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Posts posted by ispep

  1. So I have this Google Wave thing, and I was bored, so I started a Public Wave devoted to Malifaux.


    (The link should work, I think?)

    If you don't have a Wave account, shoot me a PM here, and I'll send you an invite, I have a whole ton of them.

    If you don't know what Google Wave is, well, its, uh, like this thing. That you can do stuff with. Kinda like a mash up of email, IM, forums. You can do a Google search and learn a lot more.

    What exactly can a Wave do for the Malifaux community that we can't just do on the forums? Well, I don't know. Its just a fun new toy to play with.

  2. J.B. Weld? I'd have never even thought about using that on a mini.

    Fixed the hole in my canoe pretty well though.

    I've seen entire armies assembled with the stuff. I suppose you could get ok results with enough time and effort, but the examples I've seen obviously did not involve such care.

    Also, its a sad day when you get a used mini and a simple clean up turns into "oh god they used JB Weld".

  3. Hopefully very, VERY shortly.

    We've been busting our hump on it and want to make sure its clear and concise for all of you.

    All the questions have been very helpful to us in getting this done right for you folks, and we appreciate all the feedback you've given us.

    Here's to Malifaux 2010!!

    So should we all stop asking questions and stop pointing out holes to get the FAQ out sooner?

    (I am kidding. Don't hurt me. =oD )

  4. ... stuff ...

    I never thought about how the amount of paint might have an effect. I tend to use more than I need. For the mixing I usually use a beat up old GW basecoat brush, but it isn't overly stiff.

    When I get set up tonight, I'll have a go at smaller paint spots, and more gentle mixing and see how it goes.

  5. So there is plenty of stuff out there about wet palettes, their uses, pros, cons, etc, but like so much else, its a whole lot of contradiction from one article to the next.

    Currently, I'm using these 3" round stacking containers, similar to the GF9 flock containers, except they screw closed instead of just a snug fit. I've got cellulose sponge in them, and I'm using the Winsor & Newton Wet Palette paper. I've tried the parchment baking paper as well.

    The thing is, I'm not seeing any increase in working time. And I'm picking up fibers from the paper. I've tried varying amounts of "wetness" for the sponge, from soaked and squeezed to having extra water around the sponge, and it just doesn't make a difference.

    I paint in the basement, it isn't super dry, but not particularly humid either. With it being winter and all the furnace is running, but the vent near my painting space isn't open, so it isn't like the furnace is acting like a hair dryer.

    Any one have advice, hints, tips, links to GOOD articles? I'm not looking to put paint on the palette and coming back to it a week later, I just want it to last longer than it does on my tile.

    EDIT: Oops, meant to post in Miniature Matters, not the showcase >.>...

  6. I don't wash my models. Other people insist you have to. Sometimes there can be mold release, finger oils, what ever that could affect how the paint sticks. I've never had problems though.

    Usually what I've heard people do is just rinse them under warm water, use a little bit of mild dish soap, and make sure to rinse it all off. You can scrub a little with an old tooth brush or stiff paint brush (not one you'd want to paint with). For drying I'd say just pat it down with some paper towel to get most of the excess water off, and then let it air dry.

    I'm not sure about the before/after of assembling them, as if you assemble them after, you are just going to get your skin oils right back on there. I'd think that super glue can probably handle the soap and water, although I am not sure.

  7. My cover is looking a little rough around the edges, but the glue seems fine.

    One option, which I'm considering even though my binding is fine, is taking your book to Kinko's or some other similar print/copy shop type place, and getting it coil bound. They'll chop off the spine, drill it, and then stick a plastic coil in. If you do this you can also get the covers laminated. I've done this with a number of gaming books over the years.

    wiki link for reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coil_binding

    There is also Comb Binding as an option, although not as good, imo.

  8. After searching and searching and searching and not finding much of anything other than neon green zombies, I started experimenting, mixing parts of different non-green schemes I found.

    I finally ended up with base coating in Rotting flesh, washing it with Gryphonne Sepia, a light drybrush of Bleached Bone, and finally a wash of 2:1:1 Baal Red, Asurmen Blue, and water. I am very satisfied with the results.

  9. 1) Favorite: Color of paint (the specific paint color listed on the lable)

    Hawk Turquoise. I don't use it much, but I think its a wonderful color.

    2) Favorite: Brand of paint

    Vallejo Model Color

    3) Favorite: Sculptor


    4) Favorite: Painter

    Frank Balde

    5) Favorite: Mini Company (other than Wyrd, we all know it's everyones #1)

    I really like a lot of Rackham's metal Confrontation figs

    6) Painting Preference: Metalics vs. NMM

    Metalics. I know how to do NMM, but my brain and hands just won't cooperate.

    7) Mini Preference: Fantasy vs. Sci Fi


    8) Mini Preference: Male vs. Female

    No preference

    9) Mini Preference: Human vs. Monstrous

    Non-human humanoid

    10) Favorite: Paint Brush you use the most

    I have a Citadel Large Drybrush that I have had for ages. Its a terrible mess, and perfect for drybrushing.

    11) Favorite: Paint Job You've Done (provide link if possible)

    Many many years ago I painted a Bloodthirster of Khorne for a friend. While my painting has improved, I still think its the best looking paint job I've ever done.

    12) Favorite: Paint Job Ever (provide link if possible)


    The picture doesn't do it justice.

    13) Desire: A mini company from which you've never painted a mini, but want to

    Privateer Press. The Steamjacks have always interested me, but was never interested in the game, and can't rationalize spending that much just for a painting project.

    14) Desire: A mini you most want to paint, but haven't

    I really want to get the Legion of Justice and Caeke series from Reaper.

    15) Favorite: Mini related forum (again, other than your obvious favorite; Wyrd)

    I guess Oz Painters? I'm not a member of any other mini forums, but I tend to go there when looking for new ideas/techniques.

    16) Favorite: Site you find most useful in terms of helping learn mini painting/Sculpting

    Oz Painters again, and CMON. If theres ever something I'm having trouble with, those are the first places I look.

    17) Desire: A sculpt you would love to see, but doesn't yet exist

    Hrm, how about a 54mm model of some of my WoW characters, the Druid specifically.

    18) Ambition: What would you most like to achieve in the painting hobby

    I'd like to get down the art of NMM. I'd also like to be able to do more than just simple gap filling with green stuff. Or I could settle for just becoming an all around better painter.

    19) Least Favorite: Thing you most dislike about mini painting (think eyestrain, back ache, being socially outcast, lost time, costs, etc...)

    I get really frustrated when things don't turn out how I want them too. And it can usually put me off of painting for a while.

    20) Least Favorite: Paint Brand you've tried

    The least favorite that I still use is Citadel. The pots are terrible, often there will be consistency issues, and sometimes the coverage just isn't what I need. But I still use them because of the colors and availability.

    21) Least Favorite: Mini Company who's sculpts/style just don't make you want to paint them.

    Infinity. To anime feeling for me. And some of them just look bad.

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