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Everything posted by kbdrand

  1. I did the same thing. I took the light blue polystyrene form, cut it into ice pillar shape, coated it with a glossy sealer then based it with baking soda. I will try to post some pics tomorrow.
  2. My Bad. I guess we were playing it from the standpoint that you can cheat fate unless it tells you that you cannot
  3. Where does it say you cannot cheat that flip?
  4. We have played 4 different games with Mortimer and he has only failed to get a corpse counter twice (with cheating included). I'm not sure where you are getting the 1/4th figure. Out of the number of times that Nicodem has tried to summon something we've seen about a 50% success rate at least. Remember you can cheat and use soulstones and Nicodem can try 3 times a turn to cast that spell.
  5. I've played against the Nicodem/Mortimer combo where every single turn Mortimer got a corpse counter and Nicodem was able to summon something (not the mindless zombie spell, the one that actually summons good stuff). So basically in that game Nicodem went from a 30 point list to a 45-50 point list. We were joking that at the end even though I killed half of his models he was still sitting at around 30 points. I personally think the free corpse counters are what makes Mortimer excel.
  6. Without Mortimer Nicodem can't get the corpse counters he needs to summon his undead friends. Why the heck would you run Nicodem without Mortimer?
  7. Yeah, I think the whole friendly spell resist thing is what was throwing me off. So for a friendly spell resist, if you can just announce that it ties why even flip at all?
  8. I guess I just don't understand the whole "you can cheat down friendly duels" thing. Does that mean you can cheat fate and choose the lower card if you want, or does it mean that you can say a check fails arbitrarily without cards coming into play? In reading some of the information about friendly duels it read to me like you could just say the duel turned out however you wanted regardless of the cards pulled. Is there somewhere that it explains how friendly duels work for the dummies out there (myself being the chief dummy in this case)?
  9. How did you do the metal on the claws?
  10. Yes, you can use your action points for any action multiple times (unless the action explicitly says you cannot, like in the case of a 0 point action). So you could walk 2 times in an activation to "run" or attack two times, etc.
  11. Yay! Electrical Creation. Finally!
  12. Last time I went by Area 51 they had almost nothing. But that was probably 2 weeks ago.
  13. No, they had very little left. He said they were going to be getting more soon, but I would call them before heading out there. They had like 2 or 3 starter sets and a deck of cards left.
  14. Well, right now I'm the only one planning on trying to do a demo game, so I'm probably going to need another person to play against. I might just try and conscript one of the 40k players, but who knows.
  15. No idea. I did not ask about the other stores. My hope is that they will start on Monday nights (their miniature night) but maybe they will expand to another night. Right now it looks like it will be from 4:30 to 7:00 on Monday nights. I'm also considering going to Hobbytown the first Saturday in May to try and do some demo games to show off Malifaux.
  16. kbdrand


    I would definitely pay for 4x6 laminate card versions of the model cards. Wyrd should come out with those.
  17. Well, I have some good news. I went to Hobbytown and LoneStar today and found out some stuff. First, Hobbytown does not have a formal Malifaux gaming time, but Wednesday evenings are open gaming night and the first Saturday of each month is open gaming day. Both of those days are first come first serve and they only have 5 tables. But, it turns out that the LoneStar Comics in Plano (it's at Independence and Parker) actually sells Malifaux now, and they are planning on kicking off Malifaux gaming. The only downside is that it is going to be on Monday evenings. They have a facebook page where you can sign up (I'm about to become a fan now) and they are going to release the details. Even though I don't need any more Malifaux crews, I picked up a Lilith starter set just to give them props for selling Malifaux stuff. Not sure if it's okay to post their facebook account, but it's lonestarcomicsplano.
  18. For Cult of December models I usually just use PVA glue and baking soda for snow. I sometimes get fancy with styrofoam insulation to make rocks or boulders and small modelling bushes covered in snow (baking soda again), but I don't really have any inserts for my Cult of December. I do have inserts for my Ramos crew and for some of my Resurrectionists.
  19. Not just hard cover but it can block LOS. I used Ice pillars once to block off some chock points in a game and total wiped the board since I could control the other crews movement. Don't forget her ability to use Freeze Over to stop models in their tracks. It's not so much that you actually use it (since it's only got a 6" range) but many opponents fear it so much that they will avoid terrain features, which can really slow them down and give you more time to tear them up with your ranged attacks (Gamins, Ice Golem, December's Curse, etc).
  20. I prefer metal for skirmish, but hard plastic (like 40k) for larger armies, games. I normally don't like soft plastic models (ala Descent) but the new Space Hulk soft plastic models are pretty nice. For Malifaux I can't imagine ever going plastic, unless it was for things like mindless zombies, etc where you need a lot of models.
  21. I used to magnetize my 40k minis and put them in tool boxes (not rare earth magnets, just regular magnetic strips) and it was fine for normal movement (carrying around the house, etc) but for extensive travel (moving, sitting in the trunk of my car, etc) they just did not do very well. I destroyed a large part of my Warhammer Fantasy undead army that way. For me, custom cut foam is the best. Although the other day I did pick up a couple of foam pieces that you cut yourself and two of them fit nicely in a shoe box. That's what I'm currently using for two of my Malifaux crews. At least until that Malifaux bag from Battle foam comes out.
  22. Ditto for me too. I'm dying to get my hands of some electrical creations.
  23. I know of at least one other person in my area that has been dying to get into 40k, but it costs to much. When I told him he could get started with Malifaux for around $35 (for a single starter pack) he's gotten really interested. I think that is one of Malifaux's biggest selling points, cost of entry.
  24. I still plan on talking to some of the local Lonestar shops about playing Malifaux there. And the Hobbytown on the tollway supposedly has that open gaming night on Thursday. I bet if we showed up we could probably play. It's just tough for me to get away on a Thursday evening. Saturday or Sunday is about the only time I have free.
  25. Yeah, we really need more physical store presence in our area. 1 Store all the way over in Grapevine is just not enough.
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