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Everything posted by AntiZombie

  1. Hey all, a review of Ron & Bones for those of you who have not yet been press ganged into piratey service yet. http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2011/02/picture-it-middle-of-carribean.html I hope it is helpful to all those who are thinking about sailing the 7 seas. Peace AZ
  2. i dont think they are that hard to make ( i should try a few...) but i woudl suspect that you can create flat patties out of green stuff about a fourth of an inch in diameter and put them together at odd angles. Than cut the tips off of toothpics for the pricklies. Sagebrush is easily created using brillo pads or fish tank filters. Coupla cattle heads can be found in various bits found across the miniature lines. And if your feeling frisky grab an eagle off of a brettonian errant knight.
  3. ok i want to fight 6th on the list (thats how it works right)? (team names are fun though )
  4. well i have to be different so my final teams are: Mystic detectives: Green Hornet, The spirit, and Willow before she went nuts Nefarious shadows Hush, Prince Zuko ( hunting for avatar zuko), Baba Yaga ( fables)
  5. we can switch out Zabuza for Prince Zuko from avatar
  6. i do one of a number of things watch big bang reruns or mythbuster reruns or music: Stars, Postal Service, smashing pumpkins
  7. I think i like this game but im not sure im clear on the concept but here it goes... Mystic Detectives The Spirit (will eisner's the spirit), Green Hornet (Green Hornet), Willow ( buffy the vampire slayer - before she went crazy) Vs Nefarious shadows Hush (Batman), Zabuza (naruto), Baba Yaga ( From the Comic Fables)
  8. Dragon quest nine is alot of fun. I had to stop playing it because graduate genetics is HARD. Its a little campy but overall a good time. Im trying to make my main character look and act like Ramona from Scott Pilgrim Vs the World and its working out fabulously ( just gotta find a bigger hammer)
  9. Its changed a bit over the decades. Its still great fun though and it gives the wife and I something to do together while letting us get out in nature a little.
  10. Hey all, Got a snow day so i thought id update my blog with some Ron and Bones minis. Check it out. http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/2011/02/showcase-ron-and-bones.html peace out, AZ
  11. hmm how did i miss this thread? I do the following when im not painting/playing - board(ish) games - letterboxing (http://www.atlasquest.com/) - keeping a coral reef - regular art (drawing painting ceramics)
  12. So what happens when the groundhog gets crushed by snow in new england? ITS WINTER FOREVER, dang....
  13. Hey check these out Alice: http://www.taleofwar.com/shop/product.php?id_product=73 Maybe a mock turtle can be converted from this: http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/mainwebsite_html/gallery/v_7961_Tortoise.htm The caterpillar: http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/mainwebsite_html/gallery/v_7967_SnailCartographer.html The door mouse: http://www.darkswordminiatures.com/mainwebsite_html/gallery/v_7965_MouseThief.html And just as an FYI the jabberwocky is never actually in alice and wonderland (cept for the new movie). The jabberwocky - with the vorpral sword - is mentioned in a poem found in through the looking glass. Id imagine a queen of hearts would be easy to find too and card knights would be easy to make out of plasticard and knight bits.
  14. Hey all, my blog continues. Reviewing Thunderstone this week since the new expansion came out recently. Have a few pics up on there just for eye candy. http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/ Next week i will be reviewing ron and bones. peace, AZ
  15. He looks great. Ive never seen that mini before but i really like the colors you used to shade things up. Im not a big fan of the base though. The painting on it is great but i think there is too much going on with it and it distracts from the mini. The glossy water is very well done though. very nice work on the shovel too.
  16. Hey all, I started a gaming blog this year and i thought i might share my experiences with this game. I have painted the complete range or minis released for this game and have created a painted dungeon. So if you want to check it out here is the link, pics are in the post http://livininagamerparadise.blogspot.com/ peace, AZ
  17. Interested in the magnus box. I have a rasputina box (opened and painted a little, i could proabbably strip it for you) i also have ramos stuff. I would be willing to trade both as is for the box and renegade. PM me if intereested.
  18. Things ive been playing: Console ( cause i love my nintendos!): Dragon Quest 9 ( DS ), and my wife and i are playing Kirby's epic yarn. Non digital: Thunderstone ( woooo for the new expansion), Super dungeon explore ( fully painted now ) and im sad to say im trying to get into the naruto TCG (its my guilty anime pleasure)
  19. That looks outstanding tang . I have all my blocks cast i just have to build the things. I think i am going wall-less due to the poor ranking up of my guys but yours looks great. it looks like there were not alot of molds used either. 4 or 5?
  20. a good tip for beginers is to paint the base a color similar to your basing materials before you apply them, that way if you miss a small spot its covered and looks natural. Otherwise i recomend playing with greenstuff till you learn how to use it for basing
  21. i know, and paintin the broad spaces is really a good painting exercise too! its nice to have a new painting experiance. Plus the models lend themselves to free hand and bright colors.
  22. If you go to the hirst art mold websight it has some recomendations for good plasters. I use Merlin magic plaster and have found it to be durable and cheep. There are also alot of tutorials on the site with regards to what you can make with the molds.
  23. Ya tang, in most universes Kobolds are little dragon underlings ( i love the D&D monster manual) finished my preist too, ill try to post him up soon
  24. im excited. There is suppose to be a boss fight at the end of the dungeon and i always thought the Shamen was the boss! is there a dragon? cause i want there to be a dragon. So excited!
  25. I didnt forget to post it im just lazy and they sold out of the gouger, but my bad guys are gonna be so bad they dont NEED the extra gouger. They already strong armed all my reaper girls and wood elf dragon to one side of my mini display case. The only thing standing between them and a horde of pretty girls is a brave paladin, a firey mage and Percy the Platimagus ( percy dont back down from no one!) ive got the deomonkin too, can you belive they didnt give her a tail!>!? i had to mod one on. Geeze, a anime demon girl with no tail? Blasphemy!
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