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Posts posted by Justin

  1. She is the Master from wave 4 I am personally most excited to play (in like a year when I have thoroughly forgotten all the testing incarnations).

    She will play similarly to Lilith, I think, who is one of my favorites. Jumping around and dealing damage from odd angles can be far more tricky than most people think - or it's just my style.

    • Like 5
  2. 3 minutes ago, retnab said:

    Very interesting stuff!  I'm a bit surprised that 5 of the 7 new masters only have 3 Upgrades mentioned on their pages (and Parker has 2 of his 7), I'm assuming all new non-Parker masters will still have the usual 4 Upgrades?

    On average that is correct. But listing every Upgrade would have led to a giant info dump. Plus there should be some surprises.

    • Like 3
  3. 9 minutes ago, Fetid Strumpet said:

    Not 1 AP. Again condition removal to remove slow, but the big thing is the Ability on the front of the card. You get to charge as a 1 AP action. So summon just within 4, then charge plus melee range for threat. Also look at what it says about her totem, as it says he can increase conditions, which I assume applies to flicker. I'd have been happier if she required a Corpse to summon, or if flicker couldn't be added to. Again we will see. Please be excited, I'm just someone who really gets into mechanics and hers are troubling to me.

    The puny* human is right. 





    *This post is made purely in jest. I do not mean to demean Fetid's point and I do not actually believe he is puny.

    • Like 8
  4. 21 hours ago, 7thSquirrel said:

    This is going to bother me until I know now.  Where did that thread go on things we don't like about Malifaux? I need to add infuriating tid bits/clues/spoilers casually dropped by staff...

    It's an episode name on a trigger.

    • Like 3
  5. 2 minutes ago, solkan said:


    1.  Can Channel be used multiple times at the start of the activation?

    2.  If you can use it multiple times, does the damage add together or get suffered in 2 point blocks?

    3.  Is the damage preventable without negating the ability?


    1) No.

    2) Irrelevant since the first answer was no.

    3) Yes, Leveticus may prevent the damage and still gain Focused. The previous version of Channel had a similar question which was ruled the opposite way due to the word "exactly," this version has no such wording.


    So, in summary, you may only suffer 2 damage to gain Focused +1 once per Activation. You may prevent this damage using Soulstones.

    • Like 8
  6. This month's FAQ comes with some important changes, so discussion is in the announcement section: 

    Also we got a spiffy new page for the FAQ on our website! http://www.wyrd-games.net/malifaux-faq-errata

    I am locking this thread to try to keep all errata discussion in one place. However, if you have a question about one of the new FAQ entries (not the errata) please start a thread on this forum rather than posting in the announcement thread.


    • Like 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, fauxreigner said:

    Just want to be clear - I'm not trying to argue one way or another that Guild are underpowered. Having gotten into the game ~6months ago with a large group of ex-WHFB players, I (as the only Guild player in the group) have not felt myself to be at a disadvantage. But I've felt the perception from more experienced players (talking at at tournaments, or following online) that Guild are relatively weak. So I'm just trying to offer up some explanations for that perception.

    I think Guild has a select few excellent lists (Sonnia, McCabe, and even Perdita though I think other players tend to undervalue her), and a lot of middle of the road lists.

    Traditionally they do have some of the weaker Upgrades, which I think is a big limiting factor for the Faction.

    My 2 cents.

    • Like 9
  8. 2 minutes ago, Math Mathonwy said:

    Was it the same person using the same list (Sonnia with Papa-in-the-box)?

    (I really wish that the big tournaments included some kind of a results service for the community to be able to see the results. The big 40k tournaments are like sports events in that people are following them with keen interest but there doesn't seem to exist a similar culture in Malifaux. Which is why @Icemyn's reports are so brilliant)

    Same person, same list.

    Mostly Sonnia, at least one game I saw with Perdita. No Papa Loco (in any games I saw, Sonnia or Perdita).

    • Like 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, fauxreigner said:

    So then the USA just needs to teach the UK to play Guild? ;)

    Or the UK needs to teach the USA to play everything else.

    Just a matter of perspective.

    But yes, there is definitely some disparity here between regions.

    • Like 9
  10. 5 minutes ago, Bengt said:

    Average Master Wd for w1 and w2 (counting McCabe as 13):

    • Guild ~11.9
    • Ressers 12
    • Arcanists ~11.4
    • Neverborn ~9.3
    • Outcast ~10.9
    • Gremlins ~11.4
    • TT ~11.9
    • Everyone ~11.1 (this may seem low when looking at the faction values, but most dual faction Masters have relatively high Wd and they only count once here)

    Average for w4 is 12. Asami and Nellie are below their faction average, the rest are above it (including Reva). That said, and as I put fourth in another thread, I don't think this lot of Masters feel harder than average as most have less defensive abilities than older Masters. Of course if everyone has Southern Hospitality style defences on the back of their cards that opinion can change. :P 

    That depends on how you calculate the average. For the mean, you are correct.

    But for mode, which I think is a far more pertinent thing to look at here, the average is 12.

    I say mode is more important both because of outliers that throw off the average (Dreamer only has 6 wounds but is far from easy to kill) and because, when designing a Master, the starting baseline for wounds is 12 and then that is adjusted up or down depending on other factors (other defensive abilities, greater need for defense because of how they play, or less need for it if they hang back, etc).

    But, regardless of how you calculate it, I think the claim that there is a "huge wound bloat" is inaccurate. 


    • Like 6
  11. 6 hours ago, Kyris said:

    I'm not sure how I feel about Zipp; I'm generally not interested in Gremlins and this isn't changing that.


    But, is it just me or is there a huge wound bloating going on with the new masters?



    Most Masters outside of Ressers have 12 wounds. Parker is above average, Nellie and Asami are below average. Reva is hard to gauge as she's above average in terms of all Masters but below for her faction. Everyone else is right at 12.

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