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Mister Feral

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Posts posted by Mister Feral

  1. Off the top of my head, Baneblade Brown / Flayed One Flesh mix for basecoat, adding more Flayed for highlights. Baneblade for first shadows then adding in more Stormvermin Grey until pure Stormvermin. After that a number of grey glazes and blood effects were added!

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  2. Thanks!

    In the end I've decided to aim to do a Leveticus crew, so in preparation have slowly started to build up a collection of various Undead and Construct models I like to use with Levi's Pariah of Iron / Pariah of Bone upgrade.

    For the pure construct model side of things, first thing purchased was Ryle;



    I also got some Necropunks, and the Levi crew box will be next on my to-get list as well. :)

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  3. The core Leveticus box is certainly the next thing for me. I think I'll need to get some demo and actual games in first with what I've got then expand my options from there. 

    I do know there are far more Undead models I'd want to use and paint than pure Constructs - although hybrids like Necropunks are always good for crew flexibility!

  4. Hi all, I've started to collect minions for an eventual Leveticus crew. I will get plastic crew box for the core models but at the moment I have (or have ordered):

    Punk Zombies (Bone)

    Necropunks (Bone / Iron)

    Ryle (Iron)

    Any other suggestions for non-Outcast undead and / or constructs? I'm also tempted by Teddy just for the model as I can use him with Pariah of Iron! Is he worth it in a Levi crew? I guess I'll need models with 6+ soul stones to use as anchors for Hollow Waivs!

  5. I would ideally like them to be released separately sometime in the future for those like me in the UK who really aren't able to grab these limited models outside of model scalpers on eBay and the like...

    I believe since these are all Henchmen / Masters, their standard counterparts are only available in crew boxes, which I think could justify standard retail release in the long term as alternative models for those with the respective crew boxes already.

    ps. I rather like the Dr model mostly, but they are all great!

  6. No reponses so far, so I'll post a painting update and see if anyone bites (pun!):


    Flesh on all three is done. A late-minute addition was a couple of yellow-green glazes to help really make them look undead.

    Thinking about purchases in the future, would it be better (as a Malifaux gaming noob) to go for the 2-player starter set or a Molly crew box to properly start Resurrectionists?

    • Like 3
  7. This is actually my second thread, having started one back in 2010 which resulted in a few painted 1st Edition metals. I tried to revive it last year with a few Resurrectionists plastics but that project crashed and burnt because I wasn't prepared for the fragility of the plastics!

    I guess this makes attempt no. 3! This time I thought out the potential assembly issues in advance and so far no problems with the Punk Zombie I've started:



    The aim for these models is a realistic and desaturated look. After the Punk Zombies are done I guess next will be more Resurrectionists.

    Feedback would be much appreciated!

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  8. The cyan strikes again! It works really well with the magenta to create a really good colour scheme for the Hired Swords.

    I really like your Johana proxy as well - flesh and face in particular are wonderful! I assume she is made from the TTB multi-part plastics? Would you recommend them for creating other such proxies? I can't seem to actually find what parts and weapons are in the kits.

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