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Posts posted by Vin

  1. The sword arm, or sword, you could possible green stuff, or try to find a similarly sized bit from another range.

    If you have friends or even just see people at the game shop playing warhammer, they likely have spares around somewhere that you can try to work with.

  2. Looks good. Layers of resin for a more realistic water pool would be nicer looking, but also more time consuming and likely a little bit pricier.

    For playable terrain i think it looks great.

    If you were going for a more diorama based piece i'd go with pixelante's advice.

    I have worked with both resin and water effects. It depends on the company. Some "water effects" are used to simulate rough water, like white caps. Others are used to simulate still water.

    Resin is always good for flat or still water. But you have to work in thin layers.

    Experiment and see what works for you.

    Sorry for the block of text

  3. I think that may be learning curve. So many of the figures have tons of rules.

    My first few games dragged something fierce. To tone it down, we actually tried Lady J vs Ortegas with only 1 special rule per figure for a game. It really helped us get the basic rules down better.

    Malifaux is a deep game and not as easy to start up, at least in my opinion. Once you get the basics down though, and understand your crew, it speeds up considerably.

    Hang in there, well worth the slow start.

  4. I actually have been using cheap wooden birdhouses from Michael's craft store for anything that may resemble a building, like the creepy structure.

    You can also look at their off season holiday items for good cheap finds. Cemetery stuff like tombs or headstones from Halloween. Trees with snow will be cheap come Dec 26th.

    Usually a little paint or some balsa wood planking will get them game ready quickly.

    For 30mm counters I ordered some cheap plastic discs from glasseyesonline.com. Just put some bits on them that may look like treasure, scrap, or bloody pools.

    I have not made books yet, but my master plan was just a little plastic card sandwiches painted to look bookish.

    Hope that helps.

  5. @dsmiles - not to highjack a thread, but how do you find the Doc O'Brien powders compared to something like Secret weapon.

    I purchased some SW powders, but I've been gun shy about smearing my minis with pigments. I never used them before.

    I saw the Doc powders in the Micro-Mark catalog and at their price point I'd be more keen on testing away on terrain before I try on my actual minis.

    As for verdigris, I've used the hawk turquoise method myself. While some practice is needed to get a feel for how watery yo need the wash. You can get some nice results.

  6. I love my Malifaux bag, but some of the standard height 2 models do tend to rub the edges of the small slots a bit.

    I just trim the foam or use the larger slots, as I have not filled it yet.

    It is tough to custom fit if you don't have all of your figs yet, but if you go custom down the road, you can still use the original foam for storage around the house.

    Just use the bag for actual transport.

    The new budget bag looks good for the price. Just measure your models and compare to your crew. I assume the smaller models would be fine and the larger ones may need some foam trimming.

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