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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Anything that is based on the Wp characteristic. So a Wp->X static duel, a Ca->Wp spell for the target, a duel to see if you can hit Pandora, a Moral Check etc.
  2. Yes. However it's worthy to note that casting spells (ie. Dementia, Project Emotions and stuff) with Pandora do NOT trigger Fading Memory since that is a Ca-duel for the caster.
  3. That's exactly what I have come up with too.
  4. Still I don't like the fact that I'm forced to buy something I don't really need.
  5. Packing them in a 2 pieces blister is a little awkward. I mean, the Waldgeist is not a Canine Remains or other sort of cheap spam model. I don't want to use more than 1 in a game. to Wyrd for this "trick". Anyway the models are cool indeed.
  6. As a regular Pandy player I fully support the cuddle that would narrow the targets of Incite/Pacify to enemy models. I really don't see any fun killing anybody with her except Perdita with the Governor's Proxy. Nor does my possible opponents who simply refuse to play her by now. :sad2: And I simply don't belive in the "learn to play against her" option. A well played Pandy player can only be stoped by luck of the deck.
  7. Baby Kade lured me. Put his bloody dagger in my heel and now I can't crawl away. Damn!
  8. Add to the basket Rusty Alyice's Burn Out spell (she uses Leveticus' Ca7 so its quite easy to cast) and you have at least 5 strikes with that monster: 1 general AP + melee expert and second activation with 2 AP's + melee expert. Aaaaaand if you win the initiative flip... yay!
  9. You push them b2b without range restriction. So it doesn't matter if you push them at half pace through woods or anything. You can even climb 20" of climbable terrain or make 3 circles around the board. All you can't do with them is pass through impassable terrain. As for Pandy, yes she is slower in woods with Fading Memory. But this topic is not about her.
  10. According to the errata push is a movement effect therefore SPA's don't need to be in a bunch to move with Keep Pace. SPA train now is really a train. So as far as I'm correct, they can make the following moves: D moves - A moves - C moves- B spawns - DE hits 2x .......................................D.........D ABCD---->DCBA---->ABC---->C B (DE)-->target ..........4"...............4"............4"...A........2" . This is a huge threat range. And it's not slowed down too much in severe terrain either (pushes don't care about rocks or trees). I guess it's much better than the old way with summoning the DE. What do you think?
  11. I can just second that. Despite being a Pandora player (or because of that).
  12. +1 because of the failed Wp duel for Pandora (provided Sorrows are not close enough). So that's usually 2 Wd's per casting. 2 SL's and they are done. And just 1 if you manage to position a Sorrow within 3".
  13. Great thumbs up for the base. Very good idea what I have to steal sooner or later.
  14. Have you tried to search the rules forum?
  15. Alpha Strike is a tactical blow landed on the enemy before he has a chance to hit you. Ie. it refers to the first devastating attack(s) during the battle which usually leaves the opponent so crippled that he literally just lost the game. So the Ortegas can move in one bunch and make an alpha strike before the enemy can activate a single model. BUT Pandora can do similar harm with the help of a few Sorrows from a very large distance. She can easily rout 2-3 key models who happen to position themselves too close to each other. Or she can kill them with the Sorrows in range. That's definetly enough for an alpha strike.
  16. You are mostly right but you made a common mistake: incite/pacify is NOT a spell, therefore defending friendly models can't willingly lose the duel. Of course you can cheat in a low card but the deck can always trick you and leave Pandy in the open. It's just a matter of style but when you are close enough to do the alpha strike, shooting Project Emotions first (maybe with the use of an SS) is a very good idea. Chose [-] flip for Wp duels and you can easily Self-Loath the target(s) or whatever you want. After spellcasting you can go back to safety with offensive Incite/Pacify actions using those mentally torn enemy models. And don't forget you can Incite/Pacify Pandora herself to gain another 4".
  17. Honestly, who the h.ll would spot the flaw in that way? Maybe a scanner/man cyborg.
  18. A black pen could make wonders...
  19. And it was ruled that it is not a Wp but a Ca duel for her. Have YOU tried the search function before posting this? Just curious...
  20. Spells has nothing to do with her Fading Memory. It is triggered by won WP-duels. Casting a spell is a simple Ca-duel for Pandora. However incite/pacify your own models will do the trick. But take into account that these are not spells, so the defender can NOT chose to tie and lose the duel. You can still cheat in a low card anyway. And yes, Perdita is a nasty b.tch to hunt down for Pandy. And it's not for her See the Unseen. Oh not at all! It's for the Wp6 crew + almost all Stubborn (which is not canceled by the Box Opens) and for the Governor's Proxy. Hard to do anything with Pandy and Sorrows vs. Wp10's all around.
  21. From the rulebook which was not erratated: It specificaly states the end of the effect, isn't it?
  22. As far as I read the rules: a Waif summoned in the end closing phase will not activate again in that turn (activation phase is over) and in the next one it will be fully functional. So the 1 AP thing doesn't kick in when Levi respawns.
  23. I'm also not sure about some of Levi's stuff. If he dies he is back on the closing phase and sacrifies all of his Waifs. But the description on the Waif's card says that if it's killed or sacrificed in the turn, summon it back at the end of the closing phase. So the order is like this: 1. Levi dies 2. Levi goes back on the table at the closing phase 3. Waif(s) sacrificed 4. Waif(s) goes back at the end of the closing phase Or I'm missing something and this is wrong.
  24. I have no tips for this BUT I have to note that your avatar pic is disturbingly seductive. Exchange it for an old, bald, unwashed male, thx!
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