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About quietus

  • Birthday 04/09/1982

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  1. :crazy: God talk about :driver: in circles .... Kinda obvious that assembly and painting go hand in hand here ... Does that mean someone is a terrorist if they don't paint :nod: of course not ... I didn't read one single person say they are against someone to that extreme. Geez are all these threads this silly? :blowup::blowup:
  2. Thats what I mean ... it was like they assumed they were to win, therefore never really came as aggressive as they were before !!! :fight: :gunman: :vb_mad2: :whip: :clap: but :blackeye: weak just weak ... still love em though and super proud of our guys!!!
  3. Yeah I love hockey, a bit odd for a southerner :crazy: But errr Always liked the sharks but fell more for the leaves ... -next- I'm proud of you canadians but :rocketwho Really sad we didn't fully show up in overtime ... good job and congrats though! :nod:
  4. Cool ... cool, cool. To start thank you guys!!! As far as tricks ... I do like them but more so to give myself some flexibility. Lady J seems to put out a little more damage than Lilith, but Lilith has a bit more tactical range ... ? How is the convict gunner, and the sniper sniper merc? Also seems like the Witchling Stalkers are what is recommended the most here / so far? again thanks so much guys! Sorry for the Double post ... Just the forum is a bit more funky than I am use to.
  5. Cool ... cool, cool. To start thank you guys!!! As far as tricks ... I do like them but more so to give myself some flexibility. Lady J seems to put out a little more damage than Lilith, but Lilith has a bit more tactical range ... ? How is the convict gunner, and the sniper sniper merc? Also seems like the Witchling Stalkers are what is recommended the most here / so far? again thanks so much guys!
  6. Okay I got with Dave T.O. (the HNIC) (Head Native Irishman Commander guy of the storefront we call LGS Giga) ;D I went ahead and ordered Lady Justice, the Judge, and a deck. Rule book I have to wait on :'( ... I am not sure what else I will run but I think these will be about where I want to start? I want to find maybe 2 models that will give me some tricks, what kind of tricks? I am not certain, mainly because I am mostly unaware of what has is available. Along with a couple of "trick type" / "buffing" models, I would like to add 2-3 / tough troops with good H2H and perhaps they could be pistoleers as well. If I can I would also like to add a BFG toting SOB (not sisters of Battle) (more like Supper Obama Black) does anyone have any solid ideas? Also Lilith, as I hear is a Super beat stick as well, what are the major differences between her and Lady J? And If anyone has the patience maybe how she plays / interacts with troops, and for those really patient could you describe i general the different troop types available with in there faction? I would also ask preferences of available troops for mercs, in reference to this post. This may be the wrong place so I'll just start a new thread.
  7. Hey guys wanted to put out an official salute to all of you
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