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Posts posted by Slinkdawg

  1. I remember when I was first learning the rules and getting into Malifaux (with the Viki's boxset), I would end up with a bunch of low cards around turn 2 or 3 and not know what to do...

    After a few games, I learned that you can apparently discard cards from your control hand during the draw phase before you draw cards and replenish your hand.

    I was wondering if some of you have similar "Duh!" stories like this that you could add, and this could be a helpful thread for people running demos and folks just getting into the game.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. +1 on the above suggestions for Taelor and the Convict. Taelor adds a little bit of durability and solid a beat stick to the crew, while the Convict adds some ranged support to the very melee-heavy crew.

    With the viki's I like to leave myself 7 or 8 soulstones if i can. You are basically running 2 capable fighters that can use stones for defense to avoid taking hits, or to slaughter things. Lastly, play on boards with some terrain they can use for cover. Malifaux generally should be played with a generous amount of terrain anyway. Enjoy the vikis...

  3. I will find you some info or write a longer post later if I have time, but I really like the 2 brush blend technique since I learned it.

    Basically, base coat with a lighter color. For the darker color, you lay it down in the shaded areas (thinned down a bit) and use a second brush with some spit to blend out towards the lighter color.

    Probably more to it than that, but it is great when you want to put in some good blending and shading.

  4. Good points made in the above. I usually would not run all 3 ronin, but at least one is pretty good. Other than that, I like to run either Taelor, Bishop, or Convict GS.

    Sometimes for the Viki yoyo, you do not want to run the viki's side by side. Swapping them can be pretty nasty and effective, when your opponent has something that can threaten them.

  5. Once in a while, I have found that it can be helpful to run the vikis further apart. Losing companion is a pain, but it does let them swap places and keep at least one of them safe.

    Also, another note on the viks, make sure you bring some soulstones with them. They can be glass cannonish, but soulstones will help them avoid getting hit or to kill nearby threats.

  6. Many good points above, but I wanted to throw in my 2 cents.

    Pros: When I play Malifaux, my models feel a bit more resilient on the table. Part of it is the duel/flip mechanic and the ability to cheat fate when you need to. Models like Bishop or Taelor can weather a pretty good beating if they need to. Cheating fate is also double complete rainbow awesome. I know what my "dice rolls" for the turn are roughly going to look like before I even start my turn. Schemes are cool that you dont always have to win by master kill. Lastly, no infantry units = me not painting 10 of the same guy.

    Cons: It is kind of a pain how much errata there already is. Awesome models (and low model count) make me need to go crazy trying to go all out with the paint job. December's curse kicked my dog and stole my wallet.

  7. One of my favorite things about malifaux, as a newish player, is that models on both sides of the table are pretty resilient. If I had a dime for every warmahordes game where my killer unit or best jack got completely nuked before it sae any action... i'd have a few dimes.

    I like how the card mechanic builds in some forgiving elements and let's you turn on the pain once you know the roped better.

  8. Just saw the Waldgeist in the May releases on the front page. Not exactly what I was expecting.

    However, the model does look pretty cool. Probably cooler than the evil ent / evil wizard of Oz / evil zelda link to the past tree I was thinking of.

    Will be fun to bring one of these guys with the ole Lilith crew.

  9. Welcome to the game.

    For primer, I have recently switched over to black duplicolor after years of hearing how great it is. It's an automotive primer and really bonds well to the metal, holds up well.

    I strongly recommend picking up the rule book as a first priority. It will help you learn the game and give you a great overview of all the factions and models (even some still not released). I asked plenty of newbie questions when I first got into the game, but if you at least read the rules it will help you ask much better questions.

    Even with errata so far... For all the information, fluff, and model pics (to help give ideas how to paint your minis someday) the book is hands down a great value for the enjoyment/value you'll get out of it.

  10. I am also going through a slump with gaming. I have finished painting up a Lilith starter and a viktorias starter (johan remains unpainted but is not urgent), but i am finding it tough to drive out to the LGS.

    I had a blast playing in a Malifaux tourney at templecon, but have been getting frustrated feeling out the meta (and constantly getting pwned) in Warmachine and Hordes. I'm sure will get back into it again eventually. With newer games it can be frustrating figuring out newer armies/tactics while you and your opponent get used to new rulesets and muddle through things.

    I could do without some of the bitching and arguing over rules constantly. People forget that it is just a game and take things way too seriously sometimes.

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