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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Oddly enough enjoying being able to spend time in this thread. Despite the sick.
  2. #purrs# I kinda wish I knew how to get that cat avatar back.
  3. The Woe's of cleaning. I thought those only came out on Sunday's?
  4. The orphans are stunning and are the ones who have caught my eye. I'm likely to buy the starter box with Rocovivas in there too, even though the rules are downloadable. If you're ever in the UK you have yourself a game.
  5. Have become interested in Nemesis by Zenit miniatures but having reviewed this whole thread I see no other players. This one may be a tough sell...
  6. Who needs a pizza monolith when you have an experienced pizza chef right here. Granted haven't been one for years but still, how hard can it be to remember....? A bit concerned about Lonely Paths reaction though..... Who wants some?
  7. I'm much the same actually. I had just purchased a proxy for Zoraida as she was the last Neverborn master I had outstanding. Not sure she will be needed now as I ordered the alt during Gencon.
  8. Of course the original. I have a man crush on Selleck, there, I said it!
  9. I have issues with both Labyrinth and the Dark Crystal unfortunately.
  10. Hee hee, another day parked in front of the television. Now I just need to decide on my days viewing, if anyone can help, here is the shortlist. Hellboy I & II Predator I & II 3 men and a baby/little lady (I love them) Batman Begins/Dark Knight The Thing & The Fog
  11. The imaginer from the nemesis orphans range. There's a pic in the twenty dollars thread a few below this one.
  12. It wouldn't buy much gas over here, that's for sure...
  13. I like that Astrid, I should really start paying attention to Reaper. Here were my picks, went for two: And this little chap who will also come with a voodoo doll for my proxy Zoraida crew:
  14. ....which single miniature do you buy with it? Malifaux or otherwise, pics welcome.
  15. Random thought but you could maybe de-fish this. I'm generally not too keen on proxying either. In some ways though I am pleased there are fewer book 3 releases as it gives me a chance to catch up with all the good stuff that has already managed to pass me by.
  16. It seems a pretty unique looking model. My first thought was maybe trying to do something with the Freebooter queen of shadows, but pretty sure there must be some better options out there that I just don't know about.
  17. Aww shucks, no Foe Render plushie for the gents?
  18. I have no issue with it myself bit would always be willing to re-assess my position. Perhaps more photographic examples may help. :whistle:
  19. Besides Malifaux, only Warmachine (Menoth) right now. Ordering some Sedition Wars mini's from Studio McVey and waiting on the first draft of the rules for Battle of Alabaster though.
  20. Hello again all. Thanks for the link to the picture thread AB. Loving the artwork and can't wait for the book to arrive. Being off work means I can actually post in this thread, good times.
  21. I tried filling my car with pillows this morning and was still unable to make it to work. And yes I know that sentence makes little sense.
  22. #With the hat bringing back all of his special powers, Chuckles remembers how to move and runs around thread in an excitable state#
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