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Posts posted by Justin

  1. On 1/28/2018 at 6:16 AM, Emberlost said:

    Doubt they'd do the sending in for new cards again, given that you can do the cards POD, download them from the website, or just use the app.

    I agree.

    My point was: it is factually wrong to say that 1.5 didn't have new cards.

    I'm really not certain why people think decimal points make edition changes easier. But, whatevs.

    • Like 4
  2. On December 29, 2017 at 3:24 PM, -Loki- said:

    Tell me, did 1.5E require redesigning every unit and reissuing every unit card over 2 years like 2E did?

    A 2.5E can be used to clean up the issues in the ruleset without feeling the need to do something drastic that comes with a full edition change.

    No, it involved redesigning most units and mailing them into Wyrd to receive new cards.

    Which I seriously doubt Wyrd will ever do again (the mailing in for new cards).

    So yes, 1.5 absolutely had new cards.


  3. 1 hour ago, Paddywhack said:

    There's quite a large discussion in the other forum that tends to disagree. I would disagree that our models are the same as many other factions. I look at what some other factions get for SS cost and then look at resurrs and go....heh... The summon tax is most definitely a thing we pay for our models. 

    I'm not saying this is going to totally break things (yet), but there are some major concerns with this sweeping of a change to a core mechanic for scoring without any change to the base mechanic (summoning). Yes, it's 'only' Strats, but that is 40% of the total VP in a game. I'm not sure dominating in one Strat (Interference) was really a call to jump straight to this.

    I do think this might be some 'playtesting' for M2.5/3 and how they might try and tone down summoning in general, but I think it might be too soon. 

    I'm not sure what other forum you mean. But those people are free to be incorrect. :)

    Sounds like a 'grass is greener' situation to me. *shrug*

    Either way, testing it is certainly the way to go! I could be wrong. Cool to see new GG stuff now, either way.

  4. I think it's a good direction.

    Summoning a model onto the table gets you extra activations and extra AP without having to pay for that at the start of the game. This is generally balanced against in-game cost (AP from the summoner itself, cards, wounds, etc) with the assumption that the summoned model won't be in play the whole game. In other words, a model summoned on turn 4 can only see two turns of play, where as a model purchased can potentially see the whole game.

    But if a model drops into play and is suddenly scoring you victory points, it's easily as valuable as any model purchased at the start of the game, while having been paid for with only a few cards/AP.

    While ressers may not have been breaking the tournament scene, summoners certainly dominate certain pools.

    Ressers really don't pay more for their models than other factions. And their low Df is generally offset by more wounds/hard to wound, not summoning.

    I think this is a pretty great change. :)

    • Like 3
  5. On 4/17/2017 at 3:00 PM, Lindsey said:

    I'll miss everyone so much. <3 <3 <3 But I'll still be popping in on the forums from time to time. I'm like the Black Joker, I'll appear suspiciously often.  

    Post without the ability to ban people who disagree with you? How degrading!


    Best of luck :)

    • Like 4
  6. 20 minutes ago, Kadeton said:

    What do you find her strengths are, outside of the beast bomb? Other than taxiing beaters across the board, I struggle to think of any area where she's not outclassed by the other Masters. I'd be interested to hear about alternate styles for her!

    Sit back and enjoy 6 AP per turn? :P


    Ranked purely by my personal preference:

    1) Molly

    2) Reva

    3-7) Those unfortunate masters who are not Molly or Reva. May they have our pity.

    • Like 4
  7. 2 hours ago, iamfanboy said:

    Intentionally kept vague is my guess. What I meant by perfectly clear is that I knew who the people were (they were all Guild heroes), I knew what the stakes were (releasing Cherufe from his prison and devastating the world of Malifaux and beyond), and I was invested in seeing a positive resolution for the story.

    But to someone picking up the book idly? The M2e books had some of the worst storytelling of all, because by itself most of the stories lacked any context even if they had good writing.

    Context is everything when you're telling a story. If I started a story with, "One guy slammed his hand on the library table and said, 'If you don't give me back my ring I'm going to kill you in your sleep!'" then it's a story about violent people. If I preface it by saying, "One time, when me and my friends were playing D&D at the public library, we got the cops called on us after Charlie shouted..." then it's a funny gaming-and-real-life intersection story.

    So much of M2e floats without context. The boxes don't tell you what or who is inside. The overarching story is only accessible with access to now-obsolete books (and has changed some, where's Leveticus' central position? Usurped by Perdita?) and is now looking to be spread between the three games of Malifaux, TTB, and TOS.

    I mean, I certainly love it a lot more than many other games I've played in the past and future, and there's a reason I'm glad to hench for Wyrd, but it'd be easier if I didn't have to photocopy the 1e book and leave the story at the store for people to read.

    That's really only fair criticism of the M2E core book (which is, you know, an important book so not being dismissive). Everything after that focused on self-contained short stories that generally revolved around the new masters in the book. Granted, if you're completely unfamiliar with Malifaux there will be some context missing, but if every short story rebuilt the world they'd be a bit of a drag to read.

  8. On March 13, 2017 at 11:57 AM, sirbrokensword said:

    I have to say, as a new player, with 15+ years of wargaming experience, Malifaux isn't as easy to get into as I'd like.  I struggled to find any comprehensive model images overview.  I'm having a hard time learning about the factions, and the characters within.  Ultimatley I impulse purchased the box I did, which is super rare for me.   Honestly, I'm still kinda lost.  I got a digital rules manual, so hopefully there's some stuff in there.


    Also, is there like a scheemes deck or print out?  I played a game and flipping the book to check on them was awful.


    Also with guild, any suggestions on where to go from the Ortega box?

    I would highly recommend the Torch and Blade box to anyone starting Guild. Sonnia is a top tier master and witchlings are universally good (and single piece models).

    The two player starter isn't a bad idea either. 


    1 hour ago, Sheebee said:

    That's the issue though.  Even if there are stronger and weaker models, not having the exact model you need against a specific enemy/encounter is a direct competitive disadvantage.  Again, this is according to him, not me.  I feel like WM is similar in that regard.

    That's just not realistically how it works out. You generally know the strategies and schemes before hand so you can plan out the 2-3 Masters you want to bring plus model swaps, usually around 25 models.

    And even if you felt inclined to buy a whole faction (which, again, is pretty unrealistic) it's going to run you a similar amount to the two warmachine lists you need in tournies.

    But it doesn't sound like it's you we need to convince, so...

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