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Posts posted by Zephir

  1. I really like the Dead Rider with Seamus, especially with A-Seamus. Becasue one thing I have found really hurts him is a model with really high weak damage, like the Mature Nephlim or Lelu. I generally have the Dead Rider get all armored up and go hunt those guys down to help protect Seamus. And A-Seamus likes those guys even less since he has lower Def and no htw2.

  2. I cant help defend the poor kitties (who I would love to field more)

    But seriously how can you knock the LSPA, that thing is good for any faction. 5 stones, melee expert, decent damage, Armor, pretty high wds for its point, and leaves Ramos 3 scrap! thats a steal, so what cut away doesn't do anything, a lot of models have niche abilities that wont see much play, better to have it and not need it, then need it and not have it.

  3. So the awesome thing about Kirai is how versatile she is. You can play her in any number of ways. I personally dont like Jack Daw, but there are people on here who will swear by him.

    As for the night terrors Im not a huge fan for Kirai. Her crew is super fast already. You can summon things really far out and swap them around. With that speed you dont need a dedicated objective unit. Anything can grab objectives. I prefer more Gaki or an Insideous madness from Neverborn. the Madness can turn Datsue and Ikiryo into murder machines by dropping the Enemy resists to -flips.

    I personally love taking both the dog and Merc with Kirai, why not take advantage of a few freebie stones to get more spirits!

    I usually take 1 Shikome with me. I can summon a 2nd, or what ever else I need, but having 1 to start with has been pretty cool for me.

    **Quick Edit, this is what my usual crew looks like

    Kirai Ankoku -- 6 Pool

    Lost Love [2ss]

    Canine Remains [2ss]

    Seishin [2ss]

    Seishin [2ss]

    Datsue-Ba [7ss]

    Desperate Mercenary [2ss]

    Insidious Madness [4ss]

    Shikome [8ss]

    Gaki [3ss]

    And I have no issues running her at Min Cache, I sometimes take a second Gaki at creation. A swarm of them can be deadly. And Gaki can drop the Dog and Merc to 1 Wd so Datsue can Weigh sins easier on them.

  4. Ramos grafted himself a mechanical arm. Not 100% sure if he has any other machine parts.

    I really like the Mechanical Rider with Ramos. I've only used her in 2 games, but she tends to be a speedy death maching. and Can usually keep herself alive by using mounted combat to run away.

    Also the Large Steam Punk Arachnid is really cool. Its cheap, hits pretty hard, and leaves 3 scrap counters when it dies, so Ramos can make it into smaller spiders.

  5. This is a great thread guys, its a lot of fun to read.

    @Fullborer - I've been playing marcus a bit and I would suggest the Ice Golem, it along with Joss can do a decent amount of Auto Damage. I also really like Rusty Alyce or Misaki to fill in as your spare Side-kick. Rusty is a shooter, which you dont really have otherwise. And Misaki can activate on any card, so you can always have her running around doing stuff.

  6. I have had moderate luck with Molly thus far. I think im around .500 in my games with her. I'll share my thoughts. and standard build

    30 Stones

    Molly 5 Stones

    Necro Machine

    2 Crooligans

    Rotten Belle


    Rogue Necro

    The first thing I notice is that any game where I can get a couple masks my crew is like a blur, between Call Bell and Imbue Vigor, the crew and haul it down the field.

    The Second thing I notice is that no one in the crew really hits very well outside of the rogue necro, so protecting him until you need him is key. Also keep the Necro Machine back until you can get him in for a kill shot. In every game I've played except one where he died (any pretty much my whole crew), he has killed a pretty amazing opponents model. (Judge, Lelu, Shikome, Coppelius)

    Last thing is that against a living Crew Molly shines. Reveal Philip, Gorgon's tear, and uncontrolled Crying will force a lot of cards out of your opponents hand if Molly can get into the thick of the fight. and with a lot of soul stones, and her masterful dead trigger, she is fairly easy to keep alive.

  7. In my most recent game I was facing a Zorida Grow list. Using Belles to Lure in opponents and Adjust Purpose to keep him fast I was able to set him up for several Flurries. This allowed him to take down Lilitu, a Tot, and Nekima.

    I have also found using Mounted Combat to attack something and then move on into Cover or as best as he can to get out of line of sight of a counter attack.

  8. I really like the resser Minions from book 3. They require some play time to really grasp, but I think they will be welcome additions to our Crews as they release.

    I'll offer my own analysis.

    Crooligans - Very good objective grabbers. Very few models in the game can basically swap board sides they way they can. You can take 2-3 of them with Molly and basically crush any grab the point objective mission. Also they can roll cover for your crew as your move it down the field with the Mist. and they can help each other out, by having one use the mist to boost another's speed in helping it towards objective grabbing. And Since Malifaux is a game where all that matters is objectives I could easily see spending 12 points of 3 of these guys to give my crew a solid edge in that department.

    Dead Doxy - These can annoy an opponent to no end. Their ability to hop places with another Belle means you get to keep your models among the living(or undead) They have some really good utility spells and can help Molly and Seamus play the control game they love so much. And even though their guns have a poor range, its always nice to have that range attack just in case.

    The Drowned - It can take a hit due to spirit, has a few nice de-buff spells. Overall this the minion im least pleased with, but DarcXON has been raving about them to me so I gotta at least give them a decent try.

    Jakune Ubumwe - Not sure how they fit so much awesome into a 5 point model, but they did. Holy Crap this thing should be like cheating. Its basically the best denial minion we can get. She can paralyze people, prevent them from walking, or reduce their wk/cg to zippy. And Kirai can re-summon her. How awesome is that? I think very.

    Rafkin the Embalmer - Im a big fan of Rafkin. Personally I dislike mortimer, so Rafkin to me is what Mortimer should have been. I know other people like him, but to each is own. Rafkin can help with the summoning when needed, he hits pretty well. He's immune to poison (not huge, but i'll take it) He can throw a flask that does very little damage, but poisons people it hits, and he can become fast like McMourning. This guy is a VERY capable side kick for either Nico or McM.

    Carrion Effigy - Im not 100% sold on this guy, losing totems can suck. Seamus might be the only one who wants to take this guy. But he has 2 abilities that are sweet. The First one is an Aura he keeps up. Any Undead (I think its limited to undead, not 100%) after they end their turn can ditch a corpse counter within I think 6' to make a heal flip. Thats a nice ability. Also he can remove enemy immunities. So I really feel his nitche is with Seamus, who doesn't use a ton of corpses and can be hosed by people who are Immune to Influence.

  9. I have to agree with Nix I feel like NB actually got the weakest models in Book 3. I may be biased for my own stuff, but I think Ressers really got the best stuff in Twisting Fates.

    All our Avatars are at least decent. Rafkin, Crooligans, and Jakunna are outright nasty minions. And even the stuff thats a touch weaker in my opinion, Carrion Effigy, Doxie, and Drowned are all pretty damn good.

    Time will tell which faction really won out book 3 (In the way most people think NB won out in book 2). But I would bet the farm that its not gonna be Neverborn this time.

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