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Posts posted by wizuriel

  1. Frankie is awesome, and as Dirial noted, Papa is a good addition. Santiago can shoot into melee, which is useful with a melee focussed crew that might need a "last blow", and Nino can snipe scheme runners. I am failing to see where the posse does not help out the lady J box.

    The J box adds some minions to the otherwise enforcer heavy family box, and adds some good melee options.

    I actually forgot about Papa :(.

    Really wouldn't recommend Santiago or Nino though, unless you also get Abuela to marry Lady J into the family. Both of their more fun tricks only work around family members. Problem is the little synergy Lady J does is more focused around minions and by the time you include all the family that is your crew. Though to each there own. 

  2. And yeah, Guild Guard aren't actively bad - if they were a point cheaper they would be a crazy bargain so it's not like they are horrible mispriced or anything. But I just meant that if you have the whole Faction, you aren't very likely to put the Guard onto the table ever.

    Which is really unfortunately because a lot of the Guild Guard models seem super nice and would love to play an active guard patrol crew. They really just need some more heavy hitters in theme (wish Executioners got classified as a guardsmen, I think that would have really helped both the executioner and the guard patrol). 

    Anyways bBack on topic though I would disagree with the Perdita box with Justice. Outside of Francisco none of the family really synergize or help Justice. Granted Francisco is one of the best henchmen in the game (and an amazing choice for Justice). If you don't want to have 2 masters though at the start when learning the game Austringers might be a better choice just to build up on what Justice's box has. Austringers can help with schemes, speed up your crew, harass the enemy from long range and get Justice out of a iffy situation. I also really like the pathfinder with Justice and Austringers.


    Though if you don't mind starting with 2 masters both Perdita and Justice box are good choices. 

  3. Just a heads up but the "Your Drunk go Home" trigger I believes needs both a mask and a tome. Only way for him to get it is to stone for 1 suit and flip or cheat in the other.


    As for fighting Brewmaster I recommend lures to pull your models out of his zone of happy fun party drinking time(why you want to drag models out of said zone of happy fun party drinking time is beyond me).

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  4. In the stat modifiers example it says "the Sh of the model is increased accordingly". Just the models Sh is affected. Not any Sh duel the model takes.


    The problem is the example in the BRB is very specific that the condition only improves the SH on attacks against a model within 6inches. Not many examples are as specific or clear cut. 

  5. Other models using that model's stats would not get the penalty because power loop allows you to use printed stat. It would be pretty silly if you could loop in a Guardian that has El Mayor buff.


    Gah didn't read printed stat. My bad


    edit: I agree that stat modifications can really use some errata on how they work around conditions and referencing other model's stats

  6. They have four wounds and Reckless. When at full, they will likely take three hits or so to kill which is indeed rather nice but it's a very precarious balance and when at three Wd they will likely go down in two hits. I really wouldn't describe them as "really good tarpits".

    It's certainly a nice Aura but it requires a Suit (and an important one at that) and though the area is rather nice, it still means that the Survivor needs to be in the thick of things and their 2" Melee already prohibits charging so it's not that big a deal.

    It's not a very good way of doing it, though - I'm not sure I see a place for Survivors in a Brewie squad.

    It's true that their gun remaining Ml is interesting with Mah.

    But the big thing is that there simply isn't room in Gremlin lists for models like the Survivor, I think. There are so many better choices and Survivors don't have a proper niche, really. They try to do all sorts of things but are sorta lackluster at everything.

    I think that with a stronger sense of purpose they could've made for a viable 5SS Gremlin without making them OP. But now they sort of flail every which way without excelling at anything, really.


    Even if they take a wound from reckless I see them lasting a bit (especially compared to other models in faction). They have the same defense as Rooster Riders, Lightning Bugs and Slop Haulers, but 1-2 less wounds. Looking at them in a vacuum though compared to other 5-6pt minions


    min damage 1 will kill in

    Survivor = 4 hits

    Lightning Bug = 6 hits

    Slop Hauler = 5 hits

    Rooster Rider = 6 hits


    min damage 2 will kill in

    Survivor = 4 hits

    Lightning Bug = 3 hits

    Slop Hauler = 3 hits

    Rooster Rider = 3 hits


    min damage 3 will kill in

    Survivor = 3 hits

    Lightning Bug = 2 hits

    Slop Hauler = 2 hits

    Rooster Rider = 2 hits


    even if they take 1 wound from reckless and no other models in that list do, they will still last as long as the other models. So what other model do you take for tarpitting?


    Or what other close combat models do you take with Mah (granted playing a competitive Mah is probably another thread in itself)?


    Yeah brewie does have a few options for ranged poison. Trixie is a good one and iirc performers can do it, still not many ways for ranged poison (granted surviviors also need a trigger to do it as well as casting to get the ranged, still not like there many other ways to start the poison before Brewie is in the middle of an enemy crew).



    Honestly I don't think they are amazing models, but they are far from useless. Unless fighting a heavy armor list I would probably take them over lightning bugs personally. 

  7. So can anyone confirm whether Survivors got anything after the beta ended?

    What just occurred to me is, they can't Reckless to shoot and charge in the same turn. In fact, they lose the ability to make disengaging strikes if they achieve "This Thing Shoots?!" I'm at a loss about these guys and very disappointed if their card is no better than when the beta ended.

    Five stones for Def 5, 4 Wounds, Walk 4 and having to reach a TN to shoot. Why bother? :)


    because armor with hard to kill in a faction with so much healing turns them into really good tarpits, the no charge aura is amazing for a few masters (looking at Ophilia) and they are one of the few ways you can get poison at range for Brewmaster. MI5 with a 2/4/5 (iirc) damage profile will also be handy for Mah. 

  8. Just read the initial question, not the thread.

    First things that came to mind were:

    1) reach things on high shelves

    2) wash


    Not so sure on the first point.

    In game Lenny is HT3 

    Model wise the kin boxset is as big as most humans (and some of them aren't even fully grown yet). 

  9. Depends how you want to play Wong.


    If you want the super glowly model of death Lenny + Gracie is a fun combo.


    Sammy is really useful since both of Wong's limited can/are amazing.


    Slop Haulers are always useful (also lower defense = easier time to get more blasts from Wong)

    • Like 1
  10. Both the pigapult and Lenny only allow you to FedEx HT1 models (with a few additional restrictions depending on the model).


    The saddle that Gracie can use though allows you to carry any friendly non-rooster Gremlin model. So you can have a mobile pigapult that is FedExing Gremlins into your opponents deployment zone ;)

  11. The biggest problem I see from the Guild's perspective with independent SS mine's is even if they can't sell/export to earth, there a lot of people in Malifaux I imagine the Guild doesn't want to get soul stones (Resurrectionists and Arcanists). While I don't see them having the force to police all mines , I see them still trying to control everything. 


    Think if/when I run this will have a heavier guild presence trying to influence the election. Though still not sure what they would do if that fails. Imagine trade sanctions and trying to get some of their own people/supporters in power (though guess that doesn't work depending how badly they need water).

  12. Really like Wardens and Death Marshals with Lucius. Being able to get multiple Pinebox attempts a turn is great for getting people in the box. Warden are just fantastic at making the horror duels and being able to give off ranged paralyzes. 


    Sam combined with Dashel and Riflemen can be a fun combination. If they hide in cover burn them out, if they aren't in cover have the riflemen shoot them.

  13. Perdita- Enslaved Neph- I like him

    Sonnia- Purifying Flame-  Much prefer the Child with Sonnia, Never found the Flame that useful

    McMourning- Chihuahua- auto take

    Lucius- Scribe- Never take

    Lady J- Scales- Never Take

    Hoffman- Mechanical Attendant- Don't use him

    Lucas- Luna- Don't use him


    I want to like the Govorner's Proxy more, but the WK of 3 just does him in. He really, really needs a WK4 or better range on his healing to keep up with the crew. 

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