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Posts posted by docbungle

  1. I like your article on Som'er, it gave me new ideas on how to exploit the gremlin with the biggest hat even more!

     I helped a person :D


    If anyone has someone they want me to look at (helps me figuring models out) please let me know, already had suggestion of McTavish on Twitter so any more welcome....keeps me busy

  2. Hi All

    As I am slowly getting to grips with various Gremlins (first love no matter what Yan Lo says). I have been doing some blog posts about the various models we have access to.

    These will slowly grow, but please bear in mind I am not a particaulrly good player (I get by) so these are based on my opnions. There are better players to listen to, but I do hope to cover the majority of gremlins eventually.

    Any suggestions are welcome be it tweaks/things I have missed or the next models to cover.




    Mah Tucket




    Old Cranky






    Mancha Roja









    The Sow

    Lucky Effigy



    Rooster Rider

    Wild Boar

    Lightning Bugs


    Slop hauler

    • Like 3
  3. I'm up for anything. I have been playing Lilith only but fancy trying out neverborn Lucius or my Hamelin crew


    Playing Somer mainly although could try Ophelia. Will try any Gremlin master as long as people not bothered by proxies (eg Somer is master A/B/C if need be). Still waiting on my Brewmaster Wyrd ;)


    Would be interested in looking at 10T stuff if people have it, looking at maybe expanding.. MAYBE.......

  4. Fingers vs golem is incredibly hard one.

    Chatty and ability to heal is very powerful. But golem hits like an avalanche and can take a beating!

    My problem is making the wrong call, find I wanted the other one for the game I played :(

    Upgrades with golem dont bother when I have taken him. While Fingers I have used as a slop hauler witg the bonus healing, especially when I have moonies.

    But as you say would love to take both if the price was better.

    • Like 1
  5. Excellent write up Darguth, I'll give 'em another go (like I said, I WANT to love them!), I'm still not entirely convinced but table time is fairer than just slagging them off here


    They are also great against ressers, as generally you have to deal with hard to wound across the board. So just a faction of :+fate for you to play with. Yes they have a lot of competition from the Monks but I like both

  6. Wasnt sure the best place to put this, but will ask anyway :)


    As Burt, Wong and Gracie came out as plastics anyway what will happen with their current models?


    Will Wong get a crew box as you would expect with a master OR will he get a seperate booster box including totem etc?


    As I already own him and Burt not sure I like the idea of ending up with idenitical duplicates if I want what is in a crew box :S


    Anyone know or have an idea of what Wyrd will do?




  7. Hi all

    Been long time since I have been on here :(

    Anyway I am resurrecting my original crew of gremlins and I want to add the pigapult in just for giggles ;)

    Now here is the problem, I don't like the miniature I know I know its one of the few I do not like.

    So I need ideas for alternates, what have people used/or wanted to use


  8. I have come up with a little thing on twitter that I know a lot of people are getting into!

    So I thought its time the community made its voice heard so I suggest #miniaturemonday

    So I have started it yesterday and actually got some daft people doing it!

    So thought may as well advertise the idea here as well


    Shameless plug for my blog! :hippie:

    So next week come on Malifaux show twitter what for :slap:

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