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Everything posted by AntiZombie

  1. Ya i have to agree. Despite my repeatedly playing to to make her viable, even when i win with her she just isn't all that much fun. I have played with her more than any other master and now i feel like she is just meh. I have given her the necessary puppets and she still just isn't that much fun. I also find that when i play with her i don't DO anything with her. Sure she casts a spell every once in a while but for the most part i find myself with excessive actions on my hands. Some possibilities for her (though she doesn't need ALL the things): -Make BYOB an ability that can be used once per turn. -make her able to move more than any other puppet -jack up her defense -allow her to cast a spell that gives her a natural mask for her abilities ( and have it go off on a 12 of masks or some such) - Allow her to resurrect sorrows like seamus resurrects bells I think the speed thing would be great. Make her fast so she can go on the offensive to steal workbenches. I know i would probably have a lot of fun with that.
  2. Hey all, have a well painted miss pack up on ebay http://www.ebay.com/itm/140701692261?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 Also some kingdom death stuff: Lion knight the second: http://www.ebay.com/itm/140701698155?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 And Mother http://www.ebay.com/itm/140701701512?ssPageName=STRK:MESELX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1555.l2649 peace out, AZ
  3. Hey all got a new review of a game up on my blog, this week it's Rusted Heroes http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2012/02/rusted-heroes-review-becuase-youve.html peace out, AZ
  4. Hey all, I will be at temple con with my puppet wars stuff. I was wondering if anyone was interested in getting some games in at some point who is going. Shoot me a PM and we can get together. I have enough for everyone but obviously it is good to bring your own stuff too. Come meet the antizombie now with 100% more buisness cards
  5. I have not played Heavy gear blitz yet but i was gonna pick up a demo this weekend ( i have a lot of demos in mind this weekend). Thanks for the offer but ill probably stick with the Haqqislam. I have head a lot of conflicting views on infiniti. Some say it's the best game ever and some that it has a lot of problems, so i look forward to tyring it out sometime. In addition i have painted up a Combined army for a client of mine and it is in fact a sexy sexy army.
  6. sure thing. I have a pretty good community here. I just got my stuff today. I think the Haqqislam is pretty cool but i cant keep the names strait . It will be on the backburner though since i will have a Templecon article, Rusted heroes (bet ya never heard of THAT one! ) and maybe some dark age/relic knights/sedition wars depending on what i demo at T con
  7. Hey guys thanks for the words of encouragement. And thanks for your input Karn. The repetitiveness is indeed what really resonated with me. I am glad to hear that i am not the only one who felt that way. As for the throw rules sadly the stuff i downloaded didn't have them! In fact it didn't bother to explain crit hits, throw or a host of other latent abilities. still though it was a good set of rules to get started with. I actually just traded all my anima figures for infiniti stuff that i am really looking forward to. That is acutally what spurred me to dust them off and try them, figured i might as well give em a test drive before i trade em in.
  8. hey all, Finally got around to using some of my anima miniatures and put together this review for the game. I know a few people were interested in seeing what it was like. http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2012/01/anima-tactics-review.html peace out, AZ
  9. I actually stopped playing before it was cool (hehe) with the advent of good ol Warmachine (prime vs 1.0). I still played for a while but eventually i just stopped. I still have 3000 points of brettonians and 2500 points of High elves. I just can't bear to part with them since the brets were my first painted army ( every one is a different color scheme) and the high elves are just a cool color scheme and painted well. I have since sold ( all painted) my 2000 pt empire army, 2000 point goblin army ( that's right no orcs), 1500 tomb kings and 3000 points wood elves. Thankfully i got a good price for them. Frankly though, i don't play non board games as much any more since puppet wars and super dungeon explore came out though.
  10. Hey just got a miss demeanor up on ebay if anyone is interested: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=140671637468
  11. As far as i am concerned she is just an alternate AWESOME! I got mine a few days ago and am exceedingly happy with them.
  12. Hey all, So i have a red and a green teddy for puppet wars for sale/trade. They are 30$ each, or both for 50$. However, if you have a Kingdom death flower knight i will give you both in a trade for the FK. PM me if your interested. US only please. Peace, AZ
  13. figures on horses. It's like hey i just finished this great figure, now i get to paint the horse... second to that would have to be the Gaki
  14. Hey all, saw this on CMON and thought i would share it. Only 89 left i got two http://www.coolminiornot.com/shop/miniatures/limited-editions/steampunk-tinker-belle-limited-edition-350.html
  15. Yes i suspect that pokey vik and the hooded rider will be in the next release and they have state that they will not be released for "a very long time".
  16. Hey all, A home grown indy game that i was intimately involved in has finally been released! Check out my review: http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2011/12/pocket-kung-fu.html peace out, AZ
  17. I do not belive this is so. If there is an effect that alters defense it alters the base defense of the model. So if a model's normal defense is 5 masks and is affected by scary face it is then 5 masks crows. If the model dodges the dodge cards replaces the original defense thus negating the scary face effect.
  18. Um sorry Silver C you are most definitly Robin. but thats ok cause hes awesome in the new teen titans
  19. I wouldnt worry too much. Since there is only one teddie sculpt and the rest are cards i doubt they will run out as they can just produce what is demanded.
  20. Flash tompson the legless army veteran is the new venom. And the goverment is controlling the symbiote. It's a REALLY cool premise. In spider island he does a boss fight along with captain america it is truly epic.
  21. You should definitly check out the new Venom. I was sceptical but now i am super excited to read it each month. Might be worth checking out the first graphic novel. Also everytime they kill spider man i get really sad. Recently they killed ultimate spider man peter parker and a new guy is taking his place. I stopped reading i had been following that comic since issue 20
  22. Yay a spam bot actually made a usefull thread! Love the dc reboot, especially aquaman (ya you heard me) teen titans jla and action comics. Venom and ultimate hawkeye are another two I keep up on. Indy wise it's gotta be fables ( ok it's dark horse) usagi yojimbo, and mouse guard
  23. Hey all, christmas came early so i unboxed it for you all! http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2011/11/super-dungeon-explore-unboxing.html peace out, AZ
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