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Everything posted by Yazza

  1. been a while, muzes had departed us for a bit, but here's an update
  2. outcast would work resser too, going from town to town, showing of hybrid beasts ad stealling bodies as they go arcanists would be kinda Colette
  3. just checkign in of noone is settign my tail on fire...
  4. creepy circus would work, i'd like a new master box circus themed, bt it would include $$$$$$$$$$$$ so prolly not what faction would suit a carnie crew? i think quild is out of the question
  5. chocobo i'll add you if i dont forget but i'm not a big console player, mainely use it as a multimedia center
  6. nice, looks great, has some dipp been involved?
  7. got me litlle big planet as wel, and infamous, needed to choose something for my psnetwork reembursment
  8. btw, whats that gator from? looks wicked
  9. yep, but only a single gameboard? not modular? will a grid be involved, do we place terrain on the board or is it already printed on? gameboard can mean a lot
  10. does terrain have a great part of the game like malifaux, ea can i build a cool replayable table?
  11. Untying??? Hmmm never was good with knots Its always better yo learn a man how to fish than give him a fish * lays a pair of scissors next to chocos bound hands* There you go
  12. Waggles finger and dumps coil into a dark starry void
  13. Coil temperature has risen by 150% ...230% and rising. Structural integrity failing. Hull breach iminnent We need to dump the coil!
  14. Ink is a show, so i got tattooed for nothing? Darnit
  15. Good good, got some days offf, finishing of a warlord gamez roman infantry regiment store display, burning trough my startrek episodes, buying properties on fable 3 and sleeping the remaining time
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