looks like this:

    Kirai - 5 Stones

    Lost Love - 2

    5 Seishin - 10

    Shikome - 8

    Datsue-Ba - 7

    2 Gaki - 6

    I like the Gaki becasue they are fast and run up the field for a swirling spirits to get the Shikome up close with its prey quick. Also a Don't Blink Summoned Ikiryo along with her can be very devastating.

    I do also like the Dead Rider or Rogue Necro idea, making them spirits with the Lost Love can be pretty deadly for your foes. Or swap out her lost love for a primordial magic. Kirai loves having cards in hand and a 7th one isn't bad. I would not reccomend this unless you are VERY confident in your ability to keep her alive though.

    I do think its best for Kirai to just play with what your comfortable with. She is really good at supporting her crew. So long as you have your 5 Seishin, the rest is really personal choice.

  12. Having a lot of spirits makes Kirai a bad match up for a lot of melee centric crews. Generaly Lillith doesn't do great against Kirai.

    Kirai usually only has trouble with Slaughter in my experiences. She is an objective queen, and can usually grab the treasure turn 1 using her "dont blink" trigger.

    at 35 I usually run


    Lost Love

    4 Seishin


    2 Onryo

    2 gaki

    I think I get 2-3 soul stones in the Cache. I will try the Dead Rider whenever he releases since a Spirit Dead rider just sounds nasty.

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